Slavic women aren't degenera-
Slavic women aren't degenera-
Anyone that has ever claimed otherwise is a retard, pretty sure that Slavic and Hispanic women are largest demographics when it comes to porn actresses, especially the ones that feature in blacked.
So pol lied to me?
mai pp is hard
Still less thirsty than a wet tee shirt contest.
Pretty mild compared to the shit you guys have in the US desu. Still degenerate but lol at an American making such a thread.
>meme flag
what kind of ass slapping face off battle are they doing?
women are shit everywhere where they are not patrolled
Most americans have never left the country. It's best to take their knowledge of foreign women with a grain of salt.
What fucking retard believes otherwise lmao? Russian bitches are crazy. They had their sexual revolution before american broads
I am erect
>Israel Flag
What are they doing?
All women are whores.
i do love jew memeflags saving shill threads from 404ing, good job guys
Said who ever?
wave a 50 euro bill in front of your bog standard slav woman and report back
>Implying I'm not saging that shit
they dont like euro bills desu
Best thread up right now.
cope harder mutt
That's what America is really like. Are you pushing your own thread on this ass-slapping-contest thread?
I am also shilling a britbongs thread for free, also fuck russian whores, the further east you go the shittier everything gets, people included, but once you go just few miles west its the same as 2000km east, strange
Based and spankpilled
>poor people often sell themselves for a more comfortable life or survival
wow you sure showed them, truly the moral superior
Are you saying they have no other options?
Russians are weird
>everyone in the audience is white
>girls are white
Where's the issue? Since when did we become puritans?
At least they’re hot
What is degenerate?
>They had their sexual revolution before american broads
but most people have never been outside the states so they don't know.
Actions that are or lead into samsaric indulgence
what would they let me do to them if I had a crisp, clean $100 bill
I see no problems with this video
slap her brapper