I'm a Lifetime Democrat Who's Voting Republican To Keep Prostitution Illegal

I always hated the right-wing but I am voting Republican next election because it appears like the Democrats have gone batshit insane and want to decriminalize prostitution, the ultimate form of oppression in my opinion. Although I don't like how the police target sex workers in America, I wish like they did in Sweden target the sex buyers since he's the criminal in the equation and the one holding up the sex trafficking industry.

You got an anarchist to vote republican, thanks democrats. The Democrats used to be the party against oppressive capitalism. Under FDR the capitalists were controlled, now the Democrats want capitalists to make millions off Megabrothels like they do in Germany


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I remember going through that phase

Welcome to the club

I'm still an anarchist, im just siding with republicans until they change this.


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isn't legalising the best way to avoid immoral and illegal practices within the industry?

The practice itself is illegal and immoral. That's like saying "legalize rape to avoid immoral practices during the act"

whats morally wrong with prostitution?

Yep but these people think they’re too weak to resist fucking whores I guess

But isn't trump technicaly jew, since he is married to jewish woman?

Men naturally have more money due to the patriarchy so using money to get sex acts is Corsican.

Lets imagine it was another situation. Imagine if in 2050 Jews have all the good jobs, hold all the wealth, and own everything. They use this wealth to get whites with no future and no opportunity to eat their own shit and self mutilate. Technically it's a 100% consentual voluntary exchange right? Still not moral, in fact it's disgusting.

Prostitution is the equivalent of paying a starving person to eat their own shit and dance for you. Utterly degrading and is one of the worst sins of capitalism.

he's also pro israel

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His daugher is Jewish because she converted, Melenia isn't Jewish

I know i would never hire a whore ever. I'm not a criminal

Good for you. People don't realize how destructive prostitution could be become if made legal. It would be funny to see women react to all the cheap immigrant pussy though. They would be willing to the job natives don't want to do, kek.

First time seeing degenerate feminists huh? This shit is nothing new just look at groups like FEMEN glorifying obscenity and the like

So you want prostitutes to just vanish?
You probably think taking away guns will make all guns magically disappear too

but isn't it the same as any other shitty job? don't get me wrong i'm a socialist but i think there better ways to solve this problem

Alright, some common ground! Like you, I believe that prostitution should be completely illegal. But, I also think you should be allowed to kick the shit out of your wife and kids when they step out of line, so your mileage may vary.

I'm 100% for promiscuity and """obscenity""". I am against prostitution for it's exploitation not it's "degeneracy".

Also i am not really for democrats, they are still capitalists.

>but pls regulate this

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What I want is for the police to punish sex buyers, publically list them, humilate them in public ads, and give them criminal records. Target the wealthy sex buyers not the poor prostitutes and with no demand, the supply dries up.

should your wife kick you when you step out of line?

>red n black
>prostitution is immoral

Based and redpilled but jews DO own most of pornographic industries.

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No because "shitty jobs" have dignity and serve a purpose. For example if I'm a janitor, as much as it may suck the only humiliation that comes from it is the current capitalist cultural structure that says you need to be rich to be worth anything. If we had socialism than being a janitor would be seen as an important member of the community who keeps the tools and buildings clean.

My ideal world involves having no state, but until then we need laws to help protect the vulnerable and oppressed.


Prostitution abolition used to be the number one objective of anarchists. You are a shit-tier troll, and know that, but want to fuck with people. I'm just posting this to educate people who dont know.

Has Stalin taught you nothing? Socialism and family values go hand in hand. Sex and porn is used by capitalists to keep people docile

I hate the Jewish bourgeois not as a Jew but as a bourgeois. I'm aware there are many Marxist Jews who hate the pornographic industry.

That's fucked up. Women should have just as much respect and rights as men. Your thinking is partly the reason i want the family unit abolished.

so entertainers don't serve a purpose? that's saying that youtubers, filmmakers, pornacters and videogamemakers shouldt be banned because some dont like there job

I'm not for family values and don't like Stalin. I'd prefer we go back to a communal based lifestyle with no nuclear families, but where the community is everyones family.

at least we agree on some things

Sex work isn't entertainment. It's sex for money, it's disgusting, degrading, immoral, and objectively evil. Sex is suppose to be an intimate thing, being driven by capitalism to sell that is an evil thing.

sex doesn't have to be intimate,else one night stands wouldn't exist,for a customer its a one night stand without all the flirting,also other entertainment sells joy, sound as bad to me as selling sex

Better than pro-literally everything plus pro jew (Democrats)

i don't know anything about the israel so i'm not going to comment on that

Somehow rape would seem to go with anarchy but you anrchists always end up getting turned, unfortunately usually to socialism.

technically i just did but you get my point

One night stands are an attempt for love and people don't do them without having feelings, at least somewhat, for each other.

In an anarchist commual rapists would go to jail

so what's wrong with one night stands? people wouldn't do them if they didt enjoy it, it like mastrubating with a human,and as long as there's consent i don't see a problem with that

I have nothing against them, I just said they are driven by love, which im for.

Do you have some idea what percentage of the buyers might be wealthy or are you assuming?

You’re such a SWERF

so if there's nothing wrong with one night stands there shouldn't be anything wrong with prostitution right?

