I don’t think nuclear power is safe

Better not toy with it, let’s shut it down.

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From pic related
pg 176

The oil crisis and the Volcker shock were further strengthened
by a decision of the leading circles of the establishment to ‘take the
bloom off the nuclear rose’ once and for all, in order to ensure that
the alarming trend of developing worldwide nuclear energy resources
to replace reliance on Anglo-American oil was decisively ended.
Engdahl 02 chap08 175 24/8/04 8:17:50 am
176 A Century of War
Unprecedented diplomatic and legal pressures from the White
House since 1977 had not succeeded in signifi cantly blunting the
attraction of nuclear power. But on March 28, 1979, in a town in
the center of Pennsylvania, a bizarre event occurred, which was then
portrayed to the world press in fi ctitious terms, as though it were a
Hollywood movie script or a remake of Orson Welles’ 1938 War of
the Worlds radio broadcast.
Unit 2 of the Three Mile Island nuclear power reactor complex in
Harrisburg underwent an improbable sequence of ‘accidents.’ Later
investigation revealed that critical valves had been illegally and
manually closed before the event, preventing emergency cooling
water from entering the reactor’s steam generator system. Within 15
seconds, emergency back-up systems had brought the nuclear fi ssion
process to a stop. But a plant operator then violated all procedure
and intervened to shut off cooling water into the reactor core. The
details of what happened next have been extensively documented

Attached: Concentrated Red Pills.jpg (326x499, 42K)

2 / 3 fudge
On August 3, 1979, in its offi cial report on the event, the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission posed sabotage or criminal negligence as one
of six possible causes for the Three Mile Island event. But even after
eliminating the other fi ve possible causes, the government refused
to consider the possibility of sabotage seriously.
News to the world’s media during the entire Harrisburg drama
was strictly controlled by the newly established White House Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). No government or nuclear
plant offi cial was allowed to speak to the press, except when screened
by FEMA censors. FEMA had been created by Presidential executive
order, based on the blueprint of Trilateral Commission White House
adviser Samuel Huntington. Curiously, the agency went into operation
on March 27, fi ve days before its stated date of operation, and the
day before the Three Mile Island incident. Under the direction of
National Security Adviser Brzezinski, FEMA controlled all news at
Harrisburg. The agency ordered the evacuation of the surrounding
population, although there was no indication of radiation danger,
and refused to brief the media for days, permitting panic stories of
fi ctitious items such as ‘Gigantic Radioactive Hydrogen Bubble into
Atmosphere,’ and worse, to fi ll the headlines. Curiously too, that
same month a spectacular Hollywood movie, The China Syndrome,
starring Jane Fonda, portrayed a fi ctional account almostly exactly
parallel with the Harrisburg events, further fueling public hysteria
over the dangers of nuclear energy.

3 /3
By the end of 1979, the hegemony of the Anglo-American fi nancial
establishment over the world’s economic and industrial potentials
had been reasserted in a manner never before imagined. Control of
world oil fl ows had again been a central weapon of their peculiar
brand of Malthusian policy. Out of the chaos of Khomeini’s Iran
and Volcker’s dollar shocks, these infl uential policy arbiters virtually
saw themselves as gods on Mount Olympus. Within a short decade,
however, their lofty mountain was to feel the rumblings of an
underlying volcano.

I knew it was sabotage.

>I don’t think nuclear power is safe
Why? Because it makes you feel bad? Previous nuclear disasters? The potential to hurt the economy? Elaborate.

green energy industry is literally pushing this narrative insanely hard all over the web. They know they will be non existent once nuclear power becomes the future.

Why do nuclear reactors need to observed 24/7 and under constant maintenance every second of every day for the next ten-thousand years if they're so safe?

