
what do you think about fascism?

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It doesn't go far enough

Has some good ideas. Problem is that most self-proclaimed "fascists" are just LARPers.

>what do you think?
Remember to SAGE and ignore side posts

What happened to bash the fashtag turning # into white supremacy?

I support fascism, so long as it’s the right kind I would definitely align more with NS tho.

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How should fascism be?

It was a reaction to communism as an answer to how to structure an industrial society.

Support, but don't see it happening in the US with current political systems. Fascism in the US requires an answer to the racial question, which I see only two possible solutions; separatism or unity, both of which will require large scale efforts to implement, likely war in the former case and a overhaul of current racial classification and race-based policies in the second. Not to mention getting Americans accustomed to not voting.

Sponsored by big industries owners,
led by someone who had ties with M16. I love many personalities who revolved around it, but I can't support it as a whole.

It's just another form of Marxism, minus being ruled by the global elite.


I wish that we could use the name fascist without the bad optics for the masses.
the left has done well branding it as something negative.
Maybe we can call ourselves “democratic fascist”

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We need to follow the teachings of Julius Evola and step beyond that which is limiting us as white men. Women must be seen as nothing more than breeding machines. For comfort and succor we must look to other men not women. Women should be viewed as mere slaves that we use for breeding purposes

its edgy

>democratic fascism

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Hate it. It is worship of the state.
Now, i'm not some gun toting freedumbtard who thinks zero state can work for an entire nation, but neither am I some leather clad closet homo wanting big daddy government to plug my ass with its black truncheon.

>leather clad closet homo wanting big daddy government to plug my ass with its black truncheon.
You are a leather clad open Tranny who wants big daddy goverment to shariaLaw fist your ass with AIDs ridden smegma cock..

fugg an bread superrrace uf yuGE Benis superman :DD
bretty good!!

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its the biggest threat to the kike hence why its demonized

You are a weakling. Democracy is the plague, fascism is the cure. There shall never be anything "democratic" about fascism. Fascism is not about democracy but that of the powerful exerting their will upon the weak. When we do thusly, we do as we please without the consent of the masses. We fascists are the only true anarchists

A technocratic model of fascism with a central AI as supreme being and humans as metaphysical and spiritual drones of the AI
building the plans it creates. Eventually becoming Godhead of a pure white theocratic fascist ethnostate, where the AI's code becomes integrated into your increasingly bionic being until the human body is no longer needed and your consciousness resides solely within the Godhead.

>democratic fascist

Quite hilarious. It'd be doubly so if I was actually English.
A for effort

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love it, national syndicalism is the best

>democratic fascist
anarcho monarchism levels of retardation

The flag is literally a faggot with an axe.

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together we form a mighty faggot

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The ideology was delegitimized by the retarded levels of aggression exhibited by the leaders.

Why attack Poland and Greece, two anti-communist nations if Germany and Italy really cared about anti-communism? Yes Germany was technically Natsoc, but it was a similar idea they implemented of Palingenetic ultra-nationalism and it began by annexing and declaring war on its anti-communist neighbors when the real threat was always communism.

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a political party geared to the lonely, pathetic disenfranchised looking for an idealistic leader to tell them what to do. it will inevitably squash the independent so as to fuel their war machine of idealism. Whatever that idealism is, is determined arbitrarily by its leader. Their only goal is to make their faction "win." Lost idiots who only exist to serve authority lap this shit up.
Basically fascism is for faggots.

Nationalism is good, and fascism's idea of organizing a state along organic lines is more common sense than anything else. It's retarded if you're unwilling to define what the nation meaningfully is, though--anyone who wants authoritarianism as an end in itself rather than a means to a higher one is probably brain damaged.
If the US were to become "fascist" overnight, it would just be boomer central with BASED BBC in MAGA hats. But an ethnically homogeneous European country would be served much better under a fascist system than a (((democratic))) one.


The ideology was delegitimized because it was a threat to established powers at the time, and more importantly they lost.

Attacking Poland over the Corridor was semi-justified, given the number of ethnic Germans there. But attacking Greece was just pants-on-head retarded.

He has the right idea, there needs to be a principle of democratic election, but modern neoliberal/globalist democracy does nothing but create an oligarchy. The modern neoliberal Republics in the west are just oligarchies with barely any democratic mandate.

The answer is simple: populism it has all the benefits of fascism (anti-communism and anti-oligarchy) with none of the drawbacks, and it allows an elements of autonomy and self rule.

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If the Germans had cared about keeping Europe stablized they would have ensured the territorial integrity of Poland, they were an anti-communist country and Stalin's biggest geopolitical concern up until 1939 when Hitler made his pact with the Soviets to dismantle them. Prior to 1939 Stalin had covertly executed literally hundreds of thousands of ethnic Poles before the war in fear they would revolt against a communist system they knew had already starved to death millions in Ukraine, which was less of a secret. Natsoc and fascists, at least before the war were easily in the moral clear, they hadn't executed millions like Stalin yet.

