We are so beautiful.
Jesus! I love being white
inb4 blacks and asians doing cherrypicking
South brazilians are totally white
You never been here
Obviously I've not been there. All the niggers and mulatos disgust me.
I understand you. But keep in mind that not all the brazilians are mulatos.
Is the one on the left a man or a women?
Seriously man, look at the jaw.
Look good to who?
>Wanting chinlet offspring
>Cherry pick
>but you can't cherry pick guys
The average white looks better than any nigger or chink.
to you faggot
3 out of 4 of your whites are literally jews.
being white is pretty dumb and i can say that being prideful of your race is pretty fucking stupid too.
t. loser
I know. Thats what the pic is saying.
It a nice jaw.
says you who has to be proud of the intentions and inventions of other people to feel better by himself.
white is OBJECTIVELY the best race to be, and that's regardless of the fact that white people are also the most accomplished race by far.
>be angry shitskin
>seething at your infeirority
>cherry pick images because your low IQ can’t admit the truth
You’d rather live in a white country than a brown one wouldn’t you user? You can admit it here
I agree, but is it a man's jaw or manly woman's jaw?
"white" as a concept or race doesn't exist. "whites" have never been fully united under anything or even truly defined as a group. Tell me what is white? Is it just the color of the skin?
>"white" as a concept or race doesn't exist.
Oh well guess "white privilege" doesn't exist either then, good to know.
> Asian cheekbones
They're as white as Slavs
The lone guy on the right isn't white. He is a jew
Whites are the indigenous peoples of Europe and other people groups that possess a majority of their heritage from people groups indigenous to Europe.
This definition includes almost all peoples that would be agreeably white by a majority consensus.
It includes all Indo-Europeans native to Europe, the Basque, Fenno-Urgic peoples such as Estonians, Hungarians and Finns and even those Turkic groups in Europe that are 'white-passing'.
I may not believe in white privilege but the concept certain doesn't exist.
What about some Mexicans or Cubans? Are they white? There are some people from Lebanon or even Syria that have white skin and if they grow up in the western world they can't even be differentiated from other "whites" who are European. All that I am saying is that "white" doesn't make sense.
And even if some of these people don't have white skin and they grow up and live in western countries they have the same cultural patterns as those who are deemed natives.
>but the concept certain doesn't exist.
well you're right that it doesn't exist, it's simply IQ differences leading to whites and asians doing well, and blacks and hispanics doing poorly due to their lower IQ.
If you were to place Blacks and Hispanics in the same environment, over the years they would improve immensely. It isn't genetic. its purely environmental based.
>its purely environmental based.
Completely wrong. Why are you even here spewing your baseless ideological ravings that not even leftist scientists believe in anymore?
honestly save your energy. these people are something else
Very handsome user
>calling all skeptics
oh shit is kraut and pee raiding us again?
Not even ideologically driven, I just look for the truth. So far you have shown me nothing but the fact you think other races are inferior to "whites" because they are brown.
Plus Jow Forums isn't even suppose to be some dumbass hug box. Everyone come here. If you want to feel good about your beliefs then go to plebbit, Stormfront or that facebook page that constantly confirms your ideals.
>I just look for the truth
So you haven't presented anything besides your wrong opinions, I give you a D- grade on your search for "truth."
I said white was the best race to be, which is clearly is, this is undeniable. Most white countries are well ran, have working utilities, are relatively wealthy, have strong middle classes, and brown people find us very attractive. No other race can say that, not even the Asians at large, although certain asian countries certainly can. So, present some facts as to why being born white isn't the best?? Protip: food doesn't count since I can google up all sorts of legitimate recipes.
Campo Verde is not in southern Brazil you fucking mutt
Those aren't brazilians, they're germans who moved to Brazil and are currently living there for 50 years.
Are said Cubans and Mexicans more Spanish or Amerindian?
The Syrians and Lebanese are Middle Eastern Semites and Arabs. The Middle East is non-white.
The only white Semites are the Maltese, who are indigenous to the European nation of Malta.
Why the hell do people shave all their body hair?
