When did you take the red pill that private property should be abolished?

When did you take the red pill that private property should be abolished?

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You misspelled shouldn't.

Explain why. Protip: you can't
I can tell you why it should be abolished though

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Can you imagine if every Jewish child was murdered in a world-wide kike-killing extravaganza, the world awash with the blood of little Shlomos everwhere? All the grown Jews forced to watch as their own future crumbles, despite their meddling? Tiny Jew bodies piled high in massive blood-soaked mass graves, worldwide?

Wouldn't that be great?

Muhammad you're not getting free gibs from people who work hard for their shit.
try better bait.

Why should it be?

Private property does not benefit the society as a whole in any way shape or form.

Explain how it harms the society

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