Race and IQ should be banned from public discourse

Yes, based on the research, its most likely true that the racial differences in IQ is mostly genetic in western countries. Despite this fact, I still think the discussion about the evidence should be banned, or to be more specific, suppressed to scientific journals that can only be accessed by intelligence researchers and academics who can only discuss their finding among themselves.

Look, having a society where this data is common knowledge will produce a black community that is largely self-loathing, more self-destructive, and even more resentful against whites. Just from a mental health perspective, the psychological state of this info is just too damaging to have booted on the hardrive of minds.

Just imagine you're a black person and your reality is that every non-black person around you thinks you're essentially a violent sub-human when they see you and that every interaction you have in my life will be guided by that notion. Then you got black kids entering schools being taught by their teachers that their violent and stupid...dude, I can't imagine a quicker way to kill the self-esteem and motivation of child than that. This will clearly lead to suffering and self-destructive behavior.

And god only know how crazy white liberals will get. The ones that do accept the data will begin to infantilizing blacks even harder by arguing, nobody earned their genes, ppl just got unlucky or lucky, we need greater redistribution for blacks, you already kinda see people like Sam Harris holding this view now. Just a complete mess for society if this info is let into the wild.

And no, this wouldn't be permanent, the ban could be lifted when intelligence researchers have developed tools to augment racial avgs in intelligence. Researchers like Stephen hsu offers a IVF service out now that uses polygenic scores to identify embryos with the potential for low IQs for parents with European ancestry.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>fuk da true, muh feefees
>uplift your competition goy

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I, for one, think that niggers are black.

>needs a book to detect niggers

>muh feefees

Look who's talking. The whole reason why Jow Forums fetishes black IQ and treat it like porn is because they want to weaponize it to make blacks feel bad by spamming IQ data to them on twitter and youtube because it makes Jow Forumsfags feel good.

That's largely the only benefit they see in the research. Not even the most psychopathic Jow Forumsfag honestly believes the data will lead to whites creating deportation polices or straight up just genociding blacks, they just want it be accepted purely on the basis of it causing harm to the self-esteem of blacks.

Why not just have separate racially homogenous societies that conduct their affairs as they want to?

Concealing the truth does not mean it will go away.
Whites are superior at building and maintaining Western Civilization. Blacks will forever be alien.
So either we can proceed in the Jewish multiculti fashion and have everyone mixed and everyone equally disadvantaged.
Or we can separate and thrive in the societies we build for ourselves.

>espite this fact, I still think the discussion about the evidence should be banned
Sure thing Moshe

White people today are quite literally the biblical Neo-Nephilim (Cro-Magnon on evolutionary terms)

Neanderthals (Satan...you know who) have been cucking the fuck out of you for millennia. Doing their (violent) bidding because of the lack spiritual guidance...

Is all written.... & regardless of how you do here... the end is going to be ugly...

Its so fucking close.

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don't you want to hear more about ashkenazis, goy

> hey guys, let's ban facts and truth
neck yourself this instant

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it's all pseudoscientfic bullshit debunked plenty of times, and ironically it's made by jews and jews are the ones who praise these studies for the "asheknai superiority" and it being mainstream is actually a good thing because it would help it getting proven faster on how dumb it all is

You think inner city blacks are reading scientific studies?

>science i dont like bad

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itll be ugly, like it always has been ugly. the jews have to go

How about NO

Talking to someone for 30 minutes or so should give you a decent idea of their intelligence. Everyone knows niggers are dumb, even if they wont say it but how many smart niggers get discriminated against? even among actual racists? it really never happens.

One time my place hired a nigger woman and she asked if I could schedule in an hour to come talk to her because apparently somebody told her I'm big shit or something.
>show up half drunk
>rattle on about how everything works
>doesn't ask me a single question
>stop after 30 minutes
>she says thanks
she couldn't keep up

> in the societies we build for ourselves.
There's your problem. When in the history of planet Earth has a black society ever thrived on its own without outside intervention? Everything good sub-Saharan Africa has ever had was handed to them like a present to a toddler on his birthday. Their entire well being is based on charity, hand outs, and white guilt.

>Ignore the truth goy!
>Keep spending trillions to close a gap that can't be closed, goy!

Dysgenetics must happen for global control

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Pff, the reason we want this to become general knowledge is to get our white homogeneous countries back.

Shoudl be addressed to OP/Faggot

Read this book like 12 years ago

Felt so red pilled at the time

>Look, having a society where this data is common knowledge will produce a black community that is largely self-loathing, more self-destructive, and even more resentful against whites. Just from a mental health perspective, the psychological state of this info is just too damaging to have booted on the hardrive of minds.
The society we have now has it to where blacks think they're superior but just victims of oppression and that whites are lame idiots that got ahead by exploiting the real geniuses.