Whites are the descendents of leucistic apes. The fact that the word leucism is unheard of in a place like this shows that is the real elephant in the room. Whites are matrix apes who have been bombarded with so much propaganda, they can no longer collectively self actualize what exactly they are. Cucked by their own hubris, unable to conquer their shame. After a lifetime of MK ultra. The truth has become like kryptonite.
>Are said Cubans and Mexicans more Spanish or Amerindian?
It's not a matter of more. They are either fully european and are white or they are not fully european and are not white.
>The only white Semites are the Maltese, who are indigenous to the European nation of Malta.
Maltese have significant non european admixture. Cypriots and Sicilians do as well
At least I'm not a pavement ape
Here is a helpful diagram to show who is white
Nowhere near as much as you would think.
Most of the 'Middle Eastern' DNA in Sicily and Malta comes from the first wave of EEF migrations from 10,000 years ago.
But the fact is that you can't even tell that just by looking at them.
Okay If you are born "white" in western countries to say then you do usually have it better off then if you were born black in the middle of Africa then yes. but what I am saying is that "white" as a racial concept doesn't exist. "Whites" have been oppressing each other for years, still hate each other and still tribalize along national lines rather then "White racial" ones. If anything the only thing that does certian exist is Ethnic identity but thats about it.
what I am going on to say is that your race doesn't matter. Its mainly the environment you are born in.
Source. I would love to read it.
Based and sequence-pilled.
Yes you are. You are an ape that walks the pavement. Youve only deluded yourself otherwise with the clown make up you paint on the faces of your women.
Seriously, what kinda MAN shaves his chest to look like a boy. Even manscaping is more reasonable
some white people don't have dark/thick body hair
I don't walk the streets, nigger. I drive. My people have an actual history of achievement and advancement to be proud of more than just peanut butter and zulu warriors
I'm blind and even I have sean connery Bond tier chest hair
Blond, though I may as well be blind with this typing
my hair is dirty blond and have the same thing
it's just genetic
well Im not a nigger and it wouldnt matter if I was. I am proud of my ancestors who originated in africa. Im not ashamed of them like you golem slave chimp. Ironic that your "peoples" actual history is covered up. Youre potemkin villages.
>but what I am saying is that "white" as a racial concept doesn't exist.
Based on what? Do blacks not exist either?
>Its mainly the environment you are born in.
It's not, environment makes up at most 15% we can clearly see this in things like the Minnesota Trans-Racial adoption study, or the Kansas City School experiment where a court forced the city/state to spend the most money on poor performing black schools of any district in the nation, and at the end of it the massive amount of money that bought the best environment possible still saw the black kids score FAR below their white counterparts who had funding stripped to pay for it.
>Ancestors from africa
>not a nigger
Pick one
So where did your ancestors come from? Were they not leucistic apes? Nice false history.
>implying black guys need to work hard to look like that
That black guy has probably never been to a gym in his life.
Vince Vaughn is half Lebanese. He’s a pure Shami arab in spirit you stupid Brazilian transgender
forgot image as proof
That's true no other men in my family have any hair on their limbs or back. I'm the black sheep though I guess since I've got loads of leg and arm hair and now back hair with no signs of slowing growth.
Not a good example. Sheboons will fuck anything that looks like it has a job to support them.
Jesus wasnt White. Fuck you, racist pig.
I literally don't care about their evolutionary origins hecause whatever they were, we are galaxy brain compared to all peoples in the "global south" as nick the knife likes to say
Yeah you do care, thats why you collectively hide the truth. And you project your hate as insecurity. Thats why your favorite insults are subhuman, ape, monkey, animal.
Let me correct myself: Jesus ISNT White.
>glazed eyed girlfriend
If he ever dumps her, she will go absolutely psycho and probably kill him. Good looks definitely have diminishing returns at the upper 1%
dont skip leg day
>Based on what? Do blacks not exist either?
Technically in the US they are a very defined group but in Africa there is tons of ethnic and tribal conflicts among the black population. So not really.
What is the Minnesota experiment suppose to prove? That if you give black children a better environment they preform better? And the Kansas one still because if those children are in a better home environment then they can improve better.
very true
Cont e vem brother, mate. Mas foi souls quit this White sipremacy bullshit. Its bullshit, cultura os the determinado factor, not race.
