I just saw the Godfather Part 2. People claim these movies are artworks but they are liberal shitshows. The second one is a perfect example of utter liberal lunacy being promoted as this godlike cinematic masterpiece.
The Republican Senator who clearly represents a typical racist family values Conservative is then caught in the hotel with a prostitute and drugs. This is clearly a hit at the idea that politicians, particularly moral politicians are actually hypocrites who are degenerates themselves. This meme feeds into the social justice narrative of "white man bad!". In truth Senators are the highest most respected members of society, they don't commit crimes, they don't sleep with prostitutes, they don't do drugs. They are the top established societal members who cut vices out of their life. Especially back in the 1950s when this took place.
A priest raped my mother and made me and she hates me for it
Daniel Nguyen
Actually the 1950s was the beginning of the end for politics. All the good men died in the war so only the cowards, draft dodgers and spineless weasels who hid while their comrades died were around to take political office.
Why do you think the world has been going downhill since the 1950s? Because we culled the men with honour and allowed the remainder to rule us.
Evan Phillips
That's absolutely false, only the very bottom of society was sent off to fight in those wars. As much as I respect soldiers for their sacrifice, they are useless pawns of superior men. The bankers, intellectuals, business owners, etc all stayed back. The war actually probably rose the IQ average.
Blake Ward
Who gives a fuck about IQ when we're discussing honour you retard?
Juan Butler
Because high IQ people are what built up the West and America. Honor is great but who cares if a 80 IQ bricklayer has honour? His role is to simply serve his betters.
Grayson Williams
Outstanding. Where's the cutoff for this low IQ shit btw? What happens when society advances to the point where you are in the serve your betters category?
Honour isn't a matter of IQ. It's a simple equation, which group am I part of and is what I'm doing positive or negative for this group? Do I have enough power that allowing myself to be blackmailed by engaging in degeneracy could be used against me and therefore my group?
Bonus points, someone with no honour might go along with the blackmail while someone with honour would just come clean to his group and name the blackmailer, taking the social repercussions that come with whatever his degeneracy was.
You're currently being ruled over by high IQ individuals with no honour, they sold you to the jews because they have no honour. Do you stand by your claim that honour is irrelevant to public office or are you happy to be ruled over by high IQ charlatans with no real allegiance to anyone but themselves and their financial masters?
William Young
We are not ruled by high IQ people with honor. The people who run society are the people with the most honor. Corporations and universities are now demanding social action and social altruism before being accepted into the ranks. Top politicians hold the most morals, not the least.
Look at the standard to get into Harvard, like 200 hours of community service is generally what it takes. They want people who actually care for others.
Andrew King
Unironically literally kill yourself.
Anthony Diaz
nice trolling. Senators would steal the coins from the eyes of a dead colleague lieing in state so they could buy flowers for an underage page.
Thomas Johnson
>typical racist family values Conservative is then caught in the hotel with a prostitute and drugs. This and all sorts of other degenerate crap literally happens all the time. You're a shill faggot here to deny what's real.
> In truth Senators are the highest most respected members of society, they don't commit crimes, they don't sleep with prostitutes, they don't do drugs. They are the top established societal members who cut vices out of their life. Especially back in the 1950s when this took place. This is a big bag of horseshit. Piss off.
William Jones
Shit-tier trolling. And what is a page?
Julian James
You know how I said all the good men died in the war which left us with a massive imbalance in the pools of good men and evil men to fill our political ranks with? The same applies to the alphabet agencies. Fuck off glownigger. I hope you get AIDs from being raped by a pack of niggers and die of AIDs alone because your jewish masters have no further use for you so use pilpul to avoid having to pay your health insurance.
Dominic Powell
>he second one is a perfect ex was it a white priest?
Luke Walker
>>look at the standard to get into Harvard...
I thought it took about a couple hundred grand to pay for a imposter to take the college tests for your stupid child...or a hefty “donation” to the college building fund.
Anthony Miller
What are you talking about? I'm still going to be useful considering im graduating from a top law school and plan to work for a corporate firm, one that you would call "Jewish" even though it's not run by Jews.
Daniel Nguyen
If your family has that kind of money, you must descend from good genes.
Nathan Morris
That’s false 17-24 year olds mainly went off to war of all classes Nice try fuckwit troll bot
Christian Bennett
Oops I only meant to greentext the part about the hotel and prostitute and drugs, in the first part of my post.
The second part is as it should be.