>become general knowledge is to get our white homogeneous countries back.

In other words wide spread genocide of blacks. Yeah, I know, however, most whites are not blood lusting psychopaths so that's off the table in America.

All women are hypergamous they are the quality control on the human race.
They date up. All you have to do is make it easy for them to get their hands on the partners they want rather than the ones they are forced to have, and they'll solve the problem for you.
And by making vasectomies compulsory for all multiple felony offenders, you solve the low IQ problem... for everyone, not just for the black community either.

Repatriation isn't genocide

Go fuck yourself pussy ass cuck boy. If niggers are dumber than whites on average than let it be known

>The society we have now has it to where blacks think they're superior but just victims of oppression

Jow Forumsfags cherry picking certain tweets off twitter and posting it here for confirmation bias/circle jerk/propaganda purposes is not reliable way to get census on if blacks think they're superior to whites or their view on oppression by whites.

For instance, did you know that 60 percent of blacks attribute disparities in income, jobs, and housing mainly to factors other than bias, according to a 2013 Gallup poll. A more recent Pew poll found that 60 percent of blacks without college degrees say their race hasn’t affected their chances of success in life. Now ask yourself, how come this narrative never shows up on Jow Forums, yet obscure tweets from a nobody saying something that reflects the idea blacks blame whites is spammed here 10 times a day.

That is impossible. The truth has a way of emerging on it's own.

Race & IQ are already banned from public discourse and have been since 1950, when a bunch of Jews calling themselves scientists declared so on behalf of the United Nations.

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>The whole reason why Jow Forums fetishes black IQ and treat it like porn is because they want to weaponize it to make blacks feel bad
It's moreso that when someone makes the claim that there is absolutely no difference between the races outside of skin color and that when black people don't succeed at the same level as whites or asians that it's the fault of white people, that the logical response to this claim isn't banned

>The ones that do accept the data will begin to infantilizing blacks even harder by arguing, nobody earned their genes, ppl just got unlucky or lucky, we need greater redistribution for blacks, you already kinda see people like Sam Harris holding this view now.

But where is the lie?

I never said that, there is plenty of room in africa. I would allow negroes who already live in white countries to stay there. But if they want to stay they're not allowed to get children. If they want children give birth to them in africa and stay there. After one generation white countires are white again. Without massmurder

stupidity should be treated like a genetic disease that needs to be cured.
We can cure it with incentivized sperm donation eugenics. Pay people to use sperm from smart donors to cure the stupidity in their gene-pool.
Mutational load, or the build up of deleterious mutations in the gene-pool, will also necessitate the need to use sperm donation to improve fitness and prevent the spread of genetic diseases. So people, when forced to use a sperm donor, will pick a smart one regardless.


People value the freedom to choose who they love and have children with.
People don’t want to be told not to mix with certain people.

I'm going by real world experience, mostly with younger people. Black people don't have low self esteem or think white people are really smart. They're "black and proud" and think white people have no street smarts.

Image typing all that out.

You realize Jow Forums has always separated blacks from niggers. All the nigger hate thread and blatant hate is either shill sliding or people trying to scare off redditniggers. You're taking this whole thing a bit too seriously.

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We should do this anyway. Instead of sperm donation & medical crap, you just throw a load of male college graduates in with the females...
Set up an NGO with some bullshit excuse and make it a graduation requirement that all male grads do a year "public service".

I like how more and more people are becoming race realist. It gives me hope for the future but I know this shit will get banned.

>Evidence for something that is clearly observable

Jews have that much higher verbal and mathematical IQ (and not much of anything), it's how they manage to gravitate towards media, bureaucracy, banking, Wall Street, law, etc. where they can be parasitic and manipulate society, while not actually contributing anything to said society.

They're adapted to be parasitic and natural born sophists, hence why every society that has been plagued by them have always had the same criticisisms for well over the past thousand years.

That is a irrelevant. If race realism (not just the IQ gap but the genetic distance and all the rest) becomes common knowledge the first impressions of any random black person is going to be that they are brain dead subhumans.

The bell curve and IQ does not relate to racial adaptability

Everyone deserves to know the truth. No matter the consequences.

>pseudo science

>much higher verbal and mathematical IQ
This is what a person who has never lived around Jews says. They're fucking morons.

