is she /ourgirl/ Jow Forums?
Is she /ourgirl/ Jow Forums?
If you have a 95.5 IQ yes.
MilkerChan for sure
If you’re into niggers I suppose so
I assume through her stupidity and media exposure she's doing more damage to the Democraps, so yeah, she's an asset.
That's being generous
Yeah she’s a fucking genius.
>If you have a 95.5 IQ yes.
That's a wetback bro.
Literally any girl with a decent breast to waist ratio is potentially /ourgirl/
>Brown, commie, zogbot, ch*ck
Hits all the tickmarks, of course she's /ourgirl/
Name a single dumb thing she's said that is dumber then anything Trump has said.
saying that the world will end in 12 years
>t. Doesn't know what an exaggeration is
>"It's better to be morally right than factually correct".
I wanna put my giant cock in her vegini and have a conversation with those shitty genes in those eggs. Probably change their views, who know?
we should accept her into the alt right while simultaneously stirring shit on twitter, that she is now in fact alt right, because the new left is now so far left anyway, regardless of context, shes now alt right. lol
The only good thing on that list is "Clean Campaign Finance"
>Medicare for all
>Housing as a human right
At least half the homeless need an asylum and drug rehabilitation, not a house
>Federal Jobs Guarantee
Absolutely retarded, the state needs to be fluid in it's initiatives, not stagnant
>Gun Control
Absolutely Un-American
>Justice reform
Changes could be made but her propositions are beyond retarded
>Abolish ICE
Come on, I'm done this is mental retardation
She's describing her faggot bf's dick
What specifically factually incorrect?
>>Medicare for all
It's not. Every other first-world country does this.
>>Housing as a human right
>At least half the homeless need an asylum and drug rehabilitation, not a house
Sounds like we need free Medicare for all then.
>>Federal Jobs Guarantee
>Absolutely retarded, the state needs to be fluid in it's initiatives, not stagnant
If the market isn't providing the necessary jobs for an area, what should be done instead?
>>Gun Control
>Absolutely Un-American
"well regulated militia". A gun ban would be unamerican. We've always had gun control.
>>Justice reform
>Changes could be made but her propositions are beyond retarded
You don't even know what her positions are
>>Abolish ICE
>Come on, I'm done this is mental retardation
ICE was established in 2003. We had immigration enforcement before then. ICE had been an enormous waste of money with no benefits what so ever.
She's another democrat larping as something else, specifically larping a poor latin chick of puerto rican descent who happens to be a huge fucking kike, I fucking hate nuyoricans, bunch of useless trash.
You guys are pure garbage to begin with
If I fucked her I'd be worried her crazy eyes would pop out and fall on to my stomach.
But seriously you boomers need to learn to STOP REPLYING TO SLIDE THREADS BY MEME FLAGS WITH >ONE POST BY THIS ID.
Creating stupid shit like this to trigger the schizos is the best thing about Jow Forums
>The goal posts, they're moving!
It's a woke sign when aoc does it anons.
The retard speaks
I have a man crush on her /b/ros
Decent meme but their terms should always be put in quote marks. Like this: "progress". Because their terms are always lies. And usually the exact opposite of what they are doing.
She’s retarded, that’s what she is.
>Wh-what are you gonna do, s-stupid CLIMATE DENIERS?! Y-you're gonna RAPE me, AREN'T YOU??
My TIGHT little HISPANIC PUSSY! Over and over. I bet! FUCK! I might even get PREGNANT! Waddling around, plump with MILK! I bet I coudn't even do my job in Congress. I might even have to BREASTFEED! Wouldn't that SUCK? Like a mouth on my titties?
How about my mouth on your COCK! BLECH! That's the NOISE I'd make after choking on your dick! And you'd CUM all over me! ALL OVER! It'd take me like 12 YEARS to clean it all up! I'd be a MESS! Just at it all day, HOLE after HOLE! Fucking like RABBITS till you PLOPPED out my ASSHOLE! And I'd spill your spunk all over the fucking place. So yeah. FUCK THAT! Like, how are you gonna screw ME! I don't want ANY of those things! I DEFINITELY don't want your SWEATY, naked, CLIMATE SCIENTIST, Democrat CUM DUMP!
Why do you feel the need to protect her all the time? It's fucking weird
fake and gay
The blonde girl on the left is cute. You can keep the mutts
She fucks white dudes.
She's fantastic. Finally a leader championing causes that support the working class that won't keel over anytime soon.