But family values are human nature. Even feminists are attracted to traditionally dominant men
And say what you want about Stalin but at least his socialist state existed(unlike your shitty utopia that never came to fruition)

>i’m an anarchist
>i’m voting for this party so they will keep enforcing this rule i like

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something being human nature doesn't make it good, greed and killing for selfish gain is human nature but we can still live in a society thats against those urges

Poor people can't afford prostitutes, it's mainly whites with good jobs.

there's a difference between anarchy and no rules

Thank you for the compliment

Prostitution isnt about love, one night stands are . THat's the difference

you're an idiot, Spain under the anarchist commune existed for many years before being oppressed by the fascists

Anarchists aren't anti-rule just anti-ruler.

a lot of prostitutes will do it anyway even if they aren't forced sex is a commodity and it's extremely scarce and all men want it but only like 10 percent get it when they want. You could still buy sex situationally I paid my cousin for a blowjob once


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one night stands don't have to be about love, they can and are in some cases about pleasure

>Anarchists aren't anti-rule just anti-ruler.
then who enforces the rules, dipshit?

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Anarchists aren't against no rules, just no rulers.

So middle class people are bad?
Or only white ones?

sure you aren't from alabama?

wrong link

now explain why the person enforcing the rule does not qualify as a ruler

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sure you aren't from alabama?

>Prostitution isnt about love, one night stands are . THat's the difference
Are you quite sure that’s love?

Prostitution wouldn't be illegal were it not for the human trafficking and slavery aspect of it the chinks and niggers created.

so again, what's the difference between prostitution and a shitty job if prostitution and any other entertainer that don't want to do there job are the same

People go out and they have a one night stand for people they catch feelings with, it's not serious but still about love.

Anarchist militias.

Prostitution is a violation of international law as the U,N denounces it.

Wrong, it was made illegal under the White Slave Traffic Act even when America was almost fully white.

Because they are beholden to the community, that's like arguing the police are rulers, they aren't rulers, they enforce the rules that the lawmakers make, only difference is the community would directly rule themselves.

Greed is not human nature but a side effect of our capitalist sistem. Even in the Soviet union men had most of the power
It only existed because of the chaotic situation in Spain. Still nothing compared to all the socialist states(that stood for longer then 2 years)

so when i would pick someone up from a bar that's love? but when i find a prostitute attractif its not love and more immoral than normal capitalism

the french had a revolution for democratie before the famous french revolt, is democratie a bad system?

How the fuck will you convince every member of your militia to be against prostitution? Can't make rules without rulers enforcing them

so we have no rulers, but we have militias of jobless losers going around and killing people who break the rules, which apparently are never going to change and adapt to an ever changing technological and demographic landscape

most retarded shit i have read in a long time. i assume this is what happens when you don’t think your own ideology through

now fuck off back to r*ddit

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also greed is definitely human nature,its simple survival instinct, 1 piece of bread good,2 pieces of bread better

How do you justify authority prosecuting people for making business agreements?

Anarcist groups like antifa just want an exuse to break shit. Just punch them and move on

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i find it amazing you found it necessary to censor reddit

Wtf? I'm a lifelong Republican but I guess I'm voting Democrat now.

But wait, who makes the rules then if you have no rulers to make rules for the anarchist militias? All groups would probably have different sets of values including ones who say prostitution is okay. How would you make sure that YOUR specific sets of values are enforced everywhere? Also if a dude has a one night stand with a girl under the pretention that he will buy her stuff, is that also prostitution?

>Men naturally have more sex
>Incel epidemic
Naw fuck all that you bullshitting me now

Since when has a Democrat given a shit about morals? This is the party of late term abortion we're talking about here, and prostitution sent you over the edge? Who gives a shit if some whore wants to sell her pussy for shekels? If anything legalizing it will clean it up a little.

Hi israel!

Yes, when you pick a girl up at the bar you are at least bonding with them and have a genuine connection.

t. newfag who doesn’t know it’s a banned word here

anarchi is a very vague term, it simply means getting the power away from a sertand group (and often replacing that power to a other one) communism is technically a form of anarchy

speld anarchy wrong, should be ashamed

>because it appears like the Democrats have gone batshit insane and want to decriminalize prostitution, the ultimate form of oppression in my opinion

well can't disagree with you there, I'm afraid the condition is permanent too

>Butthurt Roastie detected.
Literally the only argument against legalized prostitution is
>Muh feels.

Anarchy with love enforcement is the most liberal kind!

All fields

I wouldn't get my hopes up

sorry i am a noobgay here, r*ddit

I think prostitution should be legal countrywide and regulated. I dont want any of my family being coinslot fuck machines but I think if someone wants to go that route they should have the option since it is their body.
It is 100% degenerate though

>eat their own shit and self mutilate.
Having consensual protected sex is not physically harmful.

>Men naturally have more money due to the patriarchy
Nevermind you are retarded

Because capitalist ideas will be crushed, and thus ideas that a human being can be bought will be seen as barbaric. The same way we will convince the milita that slavery is immoral

This literally happened in Spain you utter loser. It worked until the fascists ruined it.

Intellectuals will decide on what's best for the community, elected via committees and democratically decided by the community.

> Also if a dude has a one night stand with a girl under the pretention that he will buy her stuff, is that also prostitution?
From my understanding it has to be a DIRECT EXCHANGE. Gold digging is disgusting but it's not prostitution. It's the reason why escorts are legal they technically aren't prostitutes since theres no contract for sex. So I suppose that wouldn't be.

I said men naturally have more money you idiot, not sex.

if you go to a bar deliberately to have sex i dont think your gonna be picky and only take people you have a "connection" with

Agreed. If a girl thinks here best ticket to success is her pussy, well, let the market decide.

Democrats have always been the party for morals, we are the ones who want to ban ammoral speech like hate speech while republicans want to legalize the most vile degenerate hateful speech.

Good for you.
Former trump supporter here, not gonna lie, I am voting democrat next election to own the repulitards epic style

No, but you can't just sleep with a girl unless she gives consent, and she won't give consent to someone she doesn't have a connection with.