>community that is largely self-loathing, more self-destructive, and even more resentful

I am not the smartest person in the world, therefore I am dumber than other people, how come I don't manifest above side effects?

so the solution is to just continue doing what we're doing?

t-thanks op

Debunked by who? Contrapoints? Talib? Do you really want to go down this path and make you watch an hour long video with an autist who has done more research in their entire life about race and IQ than you have done about anything? I've literally never seen a race realist get his points debunked, it's literally the same boring arguments: more variation within than between and the "there isn't a countable amount of races, therefore it isn't real." That's all they repeat, over and over and over. You can literally just plug into a computer certain gene location frequencies and as n approaches infinity it gets greater and greater accuracy in guessing the self stated race of the subject. I think it's arround 99%, literally an unbiased computer. Race exists, evolution exists, get over it and stop being a nu-religion egalitarian retard just because it isn't socially acceptable.

No. Information is meant to be free. We don't suppress knowledge in the free world.

Based and redpilled

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Who am I kidding? You won't even watch it.

>every interaction you have in my life

OP is black, and butthurt

False. The reason is to improve our society. Maybe a leftistist piece of shit like you and your pet niggers have problems treating people like individuals, but if you want to live in a multicultural society, that's a skill you'll need to learn. Burying the truth is never the right path forward. And nogs are already in the position of distrust amongst themselves due to internalized racism. At least if the truth was out we'd all understand why things are so shit and may even be able to actually fix the problem. You might even see niggers actually try to be intelligent! Being the piece of shit you are, I know fixing things is beyond you, and you want nothing more than for nogs to stay how they are, but that's destroying this entire civilization with no benefit, real or percived. You're dumb, you're a faggot, and you need to kill yourself.

>muh freedom
Freedom destroys
And nobody wants to be told what to do about anything, not just mixing.
What a brainlet take.

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>links a wiki page
Frog, your response is garbage and you shame your lineage by expressing it.

>attacks source
>ad homs as reply

>the source isn't bias and it isn't black listed in academia to even suggest that there is a correlation between race and IQ
The literal father of DNA is a race realist. All geneticists in china (see: they aren't politically correct and only care about scientific progress) are race realists. If you believe in evolution you are a race realist whether you accept it or not. Empirical reality doesn't change because of things like "fairness." You're a fucking mental midget.

>doesnt trust wikipedia
>trusts Chinese "scientists"

Still doesn't make me wrong, or your source more reliable.

Ironically Nixon said the same thing 50 years ago. youtube.com/watch?v=PwXOEFK6Swo

Your assessment has a MAJOR flaw in it OP. You're presuming the racial composition of America stays the same. If america stayed a 90% white 10% black population for the foreseeable future, then yes stifling the discussion would probably be better for society. However, you're forgetting America is being taken over by low IQ Mexicans and by banning this topic, we knowingly let millions of lower IQ peasants into America. If everyone was forced to read the bell curve, the wall would be put up tomorrow.

>wikipedia isn't biased
Seriously? They can pick and choose what sources they pull form. I would bet that every single source on that page has been debunked by somebody like alt-hype in the past and they don't link sources that support race realism. Do you really believe that wikipedia isn't subject to have an editorial bias? Have you even studied race realism? Of course you haven't. Your religion prevents you from even considering it. Did you know that humans qualify for every modern definition to be divided into subspecies? Did you know that there are many species of animals that have further snp (you don't even know what that means lol) distances between each other than europeans have between sub-saharan africans? You literally cannot win this debate. You are a religious zealot of egalitarianism. You are the catholic church in the 1500's who killed those who denied universal geocentrism. Same retard, different era. Congrats.

To all the faggots who still don't believe in the correlation between race & IQ, just lookup the hereditary aspect of IQ. Even extreme leftist sources admit IQ is around 50% hereditary, with most recent sources at around 85% (same as height). Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how IQ differences could have been formed biologically between thousands and thousands of generations.

kill all jews

wikipedia represents a summary of the narrative as promoted by the academic/media/political/scientific establishment, it can be labeled the (((ministry of truth))) in that regard. it will tell you only what is politically correct.

chink scientists are certainly not beholden to the jewish doctrine of cultural marxism which has subverted the western scientific tradition

>After conducting the largest online intelligence study on record, scientists concluded that the notion of measuring one's intelligence quotient or IQ by a singular, standardized test is highly misleading.

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Oh look, it's the guy who gets blown the fuck out in every single race realism thread and deconstructs everything to the point where be says things like "All life came from a common ancestor, therefore we are all the same." Does it get tiring getting blow the fuck out day after day on a subject you are outclassed on?

without free flow of information to whomever who wants it, society cannot adapt, nor can it progress. I mean actually progress. You will create castes based on arbitrary BS, and will cause even bigger, insurmountable problems that could have been avoided.