Brayden Kelly
>the wealthy fought in ww2 Nice bait. Go ask the Rothschilds how many of their grandparents served, probably 0
Jace Reed
So here's the thing, what you see as "good" is in fact evil. Social activism in the modern world is not to create a better future for everyone here and future generations, it is to destroy the world we have created and create a low IQ mulatto slave class with no honour to be ruled over by the jews.
Go ahead and describe socially acceptable modern day political activism or social altruism that you describe as good, I'll tell you why it's evil and furthers the agenda of the elite.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
No, they doesn't have. Politicians are the most clean family-valued people you will ever meet, they have to be or they will be exposed by the opposition. They are the most outstanding citizens.
Jonathan Miller
>Go ask the Rothschilds how many of their grandparents served
>All the good men died in the war so only the cowards, draft dodgers and spineless weasels who hid while their comrades died were around to take political office.
Bentley Thompson
The only time a politician is exposed is when they defy their political masters. There is no opposition in politics today, only two arms of the same people.
Gavin Morgan
>>the wealthy
So basically the scumbags.
John Diaz
What about anti-trafficking/anti-prostitution activism. There's been a huge push by leftist feminists, but accepted by the right (clearly under Trump signing FOSTA/SESTA) to recognize prostitution as a sex crime and globally abolish the practice.
That's an issue pushed by the left, accepted by the right, and is rising in the ranks of social activism.
Politicians are and always have been scum. Run away from anyone who seeks a political "career" .
>in b4 "muh George Washington"
Based GW wasn't a politician. He did not seek office. He was begged by the people to run for office to unite the country. And he left voluntarily, even though he could have been re-elected in perpetuity. He was our Cincinnatus.
Gabriel Barnes
No! My entire thread is to explain that politicians, wealthy people, etc are not scumbags, they are the most outstanding citizens and that's how they got to where they are
Explain John Splitzer then. That was one of the FEW times a politician did something degenerate and was busted and fired for it.
Rothschilds were known for their honesty in business, which is why governments trusted them so much with their money.
Jeremiah Ross
What about Donald Trump?
Easton Clark
I'm surprised that Harvard requires you to literally endanger your life by fighting mobsters to gain entry but let's roll with it.
Any activism you do to stop organised sex trafficking rings targets the organised sex trafficking rings operated by independent evil mobsters from Eastern European countries. You will never tackle the main prostitution rings in the USA which are often run by LEO and politicians. Essentially you're stopping an evil act perpetrated by evil A while never seeing evil act perpetrated by evil B.
Why do you think attempts to stop sex trafficking have been so unsuccessful despite the widespread support for it by your own admission? Because if you managed to stop evil A then evil B wouldn't have someone to take the blame for their activities. How many mobsters served actual jail time? How many mobs were taken out by this activism? (It's policing but whatever) Why do the mobsters keep being released without serving time? They are a useful evil for the evil forces running the world.
Any work you have done to stop sex trafficking has been a distraction to make you feel like you were making a difference while never seeing the people behind it. Protip, it's the jews.
Jose Rivera
>Explain John Splitzer then. That was one of the FEW times a politician did something degenerate and was busted and fired for it. I imagine it was because he did something to piss off his political masters or was simply thrown to the wolves for the sake of appeasing the masses as I said you fucking retard.
>Rothschilds were known for their honesty in business, which is why governments trusted them so much with their money. If I were to charge you $1,000 for a sandwich then as long as I told you the cost it would be an honest transaction. You might not buy that sandwich for yourself but if you worked for a guy with loads of money and I said to you buy this sandwich for your boss and I'll give you $500 you would buy the sandwich from me if you had no honour. And that was a short history lesson on US Military procurement operations from 1960 to present inclusive.
Jonathan Hall
No they're not and they're exposed all the time.
You're the most useless shill ever. No one even remotely believes the crap you're saying.
Leo King
>I'm surprised that Harvard requires you to literally endanger your life by fighting mobsters to gain entry but let's roll with it. It's not compulsory you be an anti-trafficking activist, it's just an example. You can also be an activist for any other issue, world peace, anti-corruption, etc.
>Any activism you do to stop organised sex trafficking rings targets the organised sex trafficking rings operated by independent evil mobsters from Eastern European countries. You will never tackle the main prostitution rings in the USA which are often run by LEO and politicians. Essentially you're stopping an evil act perpetrated by evil A while never seeing evil act perpetrated by evil B. You realize backpage, one of the largest and most established prostitution facilitators, was shut down by the FEDs right? Their CEO went to prison. That cite is as pro-establishment as it gets.
