Why can't Latin America behave?
Latin America
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The women
I thought Chile would be green
No whites
does anybody even still speak latin there? I thought the spanish conquered them all. It should be called spanish america
Iberian America would probably be more appropriate
Chile is white
Indios and Haitians commit the majority of crime in Chile. Without them it would be green.
I really doubt that. At what point would the millions upon millions of Europeans who arrived in the 20th century have mixed? Argentina should be behind Uruguay but not so far, hell no.
And soon your country will join you dumb ameritard
that map is gay
Yeah, that map is fucked up. I already said to OP in other threads to modify it but he keeps posting it. There's no way Brazil or Cuba have more unmixed European descendants than us.
We killed the majority of the natives and received millions upon millions of Europeans up until 1970.
But who cares anyway.
>Why can't Latin America behave?
>doing what wh*Ties expect
I agree with that map that Chile isn't a white majority country, but they shouldn't be on the same level than Perú or Bolivia.
its hilarious what passes for white in some places
People are not really aware of the levels of admixture that happened in central and south america, i think brazil is much much worse than argentina.
It's not my map, I don't even remember where I found it. But it's hard to believe you're super white when it seems your census groups European and mestizo together
I was in your country last year, and it was not this white Latin dreamworld that I always see it described as. Buenos Aires was filled to the brim with Bolivians and indigenas, and I stayed in the nice neighborhoods. That’s supposed to be the most European city on the continent? Explain
Not everybody in that pic is white, obviously. In fact, picking sport teams as a way of portraying a country's racial demographics is always misleading.
But take pic related, for example. You are telling me this people don't look white to you?
>Colombia & Chile are Bolivia tier.
shhh, let him live his fantasy. I wanna see what he posts next
like you guys a 1/5th of you are muslims
Let's be clear. This country is not predominantly racial European. It was, up until 1990, but it is not anymore.
After the Falklands/Malvinas war -paired with the dictatorship at the time- a lot of (Euro-)Argentines left the country to go back to Europe or the USA/Australia.
In 1990, immigrants started to settle illegally. In the last 90s/early2000s, because of the colossal economic crisis, a lot of (Euro-)Argentines left.
In 2004, Kirchner made a pact with every Mercosur member country AND OBSERVANTS in which we would receive any immigrant from those countries JUST BECAUSE they were born in those countries.
Yes, you read it right: we have been receiving since 2004 people without asking them to have education, family ties or even jobs before entering. We also practically hand them our citizenship when entering the country.
And you have to add, (Euro-)Argentines keep leaving.
The result is a massive replacement, never seen before.
Here, read this: amren.com
Not everything there is completely accurate but it will give you a general idea about it.
This discussion is on South America
>Let's be clear. This country is not predominantly racial European. It was, up until 1990, but it is not anymore.
I know you're saying we do it too, which is true, but we have two categories of white at the very least and non-hispanic is all that matters
The south cone behaves quite well. Perú is growing and advancing with speed and colombia is not as bad as people usually think
7-8 people out of your national team would be considered white here; Di Maria, the one to the right of Higuain and the one with the number 5 don't look white, more like mutts
Brazil is whiter than Mexico. USA would still be white if it had borders with Brazil instead of Mexico.
>USA would still be white if it had borders with Brazil instead of Mexico.
The few civilized people who lives in this continent has to share with literal subhumans ready to jump at each other throats for a cigar
And that kind of people reproduces like rats
White Americans are Americans who are descendants from any of the indigenous peoples of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
Pic related North Africa people...
91 million white brazilians
56 million white mexicans
Brazil's south is so white as USA.
Yeah, this country is not 96.7% European in any way. I would say the number of >85% genetically European must be around 40% more or less.
You have to keep in mind that you came to Buenos Aires, the metropolis of our country. And, just like any metropolis in the world, it is full of immigrants and their offspring.
Again, since you can't read, that's what I said. That's why we have two categories of white
so not very?
Doesn't mean millions of Brazilian niggers wouldn't come marching to the US like Mexicans and Central Americans do
Yeah. I think you're right. But we are whiter than Mexico, thats what Im saying. Even the brown brazilians has some european admixture.
Yes. kek.
But we have enough whites to make it a good place to live.
>Brazil's south is so white as USA.
checked & kek'd
The number of Americans with blue eyes went down from 50% in the early 20th century to 16% in 2017
I think this one is more accurate, OP.
Thanks to you, Hernandez. Your people made USA a non white place. Even Brazil is similar to USA now. I hope Trump kills every mexican in the world.
Canada confirmed ayy lmaos
Thanks, Mexico.
Yeah, this one seems more accurate.
No doubt this is mostly due to immigration, but it is a trend across all of Europe too, though. The percentage of people with blue/gray eyes in Poland went from 56% in 1950 to 42% in 2000. The amount of people with hazel eyes skyrocketed too.
Shut up faggot and try being more supportive of your majority blackwomenofbrazil.co
The north of Mexico is the best part of Mexico!!
The amount of people with amber/hazel/green/mixed eyes went from 28% to 46%, while the percentage of those with brown or black eyes dropped from 15% to 11%. FYI.
Because of immigration too?
>Thanks to you, Hernandez. Your people made USA a non white place
>I hope Trump kills every mexican in the world
>trump isn't tsundere
stay mad nigger.
I wonder why...
Yeah I know at your universities there are a shit ton of Colombians, Brazilians, and Venezuelans who take advantage of the free colleges. If I was Argentine that would piss me off so much. Im pissed if by the fact that we have Asian international students in the US who pay $80k just to get a diploma from middle-tier universities.
blue for here we're 13%
Yeah but we whitened it up and made it prosperous and even a single state like New Mexico is a million times better than Old Mexico.
