In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population. >
Redpilled documentaries like "The Greatest Story Never Told" are great weapons to use against our (((enemies))) and to wake people up – which is exactly what hurts the enemy. The Truth is an absolute poison to (((them))); they can't stand the truth and people knowing the truth. So let's spread the truth far and wide!
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Some details from MediaInfo (for part 1) which shows these are indeed the original high quality files and not downloaded from YouTube:
OverallBitRate/String: 4 057 Kbps Encoded_Date: UTC 2014-02-11 17:24:13 Tagged_Date: UTC 2014-02-11 17:52:41 Encoded_Application: HandBrake 0.9.9 2013051800
Info for normies and newfags (copypaste the below when linking TGSNT to such people):
This film is a comprehensive documentary of what really happened during the World Wars. It shows the rise of Germany from defeat in World War 1, to attemps by Communists to take over Germany, hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, and uncovers the real root causes of World War 2. This film also reveals a personal side of Adolf Hitler: who he was, his family background, his artwork and his struggles in Vienna and what motivated him. Adolf Hitler’s story is The Greatest Story Never Told!
HAHA, it's all just a war. Fuck it. Ain't even going to pretend like i don't have the naive childish hope that reincarnation is real and we all just get to be top tier White Nordids in the Kingdom of Heaven or some shit.
Better that than embracing the blackpill, i'm not even going to be mad at myself anymore or consider myself pathetic. It makes sense, we don't actually know what happens after death. It also "feels" right, like it's what we're all meant to do.
It won't though, White guilt is well founded on reality. You are actually unfairly genetically privileged, at the most some of you will lash out but as a whole? nah, you'll maybe be allowed (by the Jews and the billions of muds) to exclude dumb niggers but you'll have to take White presenting muds like myself because frankly that's the best you're gonna get since you're godless and ball-ess now.
And hey, can't hate you for it since that's apparently the ultimate blackpill and by the looks of it there is no God.
Alexander Baker
Leo Robinson
LMFAO at White boys pretending like they ACTUALLY want a war over petty shit like racial purity, HAHA. You want the Jews to stop fucking you over and dumb violent hostile niggers to fuck off, that's priority number one. Other than that? NOBODY is going to ALLOW you to exclude the civilized high IQ muds/kikes, and you're not going to go to war over petty shit like that either. This is real life we're talking about here not your power fantasies.
Thank fuck that there apparently is no God and you lost your Christian faith enough to not die for it anymore, it was all always a bullshit excuse to justify war anyway.
Matthew Williams
HAHA, those fucking White twinks on Pornhub whateverthefuck. That's who you actually are, you want to exclude people over petty shit like looks. ZERO spirituality.
What an absolute shitshow the White Nationalist movement is.
All things considered? ain't no actual WW3 gonna happen over anything petty, it's Aryans vs kikes and niggers. And the label Aryan includes many non-Whites and the labels kike and nigger includes many Whites, blood purity is a cute aside to the way people actually behave. And that's all due to their blood anyway, racial impurities aside.
Ain't nobody going to submit to strict racial purity tests, hell, even the racially pure Whites (i'm guessing only some Germanics and Irish/Scottish BTW, since Southern and Eastern Europe are heavily compromised) don't want to be excluded on account of their genetic inferiority, since many of them are ugly as fuck or dumb or have some disease or what have you.
Only Jesus can save not only the White race but humanity as a whole now. Ain't no top tier WW2 Aryan krauts to impose their iron will on the rest of humanity around anymore, you fags ain't gonna do shit. The racism will remain but it will be an implicitly Nordicist meritocracy, the impure but White presenting will be allowed because frankly who the fuck even cares about anything other than actions/character? who's gonna go to war over some shit like that? particularly nowadays when nobody believes in anything enough to die for it.
HAHA, the high IQ super rich elites are going to use WMDs to depopulate the rest of us aren't they? at least they should. HAHA.
Ain't no "spirit", that's all horseshit virtue signalling. You're all effeminate genetically privileged and largely worthless, you ain't even WW2 krauts and their allies, you command no respect you non-Aryans. You want to exclude White presenting non-Whites like me on account of their racial impurity and looks LMFAO.
It's all ego/vanity, some woman would do the same shit. It's petty as fuck, but hey i get it i would probably do the same since i'm EVIL and don't deny it.
HAHA, i give ZERO fucks about White people the more and more i think about it. You're fucking trash like the rest of us except sligthly less shitty.
I put all my faith in Jesus, he's the only one that can unfuck this pathetic shitshow.
The world was ALWAYS a shithole, romanticize the past all you want.
William Gomez
AHAHAHAHAHA, blood purity is a dead meme and you know it. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO? GO TO WAR OVER IT?
Joseph Perry
I'm 100% on your side BTW, i just want the same shit for everyone else too. I consider you to be little more than spoiled privileged children, you ain't even your ancestors you dumb skinhead. You ain't gonna die for shit other than an overt shitskin military invasion of your country once SHTF and the lights go out, IF THAT.
The Jews have you by the balls and you don't have anything real on your side, you're only defending your genetic privilege like some sort of malicious narcissist, i doubt you're actually willing to die for that.
I'm actually worried, cause if you die out then what? the world is basically over. FUCK, those WW2 krauts were legit Pagans you ain't even that you fucking Atheists.
We are so fucked.
Only Christian White men (and passing shitskins like myself of course) led by Jesus Himself could save us now.