I've fallen down a Jew conspiracy hole...

I've fallen down a Jew conspiracy hole, I'm starting to wonder if the Muslims are really our friends and if we should unite with them against the Jew, Since they are the only group that is willing to call them out, and see what the real problem is in the world. I think I have been brainwashed into believing that the Muslim's are our enemies, when in reality they only hate western governments because they know they are all Zionist controlled Jew puppets pretending to be Christians that bomb them and destroy their homes.

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That's great but Christians are weak and controlled by Jews, and won't wake up to the destruction that the Jew has caused them. Only the Arab knows the danger that the Jew presence.

Fuck off, Achmed.
Jow Forums may hate the jew, but we don't side with smelly sandniggers.
Ask yourself why EVERYONE in the whole world hates you.
Seriously. Ask yourself how EVERYONE can be wrong about you.

Wrong, Jews would have no control if european Christians didn't want that to happen, there would be no isreal without Christians in the united kingdom, there would be no holocaust without the treaty of Versailles written by Christians in France.

Muslims and Jews are cousins

>Only the Arab knows the danger that the Jew presence.
Oh really?

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Muslims are fucking retards who can't beat tiny Israel despite outnumber them 10:1 and more.

If you want to end kikery, you do it yourself


>Saudi Arabia

No, fuck off.
Jews are parasites, but they at least keep their host alive while they feed of it and slowly corrupt it, Muslims just destroy everything they touch.

They only care about Israel being an apartheid state. They're not your friends and frequently work together with kikes, OP pic related. Saudia Arabia related, ISIS related, etc.

Because cucktians are Israeli lapdogs and always help them

Muslims and white conservatives are natural allies. Liberals only like us because we are “exotic” and mostly brown, but we know that liberals share none of our values. The MSM wants you to think we are your enemy, but that’s far from the truth.

They cant because of JewSA

Jews hate Jesus. BOTH Jews and Muslims reject Jesus as the Son of God.

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>I'm starting to wonder if the Muslims are really our friends
get some exposure to them in real life you twat. neither are our friend.

fuck off

They lost the chance for alliance after the first European woman was raped.

the give away is that it's always muslim women calling them out not the men. everyone harps to a hijab

We hate your freedom. Fight us by shopping and being gay.

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Let me say something as a Muslim guy who grew up in America:

We are redpilled from birth on the JQ. Prob the inky reason I sometimes come on this board. It’s crazy how zogged western countries are. Netanyahu is the only foreign leader to directly address congress.

Basically the entire Muslim world sees the west as Israeli dogs/ police officers/ security guards. Ready to do masters bidding at any moment

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Jews would rather you be Muslim than Christian

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You are our enemy. You will always be our enemy. Just for the rapes in Europe, I personally would support your genocide over the juice. We took you in when you were in need and that's how you repaid us. You better wish we never get power over the EU.

unite/convert you mean, fuck off ahmed

Saudis are Donmeh Jews. The (((House of Saud))) is fully Jewish and (((Wahhabism))) is just a Jewish religion fabricated out of whole cloth, like Gnosticism. Saudi Arabia used to have a different name, it used to be just "Arabia". Now it is "Saudi Arabia".

Some Muslims are ok, although they should become apostates and leave Islam for Christianity. The Koran is a useless book dictated by an illiterate that completely disregards the final warning of the New Testament in Revelation, that anyone who attempts to add new books to the Bible will suffer all of the plagues written within it.

Persians and Alawites are much better allies than Arabs however. Iran literally changed its name from Persia to Iran as a reference to "Aryan". Alawites are essentially whites living in the Middle East.

Syrian/Assyrian/Persian Christians > Secularists from the same group > Syrian/Iranian Muslims > Arabs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (((Saudis)))

Convert to Islam white man. Reject pre-marital sex, reject porn and reject Jewish influence. Abraham, Jesus, and Muhammed were all prophets of almighty God. Jesus prayed in prostration as Muslims do as he was submitting himself(muslim literally translates to submitter), and allelujah comes from the aramaic word Allah, Mary even wore a hijab ffs. Come home white man. White Sharia now

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Just remember that we, the Iraqis, declared a war against cucked isreal as soon as we could, we entered their land and we were right at "joolans heights" next to their capital, but we were betrayed by Arabic people and they fought against it us. I lost most of my friends at that war. I lost 3 fingers, but I'm proud that I did something against those ill treacherous creatures so called Jews. I say this as an Iraqi person, not this shitty community called "arabs"

>I'm starting to wonder if the Muslims are really our friends
fuck off moohammad

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TPBP (hope you get a loicense for this h8 speech bro)

Your kind still raped European women after being let in. If we ever take power, your kind will cease to exist. The juice and their puppets that you hate so much, are the only reason you exist today. Never forget that.

fuck off andy anglin

The people who are raping in Europe are wahabbi sunni Muslims. The same people as ISIS. Muslims defeated ISIS and the rape of a woman is punishable by death in Islam. The people raping in Europe are scum and will not see the face of Allah in heaven

Based and redpilled. Muslims deserve d3ath no exceptions.

