John Brennan/Russian Spy

Barr now knows that Brennan conspired with Russian Intelligence to create the Steele Dossier. The CIA has sold Brennan out to save their own ass. It will be a glorious 4th.

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yeah right

>Russian intelligence
Israel and Netanyahu are FUCKED bitch.

Many claims made by the Steele dossier were independently confirmed as being true. Christopher Steele is not the kind of person who would make an allegation without a strong basis for it.

>save their own ass
>glorious 4th
Choose one you god damn retard.

sloppy job mossad

Perhaps they are but doesn`t change the fact Brennan has been a Russian Spy for years and that gave him the contacts in Russia to create the Steele Dossier.

No. He's a spy for Israel.

Not mutually exclusive. Think harder.

>Brennan conspired with Russian Intelligence
You kike shills just can't stop
There was no Russians... there never were any Russians
There were Mossad agents planted in Trump's campaign however.

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