>Why do you think attempts to stop sex trafficking have been so unsuccessful despite the widespread support for it by your own admission? Because if you managed to stop evil A then evil B wouldn't have someone to take the blame for their activities. How many mobsters served actual jail time? How many mobs were taken out by this activism? (It's policing but whatever) Why do the mobsters keep being released without serving time? They are a useful evil for the evil forces running the world.
You're very confused. Anti-prostitution activism isn't about targeting the mobsters. That's supply side economics which is not acknowledged by us anymore. Our goal is to target the DEMAND for prostitution. Laws enforced by the Nordic model punish the buyer but not the seller. Only the organizer or pimp on the supply side gets punished. Most of the enforcement goes against the buyers of the services. This has been successful as in Sweden prostitution rates dropped like crazy after the law, and many hotels like Marriott and Hilton have enacted policies to root out potential sex buyers via cameras.
Mason Nelson
Name a politician other than Splitzer who did this degenerate thing? I'm waiting
>I imagine it was because he did something to piss off his political masters or was simply thrown to the wolves for the sake of appeasing the masses as I said you fucking retard. So the "elites" get thrown to the wolves now just to appease the masses? Lol, i thought the masses serve the elites, now the masses devour the elites? Lol
>If I were to charge you $1,000 for a sandwich then as long as I told you the cost it would be an honest transaction. You might not buy that sandwich for yourself but if you worked for a guy with loads of money and I said to you buy this sandwich for your boss and I'll give you $500 you would buy the sandwich from me if you had no honour. And that was a short history lesson on US Military procurement operations from 1960 to present inclusive. I agree the U.S military industrial complex has had some problems, but Trump is sorting that out.
Nathan Russell
>You realize backpage, one of the largest and most established prostitution facilitators, was shut down by the FEDs right? Their CEO went to prison. That cite is as pro-establishment as it gets. Yes, we can't have non-jews getting wealthy through evil.
>You're very confused. Anti-prostitution activism isn't about targeting the mobsters. So hang on a cotton picking minute... You don't see how this is inherently evil?
Blake Miller
You know that humans are cattle to jews right? No matter how elite a human is if they're not a jew they'll never be immune like a jew.
Maintaining control over the plebs requires the occasional ritual sacrifice, and jews have no honour so they will even sacrifice a jew if they have to.
Parker Reed
>Yes, we can't have non-jews getting wealthy through evil. You have an answer for everything, if he was Jewish you'd just say he wasn't a "true jew"
>So hang on a cotton picking minute... You don't see how this is inherently evil? No, the war on drugs showed that when you target the mobsters, all you do is just make the few remaining mobsters even stronger and richer and more powerful. Supply-side management does not work, we have to target the demand, it starts with sex buyers. In Sweden the police have entire divisions to rooting out sex buyers.
Julian Watson
Fuck, was going to make an anarchist parody of you by saying "FUCK THE STATE THEY ARE ALL EVIL" but then decided to respond seriously, forgot to change flag back
Benjamin Barnes
Elliot Splitzer, the guy im talking about, was Jewish.
Noah Ross
Yes, it seems like I have an answer for everything because I lurk here. I'm delivering the condensed knowledge of how the world works according to Jow Forums to you. If you haven't acclimatised yourself by hanging around in the threads where we literally root out conspiracies and child trafficking with names, pictures, records and evidence then that's on you bro.
Maybe go and argue with one of them if you want specifics. All I'm saying is it's the jews, the dishonourable jews and probably the innocent jews too. If you care that much then you're free to look in to it further yourself but I don't have the inclination to spoonfeed you the modern day conspiracy webs of social control through music and pedo rings.
As for targeting people using prostitutes, holy shit no wonder the world is fucked. People have always used prostitutes and always will. If you hate the traffickers go after the traffickers, not the people using prostitutes. The people using prostitutes don't know or care if the prostitute was trafficked. It's not their responsibility. Ruining their lives because you're unable to solve the problem you want to solve is evil.
William Sullivan
Maybe he was a self hating jew.
Jason Fisher
He was an ultra-zionist.
Samuel Hughes
> As for targeting people using prostitutes, holy shit no wonder the world is fucked. People have always used prostitutes and always will. If you hate the traffickers go after the traffickers, not the people using prostitutes. The people using prostitutes don't know or care if the prostitute was trafficked. It's not their responsibility. Ruining their lives because you're unable to solve the problem you want to solve is evil. They are the ones funding the industry by using the services. Just like how people who watch childporn prop up the industry just by watching it and thus should be criminally charged. Going after the buyer and thus demand is the best way to destroy an industry.
