What's happening here?

what's happening here?

Attached: cancer.jpg (848x615, 108K)

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Sugar consumption

OP made this post

Alright what the fuck

American food.

God's justice.

Better diagnostics.


Are you guys telling me microwaving ramen in plastic containers for a decade was a bad idea

Because that's how I survived until recently


How do you diagnose cancer if you don't have the infrastructure to do so?
I guess if a tree fall and no one is here to see it, then it didn't really fall after all.

this. also EMF, pollution, and monsanto basically.

Western Europe and Japan live longer, Straya gets skin cancer, America eats shitty stuff.

> countries that collect data vs. countries that don't
oh how i love these extremely homosexual graphs and maps with the most nonsensical data ever imagined.. or just complete lies. fuck off, dumb cunt. and take your gay jpg with you.

developed world not enough movement, classic

stom bein dum emu fucker, even if you remove 3rd world countries, what about Europe?

fuck you and fuck europe, dumb and gullible nigger. get some real sources instead of a fucking jpg.

I'm surprised Norway is so high

its a legit source you cancerous cunt ourworldindata.org/cancer

bingo. rareflag

1. More sugar in US diet
2. Better detection in US
3. People not dying young from accidents, disease, suicide, alcoholism...so they get old enough to get cancer

Too much reliance on air travel.
Repeatedly exposing yourself to cosmic radiation isn't healthy.

Attached: P1330465-500x375.jpg (500x375, 32K)

Sorry communist faggot. Its just that in poor countries, people die of hunger and lack of soap before they get cancer

could be because the fish is polluted with oil
a minimum quantity is enought to raise the average


people in 1. world gets older so cancer becomes more a thing.
while nig nogs die young.

(((wireless))) technology
It's why keeping your cell phone in your pocket 24/7 and next to your head all the time, generally is not a good idea.


usa is a cancer upon the face of the earth

Africa has almost no cancer because the Africans starve before they can get it

>too many crazy things in the water like birth control
>longer lifespans leading to a higher opportunity to get cancer
>higher rate of consuming garbage processed food

don't seem to be correlated

Attached: 1920px-Countries_by_average_life_expectancy_(2015).png (1920x1130, 443K)

Lis mon poste petit raton. L'Europe de l'ouest et Japon-Corée vivent plus longtemps que l'Europe de l'Est et la Chine, qui vivent plus longtemps que le Maghreb et le Brésil. C'est pas compliqué à comprendre même si tu as été fini à la pisse.

so the only thins the red areas have and use in comparison to the rest.
>fluoride in the water
>Processed foods
>Hi microwave radio transmission (wifi cellphones)
The other possibility.
>The non red areas are going diagnosed.
Am I missing something?
Greenland is rather interesting though.

Attached: CancerBarge.jpg (600x400, 29K)

it is USA stats are fucked up by seriously difference in social class

i don't read cuck, froggo.

I think that 3 is the principal reason but maybe no

Attached: Countries_by_average_life_expectancy_(2015).png (6300x3710, 2.05M)

how do you explain Canada, they're borderline commes

>s-smoking is bad, goy

Attached: puff.png (834x583, 166K)

shit genetics

Nice bait. It's literally people with a diagnosis.

Attached: cancer-death-rates.png (3400x2400, 620K)

The modern epidemic of "cancer" is created by diagnoses invented entirely by money-hungry quacks.
Don't want cancer? Don't go to a kike or kike-slave and let them tell you that you have it.
Dying of chemo is the worst hell you can imagine.

its a diet Moor.
there are some burgers eating well, but majority of population eat really shity. eastern europe has less of it because we eat more natural healthy food. African maybe dont eat much bot mostly also natural they have lots of physical exercise and natural selection gets rid of most of the weak ones before they develop cancer

If you live long enough you either get heart disease or cancer. The US spends too much on testing for cancer... one of the few things the US healthcare system treats decently well.
I'd prefer ending social security and medicare so prices and practices normalize but people are obsessed with saving the boomers.

well my father is a smoker
he is weak,fragile,cought in continuation and has rotten teeth

i'm pretty sure is not healthy

I forgot about the pesticides
Processed foods like cereals, microwave dinners, frozen pizza and condiments (ketchup mustard ext..) test really high for pesticides.
Seems it takes to much time and costs to much to wash their products before processing.

Attached: PrematureEjaculation.webm (720x480, 2.84M)

wait what? literally every single dude i know smokes.

chemicals disguised as food

>Better diagnostics in US than in Switzerland and other parts of western Europe.

LOL you fatties will come up with anything to defend your shithole

Cancer comes from old age and unhealthy lifestyles.
Shitholes don't have old populations, Americans eat disgustingly unhealthy shit.

We live too long. Can’t get cancer if a nigger kills you

> Population actually lives into their 80's-90's
> Medical infrastructure for effective diagnosis
> Access to plentiful fast food, cigarettes

Checks out OP.

America is better at detecting cancer?


yep, sugar and to a lesser extent plastics

US has the highest cancer survival rates in the world. Our healthcare is prohibitively expensive, but it is far more advanced than the majority of Europe's. That's why wealthy Canadians fly to America to get treatment, they can afford the best.

people die in third world countries before they live long enough to get cancer

In the lighter regions, more people with cancer go undiagnosed.


Don’t be a fucking fattie.