Kikes and their occult bullshit before false flags isn't really working anymore

Attached: Heelicopter.jpg (2619x2244, 2.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sloppy failed job, Mossad.

Attached: Scan0003-crop.jpg (1082x699, 237K)

Attached: 17FB3AAD-7F6C-47B0-AF41-8039A7111A9C.jpg (1200x800, 124K)

My take:

Helo was laden with HE to take out the Statue, which is why it was hard to fly. Either autopilot was hacked just in time, or the pilot and people that set it up fucked up the weight ratio for that specific helo and made it unstable.

ANFO was most likely used and it would be blamed on Iranians.

Attached: Marine-One.jpg (3280x2187, 3.44M)

Statue of Liberty shot from I, Pet Goat II video

Attached: Pet goat statue liberty.jpg (642x543, 28K)

Trump's tweet was definintely an indication that white hats intervened and stopped what was planned. Also why did the mayor of NY and the Governor both need to be briefed about this?

Attached: Cuomo.png (1220x1170, 940K)