Jow Forums graphs and statistics

this explains alot

Attached: graph.png (2852x2232, 63K)

Attached: wymyn.png (2852x2232, 61K)

That's a nice parabola OP. It can be drawn with the function f(x)=x^2-4x+4

How does that work exactly?

>yfw you realize the parabola is a horseshoe

That retards and the hyperintelligent alike support Trump while people with room temperature IQ's don't?

during the 2000s, we saw a similar trend with regards to educational attainment and left/right political leanings. the retards on one extreme, who never finished high school, leaned left. as did those on the other extreme with PhD's. people in the middle with 4-year degrees swung right

Attached: 1554262467964.jpg (3072x2017, 1.45M)

After 120 you can see all politicians are sociopathic pieces of shit. Fake 'n ghey.

Group think. Low IQ people are less susceptible to group think and more likely to be amused by silly tweets and antics. Middle IQ people think that if other people are doing it, it must be right. And high IQ people just analyze the situation somewhat objectively, regardless of group consensus.

Low IQ:
>HAHA he called hillary a NASTY woman MAGA!

Middle IQ:
>All my friends and media keep telling me how bad trump is and how many evil things he does, it MUST be true otherwise they wouldn't all be saying it. Fuck trump.

High IQ:
>Despite being a globalist puppet trump has objectively done more good for the country in his last 3 years than the 3 presidents before him put together. Additionally all his opponents that actually have a shot at the presidency are objectively worse choices.

That said, nonwhites probably drag the low IQ portion of the population toward the against trump territory a fair bit.

That needs to be pushed to the left a few clicks

stfu year 10 student get off the internet until you finish your STEM degree.

i believe it

>mah stem degree

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What about niggers though?

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How fucking retarded do you have to be to call what looks hyperbolic a fucking parabola? Fucking absolutely retarded and we wonder why no one takes Jow Forums seriously. You know, I'm a smart guy, one of the smartest actually. Currently doing my PhD in mathematics at the top university in Canada, and never in my life have O ever seen something and someone so absolutely fucking brain-dead. If this is the power of the Australoid then someone better fuck me raw and dump my corpse in a bag of leaves.

>this is the """power""" of a leaf shitposting bait

Attached: 1559787962892.jpg (515x515, 50K)

>in Canada
Slow down there, buddy.

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Yep mentioning modern western standard year 10 mathematics (year 8 non subhuman mathematics) isn't cringe at all. But going for a degree in software or aeronautical engineering is.

>when you realize he's serious

Attached: 1555984825831s.jpg (125x125, 2K)

>tfw two intelligent too not get baited