It was no accident that, following the oil shock recession of 1974–
75, a growing part of the population of western Europe, especially
in Germany, began talking for the fi rst time in the postwar period
about ‘limits to growth,’ or threats to the environment, and began
to question their faith in the principle of industrial growth and
technological progress. Very few people realized the extent to which
Engdahl 02 chap08 143 24/8/04 8:17:47 am
144 A Century of War
their new ‘opinions’ were being carefully manipulated from the top
by a network established by the same Anglo-American fi nance and
industry circles that lay behind the Saltsjöbaden oil strategy.
Beginning in the 1970s, an awesome propaganda offensive was
launched from select Anglo-American think tanks and journals,
intended to shape a new ‘limits to growth’ agenda, which would
ensure the ‘success’ of the dramatic oil shock strategy. The American
oilman present at the May 1973 Saltsjöbaden meeting of the
Bilderberg group, Robert O. Anderson, was a central fi gure in the
implementation of the ensuing Anglo-American ecology agenda. It
was to become one of the most successful frauds in history.

Anderson and his Atlantic Richfi eld Oil Co. funneled millions
of dollars through their Atlantic Richfi eld Foundation into select
organizations to target nuclear energy. One of the prime benefi ciaries
of Anderson’s largesse was a group called Friends of the Earth, which
was organized in this time with a $200,000 grant from Anderson. One
of the earliest actions of Anderson’s Friends of the Earth was an assault
on the German nuclear industry, through such antinuclear actions
as the anti-Brockdorf demonstrations in 1976, led by Friends of the
Earth leader Holger Strohm. The director of Friends of the Earth in
France, Brice Lalonde, was the Paris partner of the Rockefeller family
law firm Coudert Brothers, and became Mitterrand’s environment
minister in 1989. It was Friends of the Earth which was used to
block a major Japanese–Australian uranium supply agreement. In
November 1974, Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka went to Canberra
to meet Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. The two made
a commitment, potentially worth billions of dollars, for Australia
to supply Japan’s needs for future uranium ore and enter a joint
project to develop uranium enrichment technology. British uranium
mining giant Rio Tinto Zinc secretly deployed Friends of the Earth in
Australia to mobilize opposition to the pending Japanese agreement,
resulting some months later in the fall of Whitlam’s government.
Friends of the Earth had ‘friends’ in very high places in London
and Washington.
But Robert O. Anderson’s major vehicle for spreading the
new ‘limits to growth’ ideology among American and European
establishment circles was his Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies.
With Anderson as chairman and Atlantic Richfi eld head Thornton
Bradshaw as vice-chairman, the Aspen Institute in the early 1970s

Running the World Economy in Reverse 145
was a major fi nancial conduit for the creation of the establishment’s
new antinuclear agenda.

They don't, you just made that up

Among the better-known trustees of Aspen at this time was World
Bank president and the man who ran the Vietnam war, Robert S.
McNamara. Other carefully selected Aspen trustees included Lord
Bullock of Oxford University, Richard Gardner, an Anglophile
American economist who was later U.S. ambassador to Italy, Wall
Street banker Russell Peterson of Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Inc.,
as well as Exxon board member Jack G. Clarke, Gulf Oil’s Jerry
McAfee and Mobil Oil director George C. McGhee, the former State
Department offi cial who was present in 1954 at the founding meeting
of the Bilderberg group. Also involved with Anderson’s Aspen in this
early period was Marion Countess Doenhoff, the Hamburg publisher
of Die Zeit, as well as former Chase Manhattan Bank chairman and
high commissioner to Germany, John J. McCloy.
Robert O. Anderson brought in Joseph Slater from McGeorge
Bundy’s Ford Foundation to serve as Aspen’s president. It was
indeed a close-knit family in the Anglo-American establishment of
the early 1970s. The initial project Slater launched at Aspen was
the preparation of an international organizational offensive against
industrial growth and especially nuclear energy, using the auspices
(and the money) of the United Nations. Slater secured support of
Sweden’s UN ambassador, Sverker Aastrom, who, in the face of
strenuous objections from developing countries, steered a proposal
through the United Nations for an international conference on the

the TRUE story of chernobyl.

