You know he is right, admit it !!
You know he is right, admit it !!
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Being blackpilled on your personal life is for losers. Being blackpilled on society and the state of the world is being rational.
bsaed coach
He's right though.
this dude coerced his mistress to abort his child btw.
Hi coach, how's that italian proxy working for you?
I know it would be a lot better to be there than in the shithole you live in near the russian border. I guess you should have paid child support for your children instead of being a deadbeat
Its only black cause you have expectations. The black pill is for idealists who havent taken clown pill.
This. Only e-celebs like the golden one etc are whitepilled about the future because they have to otherwise their paypiggies won't donate.
>Calling mgtow blackpillers
Dont know if he is an ignorant or a cuck
btw I haven't watched his videos for a long time. Has he explained why the fuck he is always sitting in what looks to be a handicraft studio or whatever? Did he really get an office to make his fucking youtube videos?
I hate it when these e-celebs try and fail to grasp a subject such as this, they just end up spreading misinformation.
Ma quale proxy, sei il solito fesso. Guardo comunque i suoi video perche' sono interessanti. Non condivido tutto, ovviamente. Di sta storia degli alimenti non so niente, guardo ogni tanto qualcuno dei suoi video, tutto qua.
probably just ignorant.
Lives in Ukraine probably because it’s cheap
Morality comes from God, not government.
Governments come, governments go.
nevermind, he's just a tradcuck.
is this video actually worth watching? i’m skeptical as every video i’ve ever seen from couch is melodramatic affected trash. but if it’s good i’ll watch it please confirm
he is absolutely correct though
Diaf cuck
Stop speaking Spanish! This is an english only board Carlos Guzman
That beaner is far from "trad"
He actually speaks very bad about western women .... it's not a cuck. He speaks very bad about single mother, etc ....
He just says MGTOW can be a little period of your life where you need to focus on othe very important things, but it's stupid to MGTOW all your life. You will end in bitterness. Western woman are bad? Check somewhere else ...
yep it was melodramatic affected trash shot from 15 camera angles. i should just trust my instincts next time.
It's italian fucking idiot. I wrote in italian because he said I am CRP. Since it's my mothertongue, I can easily prove I am not him and that I am italian.
This guy is a con artist, isn't he? I mean, nothing he ever claimed was proven to be true, and he look like a kike, he probably just saw that millenials need father figures and made the character up.
>"I'm successful, had models suck my dick, have a perfect wife and children and I'm rich and"
>look like a fat jewish goblin
Its obvious to me he's just really good with words and lying, he saw an opportunity to make money on the internet and took it.
On a side note, his video about damaged goods women is great, he said things others don't have the ball to say, like "any tattoo is too much tattoos". Other than that he's trash really, black pilled is much better and nobody gives a shit.
He's probably a janitor lol
He does not only look like a kike, he acts like one, and he IS one. Since I realized that I stopped watching his videos, some people even pointed it out in the comments and get attacked but never counterargumented
Makes sense. Also, ever noticed how much he repeats himself during his videos? He takes 20 minutes to say something that could be said in 3 or 4, because he keeps repeating himself.
Source of information, please.
Real name? All I know is he used to be a writer ...
>Taking comfort in anything being out of your own immediate control
The rationale of a cucked, complacent addict who will amount to nothing, he's completely correct.
Owen Benjamin says this shit all the time. Be good, get a wife, have kids and prepare for the collapse.
What people refer to as the blackpill is often just a harsh dose of reality which is needed to recognize the real actions which must be taken to solve our problems
It isn’t necessarily defeatism by any means, on the contrary it’s the only solution, you often can’t solve a problem without being aware of how big it is and this is one of those problems
>owen benjamin
Literally who?
>the real actions which must be taken to solve our problems
and those are?
Gonzalo Lira
I don't like this guy. There's something fake about him, but I can't pinpoint what
but they are
>Gonzalo Lira
His videos are good for people that are 15 year old and have no father figure. He says only common sense shit that our fathers should have told us but didnt.
Your jew radar is failing? No one to blame but yourself
Your jew radar is bleeping, you will get used to it