Anthony Baker
so Spitzer get ruined for having a hooker walk him around on a leash in the privacy of his home using his own cash.
Why are the faggots in gay pride parades celibrated for doing the same in public?
Also for every pervet priest there are 10,000 pervert teachers.
Priests should join the teachers union the media would never talk about the issue again.
Ryder Adams
Super self hating jew then. The pedo ring jews don't want Israel, they want to be travelling parasites forever. They might like the idea of Israel existing so they have somewhere to go when SHTF or as a political ally but to them wherever they infest is home, until they destroy it. Then they'll probably try to rule the world from Israel once they have their slave mutt army.
Make no mistake this is a complicated issue that can best be summed up as "the jews with no loyalty to anyone but themselves did it." Why would they care whether a non-elite jew was a zionist when they don't care about Israel?
Adrian Myers
And people who drive SUVs are killing the environment. Should we imprison them because it's easier than stopping the oil companies and car manufacturers?
Bentley Morales
I don't really believe much of climate change, i think it's over exaggerated. However if I did buy into the narrative I would say that they should be carbon taxxed as consumers. Since pollution isn't a crime against humanity it shouldn't be treated criminally, but with a sin tax
Matthew Garcia
Sorry I responded that to the wrong person>I don't really believe much of climate change, i think it's over exaggerated. However if I did buy into the narrative I would say that they should be carbon taxxed as consumers. Since pollution isn't a crime against humanity it shouldn't be treated criminally, but with a sin tax
Justin Miller
I don't really believe much of climate change, i think it's over exaggerated. However if I did buy into the narrative I would say that they should be carbon taxxed as consumers. Since pollution isn't a crime against humanity it shouldn't be treated criminally, but with a sin tax
Ayden Gomez
I'm not a fan of the homosexual lifestyle but LGBT is about accepting their lifestyle. It's also more about love than sex while prostitution is just about sex making it more degenerate. I'm not a fan of either but homosexuality is based on mutual respect and love while prostitution is based on pure degeneracy and sin.
Juan Roberts
Elliot Splitzer was an elite by all means. His family were Israeli bankers and knew the Rothschilds.
But what you're saying is contradictory
>Jews hate Israel >Actually they love Israel >They want israel destroyed >THey want israel an ethnostate! >They don't care about Israel since they want to be ruling travellers! >They want Israel for when they rule the world!
Anthony Carter
>The Republican Senator who clearly represents a typical racist family values Conservative is then caught in the hotel with a prostitute and drugs. The Democrat Senator who wore the wig and KARPED as the prostitute. >both parties in >both senator are jews >both try to kill whitey Is the time to have jews hanged fast upon them?
Ethan Parker
You know that jews think differently to humans right? They can hold schizophrenic beliefs like I described because they think in microcosms. They take the best action in the moment for the long term.
Do they have long term plans to use Israel as their global HQ when they create their mulatto slave race? Probably not, it has crossed their minds though. They know having Israel around is nice for them and if they had to choose between sacrificing a neutral guy and a pro-Israel guy for the same outcome they would prefer the neutral guy. They don't want to work against Israel because they know it might be useful to them at some point. They don't care if it IS destroyed though because ultimately their plans extend no further than dumbing everyone down and ruling over them. If they had to throw Israel under the bus to survive they would do so in a heartbeat, but they don't have any pressing need to destroy it.
William Smith
There's more jews in new york than there is in israel. it benefits them to be in both places. there's no reason to believe their actions are consistent with what they say. its better for them that they are duplicitous actually.
Gavin Long
So where do they plan to rule when the entire world is ruined? And how would they get this mullato slave race to work for them when A.I is destroying all jobs that involve a low IQ?
Alexander Russell
According to the jewish plan the mulatto slave race will fill the role of frontline soldiers for the evil jewish empire as we take to the stars and make contact with other species.
It will be a shame if it happens like that. I think humanity would be good at alien diplomacy but nobody seems to want to stop the jews.
I'm confident that we're under observation though and even if the jews are successful they'll be limited to enslaving the people of this planet and their empire will spread no further so it's not all bad news.
And stop denigrating people with low IQ chum, you're pretty low IQ yourself comparatively speaking.
>According to the jewish plan the mulatto slave race will fill the role of frontline soldiers for the evil jewish empire as we take to the stars and make contact with other species. Makes no sense, you need intelligent people to design spaceships, how would a race of high-crime low IQ people do that? Makes no sense
Aiden Bell
Also I go to an Ivy League school. I'm very high IQ, you on the other hand are a low IQ schizo.