If Hitler had been smart he would have formed a coalition of East Euro nations against the Soviets not allied with the Soviets for marginal territorial gains. But Hitler was never in the game to ensure stability of Europe and non-German ethnicities he only cared about Germans.

After being steeped in this stuff for a while, I've come to an understanding.

The modern right wing has no real intellectual apparatus. Literature, historical narratives, science....it's all super left wing. And where the right wing half should be, is just vacant space. Because the right wing has steeped all their stuff in religion, which gets absolutely crushed in an academic setting. It's basically a movement for the peasantry and does not appeal to intelligent people.

But on the right, you can see little green shoots trying to poke up. There is a vague, scattered intellectual awareness, something trying to coalesce. Ted Kaczynski was circling around it, Bobby Fischer as well. That is, these ideas of race, heritage, traditionalism. This is essentially the fascist intellectual position. And it's a winning one. This is the true intellectual opposition to the left.

However because of the taboo, and because Conservatives have been captured by business interest and religious zealots, this intellectual movement has failed to get off the ground. All of this comes out of the fascist/national socialist movements of the past, which you can see had this deep intellectual foundation that the modern right completely lacks. It wasn't thoroughly fleshed out, even back then it was a bit hollow. But it was still building up, it was destroyed too soon.

Someone needs to finish the work that was started way back then and pull together all these fringe elements into a coherent philosophy, and start actually going to bat against the left

Weimar Problems require Weimar Solutions.

Hitler had tried several times to attain a coalition with eastern europe. My memory is fuzzy on this but leader of Poland was amendable to the idea but either another was elected in who was anti-germany which put the kabosh on the possible alliance, or the British foreign office was whispering poison in the Polish leaders ear.

>bunch of sticks
seems kinda gay

My family was White Russian and supported the ROA (which fought alongside the Germans against the commies). The Germans showed way too much autism towards Slavs, obviously, and a lot of their generals recognized that early on (I think it was Manstein who said that their biggest mistake wasn't planting a Ukrainian flag in Kiev the second they took the city, or something like that). Over time, I think it's been shown that Western finance capitalism and the soft power of apathetic hedonism has been much more of a threat to all nations than the authoritarian communism of the USSR--so I'd disagree that limiting their goals to defeating the soviets would have helped.
At the same time, the way they conducted themselves in the war was short-sighted, and by the time they realized it was too late.

Academia has been a leftist circlejerk for a very long time, and even if that weren't, the media is owned and dominated by pretty much the same group of neoliberal internationalists who would never give their opposition fair coverage. I assume you've heard of the "long march through the institutions". But yeah, it's not sustainable to give the left free reign in the theater of "refined" ideology.

Pilsudski (who died in 1935) was willing to ally with Germany against the Soviets, iirc, but he was also very much a civic nationalist who wouldn't have had the same ultimate opponent in mind. Dmowski was an actual based nationalist, but he really disliked the Germans, to put it mildly. If only they could have seen what would happen to Europe today, they could have put their differences aside at the moment.

Hitler occupied all of Czechoslovakia after being offered the entire Sudetenland (German only) part of the country for free without a fight. That was what soured Poland towards Germany. It showed that even IF they gave him all of Danzig and the corridor for free he might still invade all of Poland. How can you make a deal with someone like that?

The exact same thing happened with Greece, Mussolini demanded Greece allow them to build Italian bases on Greek territory and the Greek leader Metaxas the otherwise deeply anti-communist prime minister said "no" because that's a blatant violation of national sovereignty so Mussolini invaded.

Best 20th century ideology

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I think it would be a terrible thing to live under. I do not want to live under a dictatorship, authoritarian police state. Having no rights and being taken away or killed for nothing. That doesn't mean I don't like some of the things like anti-degeneracy. I really don't know much about fascism. I just think of Mussolini or Hitler and that isn't something I want. I would loose so many freedoms.

>Western finance capitalism and the soft power of apathetic hedonism has been much more of a threat to all nations than the authoritarian communism of the USS

Western neoliberalism/globalism is obviously even more of a threat, but it is such an insidious, subtle threat it is difficult to see. It genocides you slowly like a frog slow boiled in a pot with mass immigration of non-whites and the destruction of traditional cultures over decades, hollowing out of the economy increasing death rates and decreasing birth rates, leftist values like abortion, faggotry, etc, while the Nazis and Soviets would execute hundreds of thousands of people at a time in a few months. It was a more obvious threat because of how blatant it was.

You have to pay more attention to see how western finance kills your nation with mass immigration, outsourcing, austerity, bank debt, etc.

That doesn't change the fact however that it was the lack of respect for other European ethnicities that doomed Germany, if they really cared they would have supported independent East Euro especially Slavic nations.

A lot of people are debating what "fascism" is. And what I'm saying is....this is it. All of this you see around us here. From Ryan Faulk, to Andrew Anglin, to the stormtroopers on cripchan. This is the ideological spectrum of the fascist side, these are the debates they have (and had even back then), these are the ideas they had.

Everyone's trying to define what it was. If you want to know, just look around you