>Reject premarital sex
>Rape constantly.

You are a disgusting breed. The juice is what keeps you alive today. Without them and their puppets the English would have wiped you of the face of the earth for Rotherham alone.

>Muslims are really our friends
they are and the Jews have brainwashed white to hate them for decades now.
the Jews did 9/11 and blamed it on the Muslims
anyone who doesn't see Muslims as an ally to the jew menace is a brainwashed fool
Hitler knew the Muslims where useful against the Jews.

Say what you want, just pray to your goat fucker that true Europeans never get power.

LOL you're a disgrace. The jew is not your enemy. Typical shit skin and his false flag about how jews are evil but not subhuman shit skin pedophiles

show flag you fucking kike


We did something. What did the others do against Jews? Nothing but talking online.

Fuck the muslims, arabs, whites and all races. What matters is that: We all want something, to get rid of those Jews, ultimately.

True Europeans are already in power but they're all cuckolds who choke down Jewish engineered "culture" en masse. Your ideologies and religions are weak and will never restore the modesty of your women or awaken whites to the issues they face. That will only come from Islam and our Jihad against the Israelis. Muslims do all the work against the jews while Europeans sit around and cry about transgenders lmao.

All she needs now is to be holding a space helmet to be the ultimate pile of human fraud.

Gas them all

>fuck a child in the ass
Cool with the imam.
>fuck a goat
Cool with the imam.
>buy a woman for a few nights with a nice coat
Cool with the imam.
>rape a woman walking home from the drug-store with medicine for her sick child because her husband is at work
Cool with the imam.

>drink a beer
Not cool with the imam.
>listen to music
Not cool with the imam.

Those are Juice puppets.

>Real Europeans don't wake up.
Until, they do.

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>to get rid of those muslims, ultimately.

"WE". You aint ever taking power, Papasthopolous, you broke ass med nigger. Focus on your own debt load lol

Just so you know,
Arabs isn't always Muslim. I drink beer, listen to music and do adultery all I want. I like to identify as an Iraqi rather than this shit-thing called Arabic. It became a culture more than a race

Oh, I'm well aware that people can grow up and disdain insanity. That's not what the OP suggested.

>Focus on your own debt

If turning your family into hamburger-meat doesn't convince you that Israel's 1#
You're just an ungrateful muzzie that needs to get over it and go fuck a goat.

Shut up, muzzie. The EU has similar policies and it's about to have a singular military force. Once "we" nationalists take over the EU, you're done. So, pray that the juice keep protecting you.

Well sure, Islam is an insane jittery of madness pilled up over 1400 years. What do you expect?

Nonetheless I still insist that taking out the Jews is the first priority. I strongly advise to not let many of them in. They do this culture of groups/cults, then start to do their Sharia shit, and it all back fires.

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. It is very (VERY) tempting to think so often but don't lose sight of what makes islam incompatible with the beliefs and culture that allowed the west to thrive:

In islam:
• Science is forbidden - anything that goes against the koran/hadith is considered heretical and must be destroyed. Libraries of historical knowledge have been destroyed. The only reason the arab world hasn't starved to death with their lack of knowledge and function is an accident of geology that their territory holds so much oil that the modern world uses to excess.
• Music is forbidden. You yourself may not be the biggest fan of music but consider what kind of society completely bans all forms of an artistic expression? Is this really an upgrade when the only thing you are allowed to do is mindlessly repeat worship phrases?
• Freedom of conscience is forbidden - as cringy and annoying as fedora atheists are it is fairly agreed upon that they have the right to live in peace with their beliefs. Under islam changing your religion carries the death penalty.

Don't forget that muslims also hate christians. As much harm that modern cuckservatives have done to the world don't forget about all the good that was done in fields of science and technology that cite their faith in the Christian God as inspiration. Islam hates christians and jews not because it is based in some way, but because it wanted to win the popularity contest and be the dominant religion, so it started with "the other popular religions are fake, this is the only real one" and the inbred arab population didn't question it with their low IQ.

White people (Biblical Neo-Nephilim or Evolutionary Cro-Magnon) have this abysmal inability to connect spiritually with the rest of humanity...

Tainted with the "carnal" spirit of the (((Neanderthal)))

This shit has been going on for millenia...
White people are quite literally the foot soldiers of falsely indoctrinated Hebrews; doing allllll the dirty work over the years... That is, until they realize they have been used.