Nathan Gutierrez
Sounds like your a faggot boomer who still trust politicians.
Jonathan Baker
The wasp elite was hypocritical and decadent. That's part of why they sold out the country and lost their power in the first place. Their collaboration with the mafia like in the movie is well documented in real life. watch the myth of the 20th century episode on the syndicate.
Jason Hughes
>Makes no sense, you need intelligent people to design spaceships, how would a race of high-crime low IQ people do that? Makes no sense >implying literally everyone will be a mulatto slave There will be jews and species traitors such as yourself to design spaceships. It's really not hard to design, build and launch space ships especially when you have the resources of an entire world at your disposal. It's just a question of mathematics and time.
>Also I go to an Ivy League school. I'm very high IQ, you on the other hand are a low IQ schizo. Does the jew next to you seem worried by the fact that I've outed his species? Probably not, you seem like a willing slave.
There’s absolutely nothing to respect about with modern politics.
Samuel Russell
>There will be jews and species traitors such as yourself to design spaceships. It's really not hard to design, build and launch space ships especially when you have the resources of an entire world at your disposal. It's just a question of mathematics and time. You realize that might be impossible right? Good luck inventing a star trek rocket with a 80IQ. It's nearly impossible for 140IQ scientist to do that, how would they get idiots? There's not enough smart people if whites and jews are like 2% of the population
>Does the jew next to you seem worried by the fact that I've outed his species? Probably not, you seem like a willing slave. Slave? I'm a member of the ruling elite. That's how i know this shit.
I don't understand, how is homosexual sex illegal?
Michael Parker
I come from a politician family you idiot, my dad is the most honorable person.
Noah Cox
I can offer you dominion over a dozen worlds more bountiful than this if you were to but betray your jewish masters. Would you like to know more?
Levi James
>I’m a member of the ruling elite >I go to an Ivy League school Lmao you are such a retard it’s incredible, my sides have entered orbit. Make a thread when you’re a multinational CEO or a military general you god damn moron. Those are the real elites.
I'm very confused, dominion over a dozen worlds? What do you mean? How do you get dominion over worlds? Is this like some Mormonism stuff where if i leave the university and join the church i get these planets in the afterlife?
Jordan Stewart
Hahahaha Jow Forums is so fucking dumb. Whenever I claim to be an "oppressed working class" person since I technically come from a working class family as no one in my family owns capital, they say
"b-but you go to an ivy league school, you're not oppressed, you're an elite! You are the bourgoise".
Then i claim to be an elite and get told im actually a prole.
This site can't make its mind up it's hilarious.
>Make a thread when you’re a multinational CEO or a military general you god damn moron. Those are the real elites. People who go to Ivy League schools become those positions anyway. We get jobs as lawyers and doctors and judges, aka the elites and world ruling class.
Nicholas Clark
>Ivy League level reading and research skills Your dad is probably a corrupt asshole who took a bunch of corporate money and sold out his constituents. How old are you? You sound incredibly naive.
Tyler White
You can go now if you like, though most people find it strange to abandon their commitments on this earth before their time. It's a different experience being a god on a fertile planet while entirely corporeal but if you want to try it the option is there. Tell me what dirt you have on the jews and we may be able to make a deal.
Elijah Gomez
I'm 18. And i used to be a conspiratard until my dad got into office and sees with his eyes first hand that conspiracies are bullshit and the system is run democratically
Matthew Hall
You’re a fucking retard. “Lawyers doctors and judges” aren’t elites, and the fact you think so clarifies how poorly read you are. You’re a stupid fucking college student, not an elite you dumb faggot.
Carson Wood
By “democratically” do you mean politicians having their campaigns paid off special interest groups, I.e Wall Street and the military-industrial complex? You’re just a stupid kid so I’m just going to give you some wiki links and books for you to read on this issue as you probably just got accepted to a school and you’re having it go to your head. No need to call you a dumb faggot, even if you’re acting like one.
You're a fucking moron! My dad is in Congress and often his agenda gets fucked over by some """community leader""" doctor or lawyer who raises a stink. You are so poorly read and uneducated and don't understand technocratic societies. There's no conspiracy theory of major elites ruling everything, life isn't an alex jones conspiracy. The top of society is the doctors and lawyers and CEOs, there's no one who controls them
Lincoln King
Senate not Congress, i was wrong just had to ask him. It's state senate.
