Try to Redpill me about something I don't know

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sucking dick is not a good idea. Stop doing it.

East german communist secret police organised far right nazi extremists in west germany to destabilize it

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Coke is /ourdrug/

what is your obsession with that littler girl you fucking pedo. i see you posting her everywhere i think its time you give us an explanation

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The jewish control of pizza shops by Jews for Jewish purposes, which they have done to the Jews of New York and Chicago for half a century, has been a long-standing and growing problem and should be addressed by Jews and the Jewish community, as well as our political leaders, both national and local. If you can help in these regards, feel free to send your emails and support to: [email protected]

Priscilla will never come back to sing on mainstage.

This is the time of Masha now.

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Search " Toujours pas d'amour ".

Why are you spamming this shit and who the fuck are you?


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>Toujours pas d'amour
ok very cute girl. but why do you keep posting her nonce

FDR provoked, then allowed pearl harbor to happen. that's 100% the only reason we got into ww2. in Stinnett's book Day of Deceit, he has the dox showing roosevelt's "8 pt provocation plan". He shows fdr promising the Brits we'd be in the war before 1942 in 1940 when he was running for election--part of his campaign speech assured Americans that we wouldn't get involved in another euro civil war (Americans regretted ww1).

would anyone like to know more?

Pissing is like crying for your genitals

Search " Regarde moi "

God bless, subliminal french

You want a redpill, faggot? Here's a redpill: I'm not a faggot. But I have made a point of not calling yourself white or white-sounding. I've been called a fucking dyke a couple hundred times in the past few months, but I haven't called myself a straight.
The thing about this line of reasoning is this: White masculinity is an identity. It may be a part of our culture now, but we've been socialized as children to believe that being White is a desirable state. This is reinforced in everything we hear from mainstream media and culture. We hear that women are more attractive, and we hear this shit from TV, radio, movies. But we also hear it from men who tell their wives they're not attracted to men with short hair because they're lazy and have a big dick. It seems all women are this way, that our sex drives are what keep us tied down. You want to be a man with a big dick? Here's what you've learned all along, all the way.
Men aren't allowed to be like this because it will destroy the very concept of masculinity. Men can't be "just like the alpha male." They can't lie about their emotions to get laid. Men can't make fun of women's bodies. If some dickheads have been taught the wrong things

Mexico/Latin America had a government lead, race mixing eugenics program. See “The Cosmic Race” by Jose Vasconcelos.

Start of quote is cutoff, it says: “the days of the pure whites...”

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Gemachim, or "Jewish interest-free loans", which Donald Sterling informed much of the world about, are a perfect way to launder money internationally, including the $17 billion dollars annually that Orthodox Jews swindle American consumers out of in the form of Kosher certification fees.

Imagine having a scam where you not only tax the food of the entire western world in exchange for services neither requested nor in fact really provided, then use the money to bribe politicians, send it overseas to avoid legal scrutiny and use it to steal from and murder Palestinians, and supplement that income with massive amounts of welfare fraud. That's the true face of Judaism.

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Jesus is coming back to Earth sooner than you think. And this time he's fuckin' pissed.

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>innocent, adorable girl

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that was awesome user

Look user! It's Priscilla with her dog.

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>shooting yourself in the foot the program

No surprise that fucking mexicans would come up with some retarded shit as that. You have to be a special type of stupid to literally Brazil yourself.

Craving is the cause of suffering and cessation of craving is the way to end suffering.

p-please bro please... , she's just a little girl man dont kidnap her and lock her up in your basement

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buddhist gook detected