White people don't exist. Period. It's an invention of clueless shitskins, jews and mongrelized Americans. There are French people, German people, Italian people, Danish people, Swedish people... But there are NO white people, nor will there ever be. Pride in your nation and culture comes from having a bond of blood and common history with your countrymen, not from sharing a shitty meaningless term with random people all over the world.
>b-but muh divide and conquer
What the hell do you think it was that destroyed all the "great" empires of the past? It was the chaos that came from uniting people that had nothing in common, like it happened with the Romans and the barbarians, or the Anglos and the niggers they colonized. The fact that we're forced to be united as if we were all the same is EXACTLY what is making us so weak and vulnerable to jewish influence and foreign invasions. Fuck the EU, fuck the USA and fuck all the other globohomo multicultural institutions.
Stop using the term "white"
Other urls found in this thread:
ok so whites in the US start referring to ourselves as mongrels? not really getting it and we're super mixed in the US at this point everyone is some split of anglo/french/german/polish/dutch that it's like 8% each
most of the whites on the planet are in the US and we are rootless talmudic golems with no heritage to discover or celebrate
remember people were charged for the "its okay to be white" posters on alot of campuses
So what you are saying is White is a social construct?
Every other identity will block up, Shlomo. We're already at 10-to-1 and you want to make us 100-1. What chance does the Hungarian identity coalition have against 3 billion shitskins? None. Christian coalitions united in could unite again if Balkanist shills like you could get out of our way.
THIS. A Scott, an Englishman, a German, and an Irishman walk into America.
Apparantly they are all the same ethnicity now.
>I was born on the same arbitrary patch of land as someone else
also not to go to far form course but i think mixing too much too fast is bad for genetic health, everyones becoming autistic and mentally ill and I would assume it's population control but then people like Trump and Yang who are uber wealthy are also birthing them so who knows
The term Amerimutt already fits just fine.
Divide and conquer tactics.
No, but it's a biological categorization that is far too wide to be of any meaning. It's like making a group out of people who have green eyes, it's stupid.
I'd carefully argue it does, given how high cultures can be seen as the continuation of the prior, where white would become a social lable.
Brain drain might be an ancient thing, too and could be factored in.
Only Njews use word 'white people'
>against 3 billion shitskins
Which shitskins? Immigrants don't act in a group, they act selfishly and they always will. Just keep defending your borders like you have done until now and everything will be fine.
>Immigrants don't act in a group
>Immigrants don't act in a group
>Immigrants don't act in a group
>like you have done until now
Just to clarify, I'm referring to Hungarians, not Americans.
race doesn't exist, it's just a genetic marker term based on your ancestors geographic location, that's becoming a lot more irrelevant as time goes on.
Eventually 1000-1 until we just round up and finish the rest off in silence...
But I thought you said
>White people don't exist. Period.
They form groups within a country after they get in, but they don't coordinate their immigration. Literally just defend your borders and immigrants stop being a problem.
White doesnt exist.
Hyperborean masterrace does
BTW, this personal view makes you a supranationally enabled NWO citizen while this guy becomes a servant as the state citizen of a one of the nation states we can feast upon.
Keep it up, you NWO literal slave.
It's like green-eyed people. It's just a concept, not an actual population.
I don't know Mehmet. That sounds pretty anti-white to me.
It is an actual population, green eyed people make a population of green eyed people.
What wrong with European?
I'm the Mehmet.
You cannot be anti-something that doesn't exist.
Where does the green-eyed population live?
Sooo....do black people 'exist'?
I agree that a "white ethnostate" is retarded. Every Nation should be an ethnostate.
But white nations should be united in spirit to fend off (((adversaries))).
We could form the greatest economical sphere in the world, completely self-sufficient. A white alliance could replace all the dumb trade agreements and even NATO and the UNO.
The anglosaxon protestants only deemed inferior irish catholics, germans, slavs, italians, eurospics and turks as whites once the combined number of asians and negroes seemed to outmatch them.
Expect asian slanteyes to be counted among the whities in a few years just so that they still be considered a relevant majority compared to the amerispics and amerinegroes.
Funnily enough though, the USA will have mostly catholic spics.
This is what you will learn and it actually will creepp into your curriculum, deconstructed eurasian and extended world view in the context psychological evolutionally identified monotheism emergence, granting you to order the objects around you.
In fairy tales.
>most of the whites on the planet are in the US
no. There are about 200 million whites in the US. In Europe there about 500+
>and we are rootless talmudic golems with no heritage to discover or celebrate
yes that is your lot in life mutt.