Its been a rinse & repeat.
They next threshold might be the last.
A New Age is near.

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There is no "They" I recommend that you start identifying as Arab/muzzie because that's how we see you. If shit goes down, you won't be spared.

You talk about rape yet rape is much lower in Islamic countries then in the west. Because we actually punish them when they do it. You're pathetic and so is your pedophile kaffir religion. Your lands have become filled with degeneracy because you're too stupid to stop eating what you're fed.


Lesson Learned: trust no one, even your own

I may identify as Arab but never a muzzie shit. Not when they won't let me drink beer or listen to my favorite band or.. etc. That Koran is sufficiently retarded, you know it, user.
Oh well; that's why I like to identify as Iraqi.

>This pack of semites is based
No moshe. All dunecoons get the gas.

It's because you fucking stone raped women you moronic monkey. By your law they are not allowed to testify against their rapist. And your kind (niggers included, all of you are the same to me) are responsible for the vast majority of it. The UK has the most shitskins per capita and the most rapes per capita, Sweden has the second most shitskins and the second most rapes. In Greece we lock the majority of them in camps and as a result we have one of the lowest rates in the EU.

You are dumb, ape-like creatures who need to be purged. Again, pray that nothing happens. No nationalist taking over the EU, that Europeans never wake up to the juice and no real war takes place in Europe if any of the above happens, you're done.

Enjoy the infertility Neanderthal hybrid.

Enjoy living in countries that don't want you. Enjoy relying on the juice for your existence. Every time you look in the mirror, remember that you only exist because the juice protect you. Because of people like Soros. You owe your existence to them.

Lol Greeks are ultra cucks

>I'm starting to wonder if the Muslims are really our friends and if we should unite with them against the Jew
The Jews view them the same way. They import them into Western countries to destabilize them. The Jews believe, somehow, that when Western Civilization collapses,they will be able to pick up the pieces and reshape them into something they can control. It hasn't worked yet, but they believe they can ride the tiger and get off without being eaten. The more likely outcome is that whites, especially in Europe, will adopt Islam, and decide that they are the chosen people of the prophet. Consider what whites did with Christianity where the central tenant was to love your neighbor as yourself. Now imagine what would happen if whites bought in to a religion that exported them to actively conquer the rest of the world in the name of Allah and has a special hatred for the Jews. Imagine climbing on the back of this tiger willingly and believing you can get off whenever you want without being mauled.

Muslims are not our friends, but, if we can keep them out of our countries then I don't really give a fuck what they do. Jews are a bigger problem because they are so evil and sneaky. 109 times. You can see why someone wanted a Final Solution.

Kill all Muslims no except

The US replaced 80% of Israeli military equipment during the Six Day War. Without US intervention, Israel would have fallen decades ago.

Just look what german autism did with christianity and about the consequences.

Yet you and your satanic breed are nothing but rapists of women and young boys, terorrists, wife beaters and massive whiners.

We really need to find a way to kill you all. None of you are redeemable.

I agree. Take 100 white Christians and 100 Muslims, how many of the first group would fight Jewish tyranny vs the second group?

I don't like the answer but there you are.

I unironically think that this is a Muslim propaganda website. Ever notice how little shit Muslims get on this site? WTF just because ( ) have their hooks in the West's media, politics, and academia that muzzies get a pass. That 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' mentality is a logical fallacy. AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT THINS THIS? i FEEL LIKE I TAKING CRAZY PILLS

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This, every time white people die due muslims it’s either ignored or praised. That’s says it all. I’d trust a Jew before I trust a fucking shitskin, at least the Jew will steal my wallet and not ass fuck me

Think again

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After years now I'm done with the Alt-Kike in all its forms. Should I convert to Islam now?

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>Since they are the only group that is willing to call them out,
Jews fear the samurai.

Oh mein gott! HANS! HANS!! Geht die fickin luger!!

No. No they are not.

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Muzzies can be our ally, as soon as they leave our lands. I have no problem if you want to worship a black rock while reading a book about a pedo while not wearing deodorant... but you have to go home

>talking about true Europeans
>is Greek

shut the fuck up you turkish rapebaby

Muslims are like dogs the that jews have starved and beaten, they hate the jews, they hate everyone else, they are too far gone and need to be put down

>he thinks the enemy of his enemy is his friend

When they invaded Europen mudslimes left every place they conquered in control of their bff jews

Learn more about how much Zion loves to bomb the shit out of "Easter worshipers"
It's all connected, user

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Omar can easily be redpilled from Islam. After all her nation was literally fucked by Islamist. Before it was a trendy tourist / fishing nation. Fuck religion.

no we should ally with the Muslims against the Trans scourge

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