White = ethnically European you fucking mutt
Lurk moar
I don't have any hate, bruh. Fine, I'm an ape, whatever you say. I'm still an intelligent and excellent musician and more attractive than any shitskin will ever be. That's more confidence than anything. You want hate, just keep pushing. You haven't even BEGUN to see what hatred looks like. The last people who got to see what white americans look lije full of hatred was the japs, and he hit them like a belt from a stepfather.
Jeez, auto correct fucked me. phone posting sucks. Nevermind them, and you should quit White supremacy bullshit, culture counts, race doesnt.
Aren't all of them jews?
And why do whites typically have a better home environment? Why do they typically have a better country? At some point you'll keep tracing things back and you'll have to stop lying to yourself and everyone else. Or just hit me with the "oppression" and "da wyt peepo steeld from da blacks!" fucking bullshit that leftists always resort to.
I didn't know there were jews in brazil. So tell me, does culture just spring out of the ground? Does it NOT come from genetics at all? Is it entirely environmental?
Thank you rabbi
the truth isnt hateful. Ironic that such an intelligent attractive specimen of recessive ape would be driven into murderous rage by facts. Newsflash slave chimp. All of ww2 was controlled opposition. Occult Blood sacrifice. The bombing of dresden was preplanned like 9/11. You keep humble bragging of other mens achievements as if they are your own, but youve just been a monkey slave the rest of us.
Reminder that you came to me with the hate. blinded by it. Im not even black. I only told you the truth.
I know i am white thanks to uncle heinrich, and uncle adolf, who told my grandad he was.
No wonder I have fleas.
>be fit
>be well-dressed
>strong jaw
No. You're trying to pass off your pseudo nigger science as real science. That's why I'm pissed iff. Because some actual fucking ape from the congo is trying ti tell ME I'm some slave to kikes. I already KNOW about the jews and the bombing of dresden and yada yada. The jews will get what's coming to them. What kind of Jow Forumsack would I be if I DIDN'T know these things? But a far higher percentage if american blacks are mentally enslaved by the jew to hate the white. Blacks are the muscle of the jew, and white liberals are their bank accounts and faces. Traitors get the bullet. Stay out of my way, and we won't have any problems. Don't try and pass off links to some bullshit no one's going to read as unquestionable fact.
Don't see why you think that just because there's intra-group conflict that somehow means that races don't exist. makes no sense at all. That's like saying because you fight with your brother or sister that you're no longer family. It's fucking stupid.
>That if you give black children a better environment they preform better?
pic related, from the ACTUAL study, not from wikipedia.
Black children perform noticeably worse than every other race, but SLIGHTLY better than black kids in black homes, most likely due to the white parents actually trying to make their little adoptees not be gangbangers.
>And the Kansas one still because if those children are in a better home environment then they can improve better.
We can't control for black people not caring about raising their children unless we take them away from black parents at a young age, but just look at how well the government runs black schools if you want to know how that would work out. Almost like there's an ingrained, biological difference between whites/asians and blacks.
Dude youre a pawn and a tool. youtube.com
Jews are cut dick slaves who serve darker masters. Masters you are oblivious to. We all are. Anyways friendly reminder that you guys are full of yourselves lmao bottom text. Enjoy larping chimp brethren.
Why would it be pseudo science lmao. Pretty sure I proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt, if youre honest with yourself, using logic, reasoning, and oh yeah. Hard evidence.
That only confirms that they're white. White women have man jaws.
Jason Momoa isn't white?
Probably some poly nigger.
I didn't read it because the thing is I don't care about it either way. Whether all of existence was made in 6 days or billions of years, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that MY people are safe and the fute of MY children and other white children is bright, and that we conquer the stars. I'm not going to go through your articles trying to make me feel bad about being white "ha wyte boi heer be sum fax tha sho u iz en ayp" it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we've been kicling ass for most of recorded history and I wanna keep it that way. Now if you'll excuse me
Who do tue jews serve? Demons? Masons? The problem is entirely human, and I'll kill who ever is in charge, jews, lizards, aliens, dinkleberg, whatever
I want to know the answer to this too.
Not wrong, lmao. White men are the most beautiful race. I should know, I'm an Asian femanon.
hey baby u wan sum fuk?
Nice larp. Those don’t exist and u fuckin know this