>ok so whites in the US start referring to ourselves as mongrels?
I would go with "New worlders", Americans, north Americans or something along those lines.
European mutts
White = European
you fucking retard
Use European, even if you're America or Canadian. Everyone else is tribed up, and now they've forged us into a united front. I'm Pro-European. I will never employ or solicit services from a business that is not European owned (unless forced to).
Hail Europa!
It's funny because my eyes are blue, yours are not.
No. Historically it was you bongs who came up with the term and it used to mean Anglo-saxons and other north western Europeans. So not Germans, Slavs, Meds or Nords.
Then the new worlders started to use the term and it lost all its meaning. Now it means basically anyone who is not a nigger or chink. Its a useless term only befit of mongrels and rootless cunts of the new world.
Same thing. "Europeans" don't exist either.
>black people don't exist
Cool, that wraps this up then. OP is deranged. /thread
White = Semi-Nomadically emerged cultural administrator
Euros are shit tier you know that Norgebro. Scandi or death.
Absolutely agree, true cultural identitarianism also accounts for ethnic identities WHILE also building them up.
Common interests aren't inherently bad if they're used to work toward the common good.
The problem is the leaders at the top. You've got the the UK that's still not likely going to pass Brexit despite passing the referendum before Trump was elected. You've got Merkel in your country who's still arguing that you need to take in more refugees to speed up the invasion of Europe by the Muslims and Africans. And you've got Israel that does enough just with its existance, but then they have to make things worse by subverting our nations and stabbing us in the back with a smile. Let's not forget Israel's influence on the US (and our elections) and how every politican besides Omar gets in line to see how much they can deepthroat Daddy Israel for those campaign contributions.
The US as a concept would actually work (and has worked in the past) if we weren't currently being invaded by migrants because of corporations needing cheap labor for their shareholder profits and politicians who care only about their vote share and not their duty to uphold the Constitution.
Kys faggot
Sure thing, Tyrone.
hold on, is that not a black person......
I get that you don't like them, but not every population from Africa is the same.
You're trying to communicate that a certain physical feature doesn't make you civilized, the feature still exists.
There's no need to twist the truth.
>whiteness is a social construct white people don't exist, but fuck white people anyway
This is literally what kikes say every day, this is a thinly veiled communist tranny thread.
>biological categorization that is far too wide to be of any meaning
It just means European, dumb Kraut
White=European All Euros are related.
Lol, you're so mad.
>y-you're right!
>I'll just call you a nigger!
Imagine being saltier than a Muslim eating cured pork.
Tell that to black people.
No, white is a categorization brought you with secularization.
It's simply a coping mechanism for already mixed european ethnicities that don't even have a religious identity anymore (like the americans, which is where this categorization comes from) and the only thing they can claim is their skin color.
Which inevitably brings down all the motives for a separation between european ethnicities and the jews (as was in the roman empire).
And a further push by the "anti-establishment" to mesh these races together.
But what kind of black person? A somalian? A brit? An american? A congolese?
Even they are different from each another.
No, these are Amerimutts.
what a special snowflake mutt you are. So whats the mix? 20% Dutch, 10% Anglo, 20% Native, 5% purebreed sub saharan African proto nigger and the rest just in 1-2% of everything?
You mutts are less pure than the inbred Mehmets shitskins you look so down upon.
holy shit I hate the new world. Just so disgusting.
>All Euros are related
No they're not. There is no such country as "Europe", it has never been a thing.
Tell that to black people. They are all 'brothers' when it suits them.
That's the future we're heading to.
Niggers in america had NO culture whatsoever, so what do they do?
They start making shit up, they start unifying all african/aborigenal tribes together as the negro race and start claiming that they were egyptians, or muslims or africans,...
That's the future of europeans if thing go down this cultureless and omogenized path
So why are you taking them as a model? Can't you see the state their countries are in ?
Just like a protestant anglosaxon declares that a catholic slav is suddenly a white when it suits the purpose of the protestant anglosaxon?
One thing I never understood is HOW THE FUCK do they manage to keep their eyes blue?
Is it just a false perception that the jews are simply putting on a pedestal the less ugly mutts with blue eyes and they're not in fact the majority?
How is that possible when 90% of the world population has brown eyes and one would therefore think it's due to dominant genes?
>No, white is a categorization brought you with secularization.
Then why was it invented by Catholic Spaniards in the 1500s to distinguish Europeans from Niggers and Mongs?
>There is no such thing as Europe, goy
>there is no such thing as white, goy
kys Moishe Europe is a continent/subcontinent, and the natives are Europeans (whites)
No, almost all Anglo with some German admixture. My last name is Sheffield. How angry do you have to be to just blindly assume stupid shit based on generalizations? Could you be any more of a butt hurt snow nigger?
