Party loyalist bureaucrats ignore critical science because it isn't convenient to their interests, wonder what that sounds like.
Other urls found in this thread:
Democrats and their idiot "racism doesn't exist" and their even more idiotic "Climate change" non science.
It sounds like Lithuanian construction companies that make Latvian supermarkets.
Saudi lobbyists
it sounds like this
Man and woman. Gg
Why are you spamming this show on pol? Did I miss something?
>tfw no reactor gf
Lots of politicians push diversity. Any in particular you want to talk about?
>Party loyalist bureaucrats ignore critical science because it isn't convenient to their interests, wonder what that sounds like.
Democrats denying evolution and subscribing to a secular cult based on tabula rasa instead?
nailed it.
You stole this from a bluecheck who posted this like a week ago. Bad bait. Kill yourself.
>sage all fields
Obama administration in spades
Thinks science fiction is same as science
Sounds like (((academia))) and (((the media))) denying racial science in the midst of shitskins engaging in mass rape and mayhem.
I see it’s a propaganda against nuclear energy, but why all this push for sun and wind energy? It’s going to be expensive as fuck. Is this a way of removing the poor out of the population once and forever? Makes you think..
>I base my perception of reality with fictional television shows
This is how you know you're brainwashed.
sounds like biological denialism, very relevant, thanks for pointing that out.
Race realism and White genocide?
I really want to learn the origins of the Abbo
Climate Change is a natural and not man made so you can cancel the high taxes and authoritarian communist government shit now.
The lower level ones were in denial because they knew what the ramifications meant if it was true. The higher level ones ignored it because they didn't understand it and because they weren't allowed to publicly state that the State was ever wrong. The communist system at work here.