Thoughts on electoral college

On one hand, it got us Trump. On the other hand, it got us George W. Bush.

IDK if it's been a net positive or net negative.

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>doh! Gore was better.
It's never a good choice, Op. They wouldn't let us vote if it was a choice.


City fags controlling the whole country 100% of the time? Not good.

Makes leftist gremlins butthurt as fuck so it's great.

I don't really care about any of this shit as long as I can find a nice, long cock to suck.

um...cities are in every state

It's the only logical way to run this nation. Otherwise, if the more rural places were forced to submit to the whims of big coastal cities, then there'd no point in keeping the U in USA. Might as well split so your people's choices matter.

As a matter of fact, we might still split regardless, if these commieformians keep on swarming the place

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Yea because its better for Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan to force everyone to submit to them. God forbid a California Republican and Texas Democrats vote ever count.

>democracy with mass immigration
>democracy with mass legal immigration and illegal immigrants can still vote
Someone should make an expanding brain meme out of this. Fuck "democracy". Two wolves and a sheep deciding on breakfast.

Republican and Democratic votes always count. They give the illusion of choice and control to a system that has neither. In the past, if a king or dictator overstepped his bounds, he faced revolt, and the people knew exactly who to blame. But now, the blame for the exact type of abuses that occurred in the past is diffused across the whole electorate. Can you fight that? Of course not. The people are too busy at each other's throats over the symptoms of a problem to remove the problem itself.

>votes always count
Tell that to people who live in Austin Texas who's Representative is a Republican, 2 Senators are Republicans and always has electoral college votes go Republican.

Fuck Austin

Even though I wasn't really a fan of W. Bush, there's no way in hell that I'd ever pick Al Gore over him

That is basically what the Republican party did to that city.

The point flew right over your head, didn't it?
Replace the R with a D or vice versa, I guarantee very little of consequence will change. Reminder that the shriveled-penis-turned-modern-messiah Reagan was the one who pioneered amnesty that permanently consigned California to spics.
It's a rat race, you boomer.

You can go third part if you want but it is a waste of time. The best bet is to vote in primaries and change the party. Trump did it, Obama did it, Reagan did it. The benefits to Democracy far outweigh any negatives from every other government type.

>Trump did it, Obama did it, Reagan
And we still have a globalist government replacing its own population while simultaneously exporting degeneracy to the rest of the world. Remember the invasion of Iraq and the "Coalition of the Willing?" Remember the near-unanimous bipartisan passage of the 2001 AUM? Or the passage of the 1965 immigration act, that despite assurances it "would not alter the ethnic balance of the country", did precisely that?
Of course you don't.

I'll assume you're just meek and unwilling to live with the fact that the system you live under is a fucking sham.

>benefits to democracy
What fucking benefits? A cultureless, atomized society with no direction other than an oblivion of undifferentiated consumerist masses? Oh, but now we have the "freedom" to spend our lives fucking each other in the ass while being praised by our fellow indoctrinated sheep.

>What fucking benefits
Stability. As young as the US is in the modern world we have become the old fucks. A dictatorship dies with the dictator and a mountain of bodies for the next asshole to have his spoiled kids rule over you.

>Polls reveal who voted for who
I wonder where this road leads. Did you hear about the lady who stabbed herself because orange man bad?

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Who tf is spotted eagle?

You should count Trump and Bush on the same hand, they're both Zionist stooges who cucked on border security.

It ensures that the odds aren’t completely and utterly stacked, at the very least it ensures the illusion of it

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What does "stability" entail? Who does this stability benefit? Instability is bad for business; for moneyed interests that want a continual stock of debt slaves to pay for a ponzi scheme that is the "economy".

What you call "stability", I call complacency--an unwillingness to move against the same kind of power dynamics a corrupt tyrant has, because a single face is replaced with a sea of millions of faceless "citizens". If we're talking about stability in populations or values, we've had anything but that under the suffocating hand of "democracy". Guess what, it might take a mountain of bodies, but in the past, that "asshole" and his spoiled kids can be removed and put on a stake. Good luck doing it with the assholes now.

His spoiled kids are still in charge, still swimming in money gained by the labor and suffering of millions. But go ahead, keep believing that the problem is 150 million assholes who vote 'differently' than you under the same corrupt system. They think the same thing. And as long as you think the other is the problem, you won't do a thing to your precious "democracy".

Funnily enough, the only time a corrupt dictatorship really dies with the dictator is when you kill him yourself. And that's the one thing which will never happen in a democracy--where the dictator isn't the one being elected.

To each's own. I like living to an old age and not having my daughters get raped. Worst thing we have in the US is a 42% vs 35% top tax rate and some things costing too much. The modern American lives better the the greatest king 200 years ago. I'v never understood why people reject modern comforts but fuck it life is good, best it has ever been for humanity. Go move to Syria and die from a barrel bomb if life here is too "degenerate" for you.

>not having my daughters get raped.
You mean as they're more likely to with the comforts of "diversity"? Not that a rapist would have to try, given how easily people whore themselves out nowadays.

Your idea of life is no better than that of a sponge, just lying around and consuming mindlessly until you die when your organs can no longer support a decrepit hulk of flesh.

At this point I don't even know if I should side with the ones orchestrating this all. Once they have no need for the masses, with automation replacing human labor, they might exterminate us useless mouths. And we'd deserve it.

>Not that a rapist would have to try
Then its not rape by definition...

>Your idea of life
>automation replacing human labor
Oh I am so the wrong person for you to talk to. My life is about making automated equipment to replace pointless people. Not sure why you think suffering is the point to life. Work should be enjoyable and if you are not change your life. If people work less then they can find more to dedicate their lives to.

As to the point to life who the fuck knows. I know its not suffering as you seem to want for humanity. Find your own purpose and stop looking to others to define it.

Go get a hobby buddy, sorry to tell you this but life is boring most of the time. I find bee keeping fun.

I don't think suffering is the point of it all. But without suffering, or rather without challenge, there is little distinguishing between a good life and that of the utterly depraved. At the risk of sounding overly pretentious, the idealist in me says that if need is ever fully eliminated, one would still have to prove their worth to gain access to it, like a coming-of-age trial.
But that's just a dream, one of returning to the gates of heaven after man has already killed God.

>My life is about making automated equipment to replace pointless people
Then I sincerely hope your career will be as fruitful as possible. I wish a peaceful life to you, and a certain end to the system in place right now.

>and a certain end to the system in place right now.
Funny thing is everyone keeps thinking automation will end all jobs, but 100 years on and we keep automating faster then ever and there are still tons of jobs. People make their own work no matter how fast the robots to it for them.