Perhaps nothing exists in the way we imagine, we apply filters, applying your logic also cups don't exist.
The solution to this is to define things better or breaking it down into new diversifying terms, not explaining away the matter most accept as existent reality such as a cup or a dude who looks like a white person, racially. There's also white toilet paper, and an object that is socially white. Sometimes people from certain regions get colorcoded based on 4 cardinal directions.
OK, it's time for you to fuck off now kike. I'm bored of your mental gymnastics. You're living in a fantasy world.
I've no idea, probably? What difference does it make?
>Then why was it invented by Catholic Spaniards in the 1500s to distinguish Europeans from Niggers and Mongs?
As far as I know it's a product of the 1960s when americans were faced with a secularized attack by the jewish media, the USSR and the hippies.
I met a Paki and an Indian once and they unified in America to fight whites.
Paki's literally genocided Indians like 60 years ago.
That is how much people here want to get rid of whites that they can act like deep historically grievances from their groups don't exist because the common goal is to wipe out white people in white homelands.
>Europe is a continent/subcontinent
>and the natives are Europeans
Geographically yes, but nothing more than that. Are Japanese and Indian people the same because they're both "Asians"? Of course not. Besides, Europeans are not the only people with white skin, so "whites" cannot be defined as Europeans.
Nice way to say that you're out of arguments.
Yes, and that is because a paki and an indian that decide to move to america are no longer indians or pakistani.
I couldn't tell you what the problem here is, if it's a minority of indian/pakis that secularized themselves or that decided to move to america to find a job and therefore weren't properly indianized/pakistanized.
The problem is that they don't feel attached to their own culture and therefore can easily fall prey of the "black" or the "minority" meme and collectivize against "whites".
And the same goes for whites who no longer feel attached to their cultures because they've forsaken them and therefore are happy to collectize against a single group,
both with the most generic labelling the can agree upon, which is skin color.
>almost all Anglo
if that is what tell yourself fine.
>just blindly assume stupid shit based on generalizations
generalizations and stereotypes exist for a reason. Most of the new worlder spawn are mixed bag random mutts. You claim to the exception to the rule but I really dont care.
>Could you be any more of a butt hurt snow nigger?
not really. 100% of all the degeneracy of the 20th century I got you new worlders to thank for. Your union is the epicenter of all the filth that is pushed on global stage and your kikes the most disliked. Even the Jews of Israel hates the American diaspora.
So there is no such thing as "white" genocide?
Whew, that's a relief.
You claimed I was 'using them as a model' - categorically no. It is universal human nature. It is the same for everyone. Now, kindly fuck off, kike.
>white homelands
>the Americas
please mystery meat dont be absurd.
I honestly cant tell what gender that blob is
"socially white"
and what Jow Forums considers "actual" white
are just ethnically identitarian christians that lost most of their faith and therefore their ethnic identity, but retained a small amount of "sanity" due to already being indoctrinated as christians.
The true chaos hasn't yet being leashed upon this world when the first truly atheist (raised by atheists) generations will be able to vote
probably a moot point, you'd need a 6 foot dong to penetrate it.
OP, I get what you mean, the general definition of a white person is the one most agreeable with the one made by some native American or other person with a spear.
This is not the only defition, just the one you argue against, you're not a guy with a beige hat hunting for elephants and have no connection to him, you're both white dude.
Depending on the definition a Nigerian could be white, no one uses the term like that here, cracker.
I think it was a male, this display happened here. Also think he is part coloured.
So you're not using them as a model, but you want to (not) think just like them... Okay buddy.
Well, I deserve to be genocided because I'm as white as an anglo who presumably tortured and slaughtered natives all around the world, right?
This is the mentality that you're playing with when identifying as "white"
Back to the gymnastics. It doesn't matter what I want in this context, we're talking about how people are in reality. What other moves have you got bitch? You're going to pull a hammy at this rate.
>t a catholic slav is suddenly a white
Because they are? White has always meant European/of Euro descent in the Americas.
lmao how new are you?
>Proofs of racial purity were required in a variety of circumstances in both Spain and its overseas territories. Candidates for office and their spouses had to obtain a certificate of purity that proved that they had no Jewish or Muslim ancestors and in New Spain, proof of whiteness and absence of any in the lineage who engaged in work with their hands.[13]
It existed literally centuries before the 1960s.
