What's up with the Deep State distractions today? Really low energy
they overplayed their larp hand with the meteors
gotta distract the goyim everyday!!!
>Cessna 172
Yawn, a student probably stalled on takeoff.
>trump bumpkins think there’s a deep state
Trump is winning so much these days it looks like you shills have been given orders to pretend like the deep state isn't real.
kikes btfo
I know things are happening, many great things. However, there will never be mass arrests. Your fooling yourself if you think so.
Just think about the military mandates and risk assessment.
Everything is about minimizing risk. Lower collateral damage, lower citizen risk etc..
All arrests will be silent except for maybe 50-100.
It’s all an exercise in exhaustion against the bad guys.
With that being said, if it does actually pop off, it’s in the next 3 weeks.
End of nhl/nba, summer events haven’t started yet... if you wait longer you’re back into winter and election season. Nothing outwardly drastic will happen then as the risks of cold and being labelled a dictator are too high.
Most importantly to Q. The sanctity of the state must stay intact. Unfortunately they will hide the fact that libertarians and ancaps are always right.
The Elite has a Summer Season too, where a lot of the experienced talent takes their time off. I have a hunch it more than that. My prediction is they are going relatively quiet this year in favor of a massive ramp up of (((White Nationalist))) activity in the election year of 2020. They can't stir shit on college campuses until most students are back in the fall, either. Summer school delinquents don't make for good Optics, nor do they cause riots without their activist buddies around.
So long story short, whatever crazy shit goes down between now and the end of the year, look for the ramp up in the Spring Semester of 2020. If we are lucky they will order some crazy shit in Fall Semester 2019.
Literally written about by endless politcans, but yea you're right.
This happened yesterday at 6 pm in NY, and also this :
whats special about a picture of overcast taken with a potato?
oh, that bright spot? My monitors so dirty I couldnt see it. joj
you forgot to mention academy graduation day. where the cia recruits get their diploma and the rest of the military industrial education complex recruits its meat shield of tomorrows front line, the homefront.
me toodead serious. but i live near the boeing plant and they test planes all the time.
Big if true
oh so the original plan was to crash it into the statue of liberty, but the pilot was like "whoa its really fucking foggy and rainy today. this was a really dumb plan"
And the plot chickens
>7 iq post
No. The Helicopter was hacked by the good guys and the Mossad Jew got killeed.
Hillary can't even fly a helicopter into the statue of liberty anymore. What a dumb cunt
never seen such a waste of trips ever, gtfo my website you boomer cuck
Not distractions. Assassinations and evidence destruction.
Sidley Austin is specifically mentioned in a Q post in 2017, huge law firm involved in representing Hillary and crew in the Benghazi probe, they donated 385K to HRCs campaign, they're rumored to be tied into dirty Russian and Chinese money, AND Michelle Obama used to work at the Chicago office.
True, the Manhattan building is home to other corporations, but this IS pretty strange. Terrible weather in NYC when it happened, and they're saying this chopper shouldn't have even been flying. A helicopter crash would be a great way to evacuate a building and get people inside to destroy records, etc.
Google Sidley Austin and see all the shady shit swirling around them.
Update: Sidley Austin Reps Clinton Confidante in Benghazi Probe
Former DAG James Cole appears with Sidney Blumenthal for depo in House investigation.
Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime Clinton family friend, on Tuesday sat for a closed-door deposition in the House over his communications with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton around the time of the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. James Cole, a former deputy attorney general under Eric Holder Jr. who is now a partner in Sidley Austin’s Washington office, represents Blumenthal.
The chopper didn't strike any random office.
Trump has done literally nothing against the deep state you boomer retard. The person you are responding to is obviously just trolling to bait dipshits like you.
Have sex, incel.
you still dont know have this works...the distraction never come on the day of a distractions...see you in 2 days...
>thinks all the deaths of high ranking politicians/police officers/Hilary's brother the last 3 days are not connected to Trump taking down the deep state
now this is some funny ass shit. who's the fucking boomer here?
"hard landing"
That's more debris than there was where the plane crashed in PA on 9/11.
Yikes cum in a trannies front hole schizo