I have the characteristics of a white Jew, or Italian but with effeminate features, but I am not Jewish or homosexual and I detest it.
I hate my unmanly traits
You would make a wonderful sissy! No makeup required. Embrace the gifts you have been given by your creator to give back in any way you can! In your case it is with beauty, and to act as a cute fuck doll for the real men of the cause.
Cool hair op
is a degenerate but he has a point that you should embrace the feminine features you have
cut your hair and stop making a pouting face
buzz your head and work out it might help. also remove the piercing. good luck
You are indeed a doe-eyed faggit
Get a haircut then?
Either cut your hair or grow a beard
Get your own reality show to document your transition.
>I detest my feminine features!
Meanwhile posts a pic with long hair, pouty expression, lip ring. Its OK cutie. You really are quite pretty. You are accepted here. Are you locked yet?
>dyed hair
>plucked and trimmed eyebrows
>lip ring
>possibly wearing makeup
dude. you're not fooling anyone.
Get your shit together. Cut your hair, take out that piercing and stop making stupid faces. Grow the fuck up, you attention seeking faggot.
>feminine traits
Well, there is one glaring one that is 100% by choice: the long hair
Long hair is for women, short hair is for men. If you want to look manlier, at least fucking get a haircut for a man. Long hair to hide your feminine face just makes you seem more feminine because your face hasn't changed, but now you have girly hair
Haircut and testosterone brother. Also if you're only 16 or 17. I wouldn't worry. You'll facial hair and stuff. I looked like a man at 14 thanks to my Armenian genes. At 16 I lifted weights like crazy and became huge, work out. Eat loads of protein and healthy carbs like oatmeal. Stay away from fried food or anything overly sugary.
post boi pucci
Cut your hair and go to the gym.
Get a metalhead girlfriend. You'll be fine.
>mouth piercing
We're actually going to kill you on the DOTR.
what is it with you trannys anyway
also i know a certain mexican who wants someone like you
>1post by this id
fucking thirsty faggots itt