If niggers are inferior, which they are, then it is so. It is not in our interest to see their psychological state being well. And we will fight you on this right for free information.

I dont see how you get to decide on this important topic. As a matter of fact, WE decided on this, and we judged it to be good. Our decisions are more important than yours since you are a fucking newcomer faggot. Barely even capable of independent thought. Society is full of infantile retards such as you who are basically baby tier in pretty much everything, it is a shame that so many of you are kept in such high regards when you dont deserve it in the least bit.

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First time on Jow Forumseddit in months baka.

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Wanna lie again faggot? Are you just a buttmad shitskin or a troll? Look at the obviously dumb ass shit you posted in the past. Try using different anime picture next time, mental midget.

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Suck a dick. My free speech is more important than the lives of every black person to me or the white race. The free speech amongst the white race and the free speech of a single free white man is mire important than the lives of all non whites combined

You typed all that shit and at no point you stopped yourself, reflected and thought to yourself that the purpose of the IQ debate exactly is to point out that certain groups are not able to coexist?

IQ matters a lot and it is genetic. The public needs to know this otherwise the West will eventually fail and we will become slaves to the Chinese insects whippers.

If blacks weren't retarded, they wouldn't have to complain about IQ.... they would be able to respect it like everyone else

Woops sorry had to include the rest of your completely Poe's law tier argument from the thread you shat up last.

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Yes user, people on here save pics posted here without changing the filename, shocker.

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>more resentful
You can't make people more resentful than right this moment where Environmental Determinists/Marxists are telling African Americans that all of the inequalities and variance between populations is caused by European oppression.
They're playing on Human Tribalism, any narrative that blames the other group for inequities is easily accepted while a Genetic Determinist narrative is very hard to sell to people because it doesn't energize them to be aggressive in the same ways.
It's WAY worse as things stand now.

>Race and IQ should be banned from public discourse


We need more psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Not that pseudoscience you right wingers call empirical evidence.

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That's a timestamped Jow Forums created file name. If you were to save the initial post's file it would have a number greater than the one before. This is irrefutable proof that it was the same exact poster who made both of those posts. You'll lie again, but know deep down that you're wrong and a complete smoothbrain retard. Get fucked.

White people are forced to spend way too much time, money and effort massaging black egos and they still behave like fucking animals.

At least if white people are allowed to know the scientific facts behind racial differences then we can forever give up the stupid notion that we have any agency in reforming black behavior and stay the fuck away from them and them from us.

Multiculturalism has ZERO value for white people and white countries - aside from cheap labor, and even then it's not worth it.

You must be a Jew. We all know your motives which are the same no matter what bullshit you are spouting: that which is beneficial for the Jew - which is NEVER good for Whites.

Nope, not how it works. The number filename occurs when one saves a pic even if it has a unique non-numerical name, when others save the image reposted with the number name, it doesn't change.
Damn this board has really gone downhill since I was last here for Christmas.

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Just to further blow you the fuck out and dab on your corpse. This is what it automatically names the file I saved directly from yours. The only way you aren't lying is if you saved the original and number by number named it the exact same. Get over it, you lost. You got fucked. It's okay dude.

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And to follow up. Yes, that's exactly how it works and you've been found out. That is you. You know it and I know it.

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You got btfo. Honestly just stop posting, it’s embarrassing. That’s exactly how Jow Forums file names work.

>ironically Nixon said the same thing 50 years ago
Holy shit. I hope i live long enough to see race realism becoming a public debate. It's definitely going to be very entertaining.

wow, that's weird. Shouldn't it have named the file 1546815839423.jp instead of what's shown in the image? I have a feeling you'll be using some new anime pictures next time you feel like getting blown the fuck out, you sure as hell don't want to be exposed like you have in this thread ever again right?

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That's some next level BTFO, someone screen crap this anime faggots shame.


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I don't know why they try and fight against autists. It never ends well for them.

>discussion should be banned

>mfw actual clinically diagnosed autist

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And yet they still haven't given the command line for how to recover from this timestamp.

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Yeah, you were found out. You were the exact same poster who made the (I hope) bait post about there being no such thing as species since we all have a common anscestor. You have been proven to be the same retard in every race realism thread that posts the same 10 pictures with shitty arguments. If I had to guess I’d say you’re atleast part hispanic because you use my flag but are mad about race facts that show your people to be on average inferior in intellect.

Oh look it's the holohoax denying French kike.

Oh and also because you post anime which seems to be overwhelming posted by south americans

>Everyone's IQ should be public and it should affect eligibility to vote, own weapons, hold certain jobs, or hold any level of public office