Indians and Japanese are not closely related and are from different places East Asia vs South Asia. Indians are also the result of invaders from Persia and Central Asia raping the local Abbos. Indians are far more genetically distinct between each other than Euros are between each other, but I would still call them all Indians.
All Euros are closely related and from one single subcontinent.
> Europeans are not the only people with white skin, so "whites" cannot be defined as Europeans.
White is the term for Europeans which has been used for centuries since Spain/Portugal conquered the Americas. It has always meant European.
Stereotypes exist for a reason? Like the stereotype that every European country (including yours) is over run with Muslim shit skin immigrants and your countries suck them off continuously while they rape your women and you do nothing about it? That describes your country perfectly. You're one of those bitches that allow your women to be fucked while you sit in your cuck shed. I mean, whether you deny it or not doesn't really matter to me. It's a stereotype that exists, so it's true. End of discussion.
Fucking isn't the end goal.
How into family? :(
How can you not see how flawed your thinking is? Their goal is to exploit/replace/destroy you, so they're going to ally with whoever has the same goal as them. You on the other hand have the goal to conserve your people, country and culture; other "whites" don't share your goal, as they're too busy trying to conserve their own people, country and culture. You have nothing in common with other "whites" beside skin color.
>By the mid-seventeenth century, the novel term espaƱol ("Spaniard") was being equated in written documents with blanco, or "white".[19] In Spain's American colonies, African, Native American (indios), Jewish, or morisco ancestry formally excluded individuals from the "purity of blood" (limpieza de sangre) requirements for holding any public office under the Royal Pragmatic of 1501.[20] Similar restrictions applied in the military, some religious orders, colleges, and universities, leading to a nearly all-white priesthood and professional stratum.[20][21] Blacks and indios were subject to tribute obligations and forbidden to bear arms, and black and indio women were forbidden to wear jewels, silk, or precious metals in early colonial Mexico and Peru.[20] Those pardos (people with dark skin) and mulattos (people of mixed African and European ancestry) with resources largely sought to evade these restrictions by passing as white.[20][21]
>All Euros are closely related
If you think that Southern Italians and Scandinavians are closely related, you're mentally ill.
Ok so you're talking about a single ideology that took place in a specific place where multiple ethnicities were forced to live together.
And even then it's just a "proto-eugenic" thinking applied though to religion?
Look, racial/ethnic categorization have obviously been used since the first man looked at another man, I'm not arguing that.
What I'm arguing is the importance of this racial categorization OVER the cultural (mainly, 99% of the time, religious) one.
That has NEVER been the case throughout history until the 1800 after the fall of the late 1700 christian monarchies, which consolidated into the "white people and negroes" collectivization in the 60s after the war, due as I said to a secularized attack against the american christians AND (something that I failed to mention before) as a consequence of the "all races united against nazis" kind of propaganda that was promulgated during WWII
I don't have goals. I'm a logician as far as you're concerned. I call out bullshit on the internet because I'm a sad cunt. Nevertheless, you are talking out of your ass.
A sense of self is derived though a combination of society, physical appearance and culture. You're asking people to turn their backs on their sense of self whilst knowing full-well the nogs will not reciprocate. This is bullshit.
Great thread, OP.
I'll now be referring to myself as "European American"
We can all strive to preserve our own ethnic groups you stupid kike, Brits/English/Welsh/Scots, etc can preserve themselves, French preserve themselves just like you try to preserve Israel and your jewish ethnicity.
They are closely related, not as close as Norway and Sweden, but still closely related
fun fact: south Germans don't overlap genetically with Scandis, does that mean they aren't closely related? kys jew
>applied though to religion?
No it's about race, you were either white (Euro) or not white.
>What I'm arguing is the importance of this racial categorization OVER the cultural (mainly, 99% of the time, religious) one.
Well you are wrong, you couldn't even own land in Latin American colonies unless you were white. We had racial segregation UNTIL the 1960s in the US. Brazil still had a race based slave system until the 1890s. Race has always been more important than culture, the only difference is that today they demand you race mix. Even if you ignored the White (EUropean) race they would sitll demand Germans and Italians race mix with niggers and import millions of Africans into their nations. Is that really what you want? Millions of niggers in your country? They aren't going to assimilate to your culture they will destroy it and turn Europe into a wasteland shithole like Africa.
Case scenario: you live in a city of 20k people and 2k nogs are migrating into it. What's more likely to stop the invasion: having a stronger bond with those 20k people and working together to shut down the borders of the city and repel the invaders, or having a stronger bond with 100k people you've never met who live on the opposite side of the planet?
Both is not an answer, as the time and dedication you can give to groups is limited.