Not really, mostly because of intermixing between people of different eye colors. Blue is recessive. It's likely that this trend was already happening in America and Western Europe, but immigration only accelerated this
>Old Mexico
You see this is the real problem right there. There wasn't such thing as Mexico until 1810. It was a bunch of kingdoms and empires like europe was/is.
Then there was this big chunk of land called Nova Espana, everybody who was already here + euros + niggers
Then there was the independence war, fought mainly in what today is known as Mexico, and then the rest of the Nova Espana followed suit.
Then there were a bunch of other wars, some civil, some with you and other euro powers. Only until around 1850~ there was really a piece of land that you could call Mexico, inheriting from all the previous.
Hope it clears a little how things came to be
So, yes, you are Old Mexico
Forgot to mention. Most of the developed empires and kingdoms where in MesoAmerica, to the north, AridoAmerica, it was mostly desert, so a lot of nomads live there (yaris, apaches, chichimecas in general).
>america, where reading is for faggots
yes, burger, I'm Old Mexico
Shut up, drug dealer
>being mad over history
oh my, what do we have here
100% european is truly white
Just wanted to clear that up. Next time don't act as if I don't know basic Mexican "history"
Yes, tell me about it. But immigrants leeching off our free (tax-funded) universities is just the tip of the iceberg, mate.
We have tons of Paraguayans, Chileans and Bolivians crossing our borders just to get attended at our hospitals because they are "free" (tax-funded), open to foreigners and of better quality than theirs.
We have tons of Paraguayans and Bolivians crossing our borders just to send their kids to our schools because they are "free" (tax funded), open to foreigners and of better quality than theirs.
tl;dr: Almost every "free" (tax-funded) institution that we have is infested with immigrants and their descendants. Resulting in lowering the quality of everything that our ancestors built.
We Argentines are extremely tolerant. That's why I already lost any kind of hope for this shitty country.
>don't act as if I don't know basic Mexican "history"
I'm pretty sure you don't, but whatever floats your boat
Better question
Why do all "Why is south america a shit hole" threads are made by Burgers?
Maybe it's just Tyrone attempt of deflection after too many nigger hate threads.
instead of niggers, the mexican genetic admixture is composed of indios
you know the tree from its fruits
both countries suck
Mexican history can be summed up as oligarchs ruling a servile race but only switching who the oligarchs are whether it's the Aztecs, the Spanish, or the present Mexican government and the people just let them do it. Your "leaders" do nothing but continue where Pizarro, de Soto, and Cortes left off and leech of the wealth and prosperity of your citizens as they become even richer and you poorer. What separates Western Civilization from Latin America is that Western countries got rid of serfdom, oligarchs, monarchs, aristocrats and governments were forced to meet the demands of the populace. But in Mexico, it's just some theocratic-oligarchy that treats its citizens like cattle and feeds it drugs and tacos.
When you first established independence you established a republican government but Iturbide, the man who fought for this and independence, declared himself emperor, completely destroying everything he just fought for to have power and wealth and from then on Mexico has been nothing but oligarchs fighting for wealth and power. Santa Anna is such a great example of this. When Carlos Slim got rich, he gained wealth by cheating the system and bribing his way to the top, when he tried that shit in the US, he got fined billions. The difference between the US and Mexico isn't even based on race or geography or even intelligence. It's just based on the fact you have a servile mentality and we don't .
because they have fallen away from their masters
voce so nos explorou pai
Yeah you guys are way too open to immigrants from objectively shittier Latin countries. Very observable trait about Argentines that I noticed when I was there. I understand that latin countries all have a solidarity with each other because of the Spanish empire, economic struggle, and dictatorships, but that doesn’t mean you need to commit cultural suicide like literally every other European country right now. I hate how Latin America increasingly has less visible diversity and regionalism because they keep muddying up distinct gene pools and cultures into the same 85 IQ mestizo race. It doesn’t even damage just Europeans like in Argentina and Chile, it also destroys badass ancient civilizations like the Incas as people lose their roots.
Are there no nationalist movements to protect Italian/Porteño heritage? Tango? The beautiful French architecture around the city? Do people really not care about the European influence and importance in these things?
podem-nos agradeçer por o pais, e secalhar odeiarem-nos por a genética
>1 million niggers
The whole thing is wrong there should read 130 mil
Iturbide had no choice but to declare himself emperor, no one wanted the Mexican crown and democracy wasn’t an option
Washigyon was offered the same and rejected it
Actually on point
Sums up how low IQ this post is
The American revolution was based off freedom and democracy while the Mexican revolution was based off the ideals of the jewless right leaning Catholic Church
Funny how you can see the two Indian Empires on this map
Mexico would be much better today if Maximillian von Habsburg won
How is you country doing senpai??
The only thing i thank you for is giving us Dom Pedro II
that blueish state in brazil is maranhao, also the poorest
Maximillian was a cuckfaggot, his leftist policies he kept instating were making his right supporters (a.k.a His only supporters) not support him. The faggot was a centrist, which simply made both sides angry. No one liked him. At least iturbide would’ve occupied Central America and possibly Cuba had Santa Anna fucked off
So maybe Santa Anna should be blamed for ruining Mexico.
He was a weak ruler who lost the Northern territories of Mexico due to his centralization attempts, constantly lost power yet ending up as president and he is responsible for ending Iturbide's reign which could have actually been successful
Yes, Santa Anna was a faggot. But at least he tried to fight for Texas, weaker men would’ve bitched out the U.S
>the only country in South America that is called "South American Switzerland" because of low crime rates and huge wealth is the most European one
Pure coincidence, surely.
Leaf posters, everyone.