We don't have to find the Galactigates, Dahnald... they've come to us.


>A large mass of unknown material has been discovered on the largest crater on the Moon and scientists aren't sure what it is.

>"Imagine taking a pile of metal five times larger than the Big Island of Hawaii and burying it underground. That's roughly how much unexpected mass we detected," lead author Dr. Peter James, assistant professor of planetary geophysics at Baylor University, said in a statement.

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Ayylmao anal raping base.

it's The Lunatic

>it's platinum-group elements
>moon base by 2021
life is suhweet

Did someone say “analrapist”?

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It is just the pooled metal core from Theia after the Theia/Gaia impact over 4 billion years ago that created the Earth and Moon as we know it today.

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It's just matter from a mass coronal ejection. Shit happens every 12000 years.

Enough metal to finally build OPs dildo




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>don't know what it is
I really fucking hate when articles do this bullshit... it very clearly and plainly says they're pretty certain its the remnants of an iron-nickel impactor. A larger meteor that struck the moon early in its development.


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That’s where you’re mom hides her dildo

Nazi base?

Be cool if it was.
Going to study/mine it would be the best motivation to get back to the moon. We could learn a lot about our own planet core doing so.

Nuke the moon. Nothing of value there. It is just a reconnaissance base for Greys.

If you want Reptoids in your life just date one. Or practice satanism

TMA 999 Tyco Metallic Anomaly

Trump threatened tariffs of 5% on Mexico and Mexico supposedly acquiesces to threat and then Trump withdraws tariffs. But why isn't he tariffing Mexico anyway to restore trade balance between the two countries?

This has essentially taken tariffing off the table because Mexico is now dealing with migrant caravans which should have been happening anyway!

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Based and tobiaspilled


Only the redpilled know that the moon is a spacecraft humans arrived on.

It's my moon castle and this is just the first step in disclosure so that they can restore it to my rightful ownership.

t. Prince of Luna

How does that creature stay warm?
(and does it need some help doing so?)

Ok if anything is a soft disclosure it is this. Reminds me of one of the Kubrik theories that we did go to the moon but faked the footage because we found something spooky we could not show the public. makes watching 2001 a space odyssey better.

I just came here for the Cruz memes

*bzzzzt* Dahnald, I've landed at the mass site. You're not gonna believe this, Dahnald...


*explosion* *heavy breathing*


I'm going to need some reinforcements Dahnald. I've got my laser rifle, I'll hold them off for as long as I can!


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It must be Hitler's secret moon base

fucking kek my sides

I'm off to find the Infidelegates, Dahnald

Tally ho!

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Ties into a theory of mine on how the Moon remains in a rotationally phased orbit.

howdy there fellow suspicious0bserver.

Dahnald; the moon base. Skelegate readings are off the charts. We must construct pylons.

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This is nothing new, OP.

There have been photos of the alien wreck ever since Apollo 15.

Attached: Apollo 15 - Wrecked Space Ship.jpg (3246x327, 416K)

i thought stars like our sun only made iron (and heavier elements) very late in their lives, so if this is a hunk of iron, it probably didnt originate from our sun

It was a simple time but it was also the best of times


It would explain some shit

What’s your theory, user?

Earth's gravity pulling on the molten iron under the Moon's crust caused frictional losses, gradually stopping the Moon's rotation in relation to the Earth. This may account for large formations of iron on the Earth side.


It's just dead nigger storage that the ayyys use

Moon Nazis.

Why would they be disclosing this at this time is the better question.

Something like that

>(((Interstellar object))) passes by our solar system a couple months ago
>some scientists and schizos believe it to be a spaceship
>Oumuamua is its name, meaning scout
>couple months after a large amount of unknown material is found on the moon
>Imagine taking a pile of metal five times larger than the Big Island of Hawaii and burying it underground. That's roughly how much unexpected mass we detected
We are being invaded its not a meme anymore

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Sorry buddy, but the moon is a space vessel. It's parked in an orbit which is occasionally tweaked using HAARP.


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>a spaceshiip of rock
>retarted shill
Confirms my theory

It's covered in particulates from space that have built up over a long period of time. It is not made from rock.