Isaiah Scott
>There's no conspiracy theory of major elites ruling everything, life isn't an alex jones conspiracy. The top of society is the doctors and lawyers and CEOs, there's no one who controls them Nope, you’re fucking wrong buddy. Read my links, this country is a totalitarian oligarchy controlled by the hyper-wealthy and the pentagon/national security state. John Adams, Eisenhower, C Wright Mills and JFK all warned you about this. State senates are trivial and meaningless compared to national and international politics.
Thomas Roberts
My uncle met Jacob Rothschild at the International Bank of Settlements and said there was nothing devious of him. They never talked but he was in a group conversation of which he was in.
Samuel Cooper
A single anecdotal blip of a family member where they didn’t even talk to them doesn’t prove anything. With that said, The Rothschilds are overblown in their power anyway and used as a boogeyman by retards that misunderstand elite theory. Real power is centered in the Pentagon, which is absolutely unstoppable. Financial power lies in NYC. Congress and the White House have become the slaves to the two former sections of power. What you see in DC is such an absolute charade and waste of time we’d might as well be a corporate-military junta at this point.
Liam Ortiz
Just a quick bump, bear with me.
Matthew Edwards
Even if you were an Infantryman at the Somme, you would have an 85 percent chance of survival. A Waffen SS trooper in Galicia would be odds on to survive the war. It wasn't that destructive, particularly in the English speaking world.
I cannot stress enough just how low casualties were in both wars compared to a total served, even within the Infantry. A Soviet motor rifle soldier would have a better chance of survival than a Soviet civilian. The British Empire fielded millions of men in both wars and had extremely low losses as a percentage of that. Even among your volunteer combat units (Guards, Parachute Regiment, Royal Marines) the casualties were so low.
The problem was, and always was, the introduction of women into the work place.
Julian Torres
Hang on a minute James Preston Kennedy, you're not "going to Harvard" because you're an ultra clever 18 year old like a normal Harvard applicant, you're going to Harvard because your dad, John has had enough of your shit (literally sued by the neighbours because of you) and decided to ship you off to law school or cut the family pursestrings.
This is absolute gold. You don't even have the grades to get in to Harvard, the community service aspect was to make you work hard for it so you didn't treat it like a taxpayer funded vacation like you do with the rest of your life.
Holy shit, you're 22/23. Grow up kid.
Owen Turner
Grow the fuck up budd
Tyler Allen
Who dies first in war? The ones who stand up and charge the enemy when their comrades are pinned down. The best men.
Austin Nguyen
Does your dad John Kennedy (no relation) know you use the far right extremest website known as Jow Forums? I might send him an email, there's no point him paying Harvard tuition fees and suffering the embarrassment of having your name attached to his when you're probably going to throw it all down the drain by pulling some wacky stunt involving racist frogs at Harvard because you wanted to impress your racist friends on the internet.
David Williams
No. It's the guy who gets ordered to walk slowly into machine gun fire. Not cause he wants to, but because if he doesn't they will just shoot him anyway
Justin Rivera
I already got in shit for that because i pasted pepe memes all over the school walls when Trump was elected. He knows i browse this site and says im dumb for wasting time here.
I do find it so funny you said the "by pulling some wacky stunt involving racist frogs at Harvard because you wanted to impress your racist friends on the internet" because i literally did exactly that in highschool.
Ethan Martinez
The Somme was an equal culling of all men, the 2% sociopaths who kill without remorse, the 2% heroes who might win a posthumous VC in other circumstances, the normal people. In ordinary circumstances it's the bravest who die first.
Every posthumous Victoria Cross winner in WWII was a potential leader that would have altered our history for the better had they been alive to lead us, the same goes for the American equivalent, probably the Purple Heart but I'm not certain.
Ian Nelson
You're lucky this site is 90% NSA at this point, if any normies got hold of this your dad would take a lot of shit James.
Do you go by James or Preston btw? The records vary.
Ryder Murphy
Martin Sheen imported catholic childfucking into Hollywood
Ryan Bailey
Why? I don't say anything racist here
Jose Butler
You didn't answer my question and calling you both James and Preston is weird. Which is it?
Joseph Cooper
>democrat that has no problem sending everyday honorable Americans to die but is ok with the spineless politicians and bankers staying home. I swear the natural redpills are increasing
Matthew Sanders
No but you essentially called the vast majority of American people slaves whose purpose in life is to follow the orders of you, your family and other similarly positioned people.