Why do southern white girls crave black guys so much...

Why do southern white girls crave black guys so much? Why do young white girls think that getting a black boyfriend is a status symbol?

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Here in my garage with my pasta linguini, but you know what I like more than pasta linguini? Macaroni. That's why I bought 7 new cupboards and filled them with over 2,000 new Kraft macaroni and cheese boxes. It's like the master chef Betty Crocker said, "the more you eat, the more you pasta." Now maybe you've seen my ted ex talk where I talk about how I eat a box of mac and cheese a day. You know, I eat a box of mac and cheese once a day not to show off, again it's about the pasta. In fact, the real reason I keep this pasta linguini isn't to show off. It's a reminder that wet noodle dreams are still possible. Not long ago, I was in a little town across the country, eating spaghetti scrap from an italian restaurant dumpster, no culinary arts degree to my name. But you know what, something happened that day that changed my life. I bumped into our lord and savior, the flying spaghetti monster, hallowed be his name. He showed me what he did to become a true pasta lord. Now this isn't a "get pasta quick scheme". I'm not promising you that tomorrow you're gonna go out and buy yourself some pasta linguini, but what I am telling you is, it can happen faster than you think if you know the proven steps. So, I record a little two minute video on my website. Not too impressive, like I said, it's on my iphone, but it's real. So, I'm gonna give you the three most important things you can do today. Invest in macaroni. Always start your pasta cooking with a rolling boil. Don't be a crooked noodle.

Friendly reminder that browncel is an autistic, sexually frustrated Pajeet zoomer living in London who has been compulsively posting the same shitty racebait threads a dozen times a day for months

i think its just the sheer density of niggers

Everyone in the South is a minimum 25% bigger, and is inbred.

You’re retarded and a shill they all hate niggers

southern white girls act all sweet and nice, but there's an evil lurking behind the facade.

You are the laziest shill I swear.

Lana is one of the most satanic musicians in the mainstream. But fuck is her music addictive.


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an evil that fucks niggers?


I'm engaged to a beautiful pale southern debutante who's as 'trad' as she should be without being a stupid woman that tries to think too much about politics and she absolutely cuts off any of her friends that banged a black dude. I'm half hispanic, so do with that what you will ass holes.

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>but there's an evil lurking behind the facade.
Did you get rejected by Maryanne?
Poor Yankee manlet.


Well opie when you brainwash someone its easy to make them believe fairytales

Can you imagine if every Jewish child was murdered in a world-wide kike-killing extravaganza, the world awash with the blood of little Shlomos everwhere? All the grown Jews forced to watch as their own future crumbles, despite their meddling? Tiny Jew bodies piled high in massive blood-soaked mass graves, worldwide?

Wouldn't that be great?

Fucking kill yourself you britkike tranny faggot. Anyone who doesn't recognise this cunt immediately and keeps posting in its threads is either a fucking retard or one of his discord tranny friends.


Kill yourself you retarded british faggot.

Depends where in the region. In urban shitholes like Orlando, Dallas, & Atlanta they do. Not so much in rural areas in states like Alabama and Arkansas

>She’s against racemixing
>But shes racemixing with me
Yeah typical southern girl creaming while screaming “fuck me with your brown cock Pablo”

You don’t exist. You’re a white cuck in your mom’s basement.

Who does these threads, can you delete it pls ?

Rebellious daddy issues. /thread

This time pajeet... you’re correct. But I gift you some advice. The “I am married to a conservative white women but am Hispanic” schtick on fucking pol are usually LARPing

It’s a poo in loo in britain

Dropping it

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Because they grew up with blacks, and white dudes down here are more distasteful, this coming from a white guy in the south disgusted by all locals

ah you're not using the swastika flag anymore huh?

SAGE and kill all jews

Spicy thread

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simple as

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Let me add to that: the white dude are usually fat and self righteous... fat dude small dick

Black dudes are too busy being on bail and paying child support... or busy NOT paying child support... and spend all their money on weed, so they dont eat.... no fat = max size dick for a dude

That said.... if black dudes have such big dicks, why do black girls have such tight pussies?

Stop larping
God damn Carpet baggers.

Carpet baggers? Thats a new one.

hip hop & fast food

Lose weight, and you'll lose that anger

That would be you
Yankee boy

Yankee? i get that a lot.... oh no i lived in places other than the south hate me for it

my sides

you realize you proved my "arrogant" point... now post your belly fatass

>this is what niggers actually believe

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I definitely only saw BMWF running rampant when I lived in Washington. Now I live in Georgia and it's nowhere to be seen.

Anything involving niggers and white women should be an auto ban.

Unless its a black woman with a white man... then its "the white devil took another good one from us"

So you're a woman right?
Because only women and homos use "..." that often.

>Why do southern white girls crave black guys so much?
that comment, that meme flag
obvious bait is obvious

They don't, you coping faggot.

Based Vanoss fan

>Because only women and homos use "..." that often.
"..." Is called an ellipsis, user. Also,


Lol using ... to figure out someones gender or sexual preference. You are just mad because i hit yoour little nail on the head

I know what an ellipsis is
But you don't use those in everyday speech.

You think you can pull shit out of your ass and call it fact? Go back to africa nigger where are the niggers belong. White man was always the stronger and superior and more intelligent while niggers were still living in huts. Fucking niggers on this sub disgust me

No the bad spelling and grammatical errors scream woman too.
Fuck my hick ass can capitalize and spell properly.

Lmao it is annoying after awhile

Yeah because you don't do everyday speech on a fucking keyboard

Based schlomo

You think you can pull shit out of your ass and call it fact? Go back to africa nigger where are the niggers belong. White man was always the stronger and superior and more intelligent while niggers were still living in huts. Fucking niggers on this sub disgust me. Also southern black men are considerably more obese then southern white men

Or maybe that just means i am not on my computer right now and i do not respect you enough to correct my typing on a tablet

True... but show me 5 fat black dudes with white chicks in the south.

Its usually skinny black dudes with fat white girls

>to correct my typing on a tablet
>What is autocorrect
Go be a bitch somewhere else.

If we are superior, how did we get usurped by jews?

kek when did autocorrect do anything but change fucking into ducking?

Because they are whores.

Southern white girls come from Celtic/Anglo stock and are thus the lowest order of European life.

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its the jews silly

Why the fuck do kikes constantly try and seem "cool" and "based" when posting here?

Is it a long-game con where they try and slowly get Jow Forumsacks to like them?

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Why do Jews keep posting this same topic every other hour?

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>Why do young white girls think that getting a black boyfriend is a status symbol?
Only whores think that. And since sex with niggers proves your a lower whore than the rest, it translates into status--among that sad group.

because girth is worth