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_____ here.
We've spent decades perfecting nuclear power while keeping it on the down low. Why?
Because we're holding it in reserve for when we NEED it.
You know; WW3, Aliens
that kind of shit hitting the fan.
Put the kind of hard men of tough times in charge of things like nuclear power...


>ten-thousand years
if thats true why can people sneak into them with no problems?
yes they go into whats left of the core.

based tile fucker poster. my first thought too.

No I didn't faggot, I watched a youtube video where they need to be submerged in water periodically to prevent them from burning through. They have like swimming pools for these nuclear reactors to bathe in. Although I will admit that youtube video is the total sum of my knowledge.

Maybe start using the S.art part of your brain. But we all know Germans are too stupid for nuclear power, they can barely power their country with brown coal and French nuclear power.

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Solar energy seems more promising, safer, and sustainable.

I have an irrational fear of authoritarian leftists compartmentalizing safety information about nigger and muslims

I wasn't asking for your opinion. I was asking for OP, 1 post by this ID, to respond beyond an opinion that's worthless without elaboration. This thread belongs in the

One YouTube video doesn't give you any relevant knowledge of nuclear power idiot. That was most likely a video about spent fuel rods who need to be cooled. Since they give of some heat from decay, the after some years you can put them in storage without cooling them since the fast decaying materials have decayed.

If people don't conserve energy, or tolerate much greater despoiling of the environment, utilities will have no choice but to rely on nuclear power. They'll avoid relying on atomic energy, moreover, just in case it is prohibitively expensive and risky. Nuclear power will remain expensive. If it also remains risky, therefore, the environment will suffer unless people conserve energy.

I found that argument in a logic textbook. Does that sound like a reasonable argument to you? Is it logically valid? Can you demonstrate that it is or isn't? Can you argue against any of its premises? Can you? Then your opinion is too rudimentary to even consider. Put in some effort and say something that has some meat on its bones.



You fucking leaf, shut the fuck up.

>One YouTube video doesn't give you any relevant knowledge of nuclear power idiot.
Wow, there goes my new job.

i dont get this image
do i have to watch epic & cool tv series by HBO™© to understand it?

i see the red pilling was too concentrated for you, i'm going to 8ch

you inspired me to finish posting the rest of the section before i do however

>I wasn't asking for your opinion
And yet you were blessed with it anyway.

> I was asking for OP, 1 post by this ID, to respond beyond an opinion that's worthless without elaboration. This thread belongs in the Kek, unironically expecting a response from OP in a Jow Forums thread with this format when we're 30 posts in and he's still 1pbtid is basic you simple burgoid.

goddamn leaf fags

From the outset, the June 1972 Stockholm UN Conference on
the Environment was run by operatives of Anderson’s Aspen
Institute. Aspen board member Maurice Strong, a Canadian oilman
from Petro-Canada, chaired the Stockholm conference. Aspen also
provided fi nancing to create an international zero-growth network
under UN auspices, the International Institute for Environment and
Development, whose board included Robert O. Anderson, Robert
McNamara, Strong and British Labour Party’s Roy Jenkins. The new
organization immediately produced a book, Only One Earth, by
Rockefeller University associate Rene Dubos and British Malthusian
Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson). The International Chambers of
Commerce were persuaded at this time to sponsor Maurice Strong and
other Aspen fi gures in seminars targeting international businessmen
on the emerging new environmentalist ideology.

The 1972 Stockholm conference created the necessary international
organizational and publicity infrastructure, so that by the time of the
Kissinger oil shock of 1973–74, a massive antinuclear propaganda
offensive could be launched, with the added assistance of millions of
dollars readily available from the oil-linked channels of the Atlantic
Richfi eld Company, the Rockefeller Brothers’ Fund and other such
elite Anglo-American establishment circles. Among the groups which
were funded by these people at the time were organizations including
the ultra-elitist World Wildlife Fund, then chaired by the Bilderberg’s
Prince Bernhard and later by Royal Dutch Shell’s John Loudon.10
Indicative of the fi nancial establishment’s overwhelming infl uence
in the American and British media is the fact that during this period
no public outcry was heard about the probable confl ict of interest
involved in Robert O. Anderson’s well-fi nanced antinuclear offensive,
and the fact that his Atlantic Richfi eld Oil Co. was one of the major
benefi ciaries from the 1974 price increase of oil. Anderson’s ARCO
had invested tens of millions of dollars in high-risk oil infrastructure
in Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay and Britain’s North Sea, together with Exxon,
British Petroleum, Shell and the other Seven Sisters.

