Daily Reminder Jow Forums is a Christian Board.
Why haven't you accepted Jesus yet user?
Daily Reminder Jow Forums is a Christian Board
because the bible is fake news
Christianity is eurotrash. Flag fraud.
More importantly, the problem is that so-called "Christians" accept Jewish circumcision. These people are not to be trusted.
changing flag back
>Nobody will know I'm a kike if I put on a Nazi memeflag!
It's hilarious you faggots are this stupid.
It originated in the middle east, not Europe
>Muh dik!
user, I..
Geographic location doesn't indicate if one's a "kike" either
Fagans BTFO
>muh child sex crimes
Get locked up in prison forever and raped by niggers, faggot.
Even European pagan religions originated outside of Europe at a point.
>The foreskin, containing 20,000 nerve endings as opposed to the 8,000 in a clitoris, is a highly sensitive, functioning part of the male anatomy
>Genesis 17:11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.
Christcucks will defend this.
Fuck off, jew worshipper. You race-traitors are not welcome.
>if you disparage Jewish myths that makes you a jew!
Christians sure are retarded.
Of course they do, they want to be just like their holy rabbi
>it's literally impossible to cut a cake without every piece being the same size
>Of course they do, they want to be just like their holy rabbi
They are apostate.
Pic is awesome.
Furthermore, they are child molesters. They should be hanged in public.
>accept the jew
No thanks
West is slowly but surely being dominated by Islam, while christians are bowing down to kikes
I have taken the Christpill, it feels good to be home.
And, in addition to that, all Jews should be rounded up and hanged. They are all dangerous criminals if they haven't repented from their child molester cult.