
What podcasts does Jow Forums recommend? Not necessarily about politics.

I am a big fan of: Jordan eterson, Part-time genius and SYSK

Attached: comfypipi.jpg (1082x695, 287K)

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this dude's my newest find, comedy and politics


this video's a slow starter, go to 7m to start if you're interested

thanks, I am currently checking his channel out. Looks kinda based.

My pleasure, I like promoting good people. I think he's the only based comedian left in the country.

I listen to all the normie podcasts like Joe Rogan and Radiolab: More Perfect. The public radio ones have insane bias but I've taken enough redpills to see through most bullshit. I've even become more redpilled listening to NPR as they talked about Syrian refugees (they confirmed all my fears, even while talking about them in glowing terms).

>Joe Rogan
i can't stand the fucker, imagine what it is to put me thorugh 3 hours of him. Half of the people he brings to the show, I don't know them

>Radiolab: More Perfect
What are they about?

Dr. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic

Attached: jolly.png (1278x677, 501K)

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History


Survive the Jive. European spiritualism without Christcuckery.