Had the 1974 oil crisis not raised the market price of oil to $11.65
per barrel or thereabouts, Anderson’s investments in the North Sea
and Alaska, as well as those of British Petroleum, Exxon and the
others, would have brought fi nancial ruin. To ensure a friendly press
voice in Britain, Anderson at this time purchased the London Observer.
Virtually no one asked if Anderson and his infl uential friends might
have known in advance that Kissinger would create the conditions
for a 400 per cent oil price rise.11
So as not to leave any zero-growth stone unturned, Robert O.
Anderson also contributed signifi cant funds to a project initiated by
the Rockefeller family at the Rockefeller’s estate at Bellagio, Italy, with
Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King. In 1972, this Club of Rome, and
the U.S. Association of the Club of Rome, gave widespread publicity
to their publication of a scientifi cally fraudulent computer simulation
prepared by Dennis Meadows and Jay Forrester, titled ‘Limits to
Growth.’ Meadows and Forrester added modern computer graphics
to the discredited essay of Malthus, insisting that the world would
soon perish for lack of adequate energy, food and other resources.
As did Malthus, they chose to ignore the impact of technological
progress on improving the human condition. Their message was one
of unmitigated gloom and cultural pessimism

One of the most targeted countries for this new Anglo-American
antinuclear offensive was Germany. While France’s nuclear program
was equally if not more ambitious, Germany was deemed an area where
Anglo-American intelligence assets had greater likelihood of success,
given their history in the postwar occupation of the Federal Republic.
Almost as soon as the ink had dried on the Schmidt government’s 1975
nuclear development program, an offensive was launched.
A key operative in this new project was a young woman with a
German mother and an American stepfather, who had lived in the
United States until 1970, working for U.S. Senator Hubert Humphrey,
among other things. Petra K. Kelly had developed close ties in her
U.S. years with one of the principal new Anglo-American antinuclear
organizations created by McGeorge Bundy’s Ford Foundation, the
Natural Resources Defense Council. The Natural Resources Defense
Council included Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson) and Laurance
Rockefeller among its board members at the time. In Germany,
Kelly began organizing legal assaults against the construction of the
German nuclear program during the mid 1970s, resulting in costly
delays and eventual large cuts in the entire German nuclear plan.

Then stop buying our electricity.

Look if you fear nuclear waste, literally the only reasonable way to deal with already existing waste (not to mention future waste) is an advancement of nuclear technology to make breeder reactors and fast fission reactors more effective and available.


No shit... literally free energy from the sun, we just need to capture it.

vs energy left over from the fusion of stars buried deep in the earth where man was never meant to find

I'm a wind turbine technician. I fix them so they generate money out of the thin air. Off in the horizon you can see the lights of a nuke plant. It's actually cool. Just....technology gotta advance and that's all it can do. Oh yeah disposal of the rods.....we can do better.

holy fuck. where do you think solar panels come from? they are made with shit mined from the earth. special metals and shit. Anytime you gotta mine something from the earth it's horrible for the environment. And what about winter time when the sun's low all day? and what about when it's cloudy or snowing or we get a hurricane or super high winds? Use your brain ffs.

Nah, that's gay. And nobody likes windmills retard.

good idea, replace with LFTR

dude forbes is total treasonous scum

you will never get the energy back out of panels that it took to build them

captured solar energy is the key, you capture the sun's heat with dirt and use it to heat your home

>utilities will have no choice but to rely on nuclear power.