Pol humor
My mom and her closest friend passed away a couple days ago in a car accident. I'm sad. Make me laugh.
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June 11, 2019 - 02:52
she died ashamed of you. sort yourself out, bucko
June 11, 2019 - 02:54
You pathetic racists, people of colour, successful
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June 11, 2019 - 02:54
that's what they get for driving drunk
June 11, 2019 - 02:56
>Meanwhile, in Finland.
Attached: MeanwhileInFinland.webm (720x404, 1.81M)
June 11, 2019 - 02:56
What happends to the car for such accident? they were drunk or something?
June 11, 2019 - 03:03
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June 11, 2019 - 03:06
ddees.com /
Funniest artwork I've seen in a long time!
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June 11, 2019 - 03:10
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June 11, 2019 - 03:10
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
June 11, 2019 - 03:12
How do all japs look exactly the same
June 11, 2019 - 03:13
idk, lol
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June 11, 2019 - 03:14
No she didn't. You made this same thread earlier, don't fall for it.
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June 11, 2019 - 03:15
That video of hillary with the balloons got so much mileage.
June 11, 2019 - 03:16
Should have replied to that post, user
June 11, 2019 - 03:24
Jokes on you, she died years ago!
June 11, 2019 - 03:24
DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
June 11, 2019 - 03:24
I would be unable to keep my boner from trying to show off if that were me. >20 QTs staring at you all with innocent, amazed expressions, and a noticeable puddle forming on the ground underneath each one's chair their breath getting hot and harsh as they trace the outline of your form, their eyes glued to your hips as they absentmindedly spend entirely too much time shading your bulge. You have an incredible 1-male orgy after the show.
June 11, 2019 - 03:25
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June 11, 2019 - 03:25
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June 11, 2019 - 03:25
The blinky one at the end says, "Can I touch before I draw?"
June 11, 2019 - 03:27
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June 11, 2019 - 03:27
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June 11, 2019 - 03:27
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June 11, 2019 - 03:28
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June 11, 2019 - 03:28
Perch Perkins is a true hard hitting journalist.
June 11, 2019 - 03:32
Women are cute when their scared
June 11, 2019 - 03:32
not sure if tranny or just a washington state chick.
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June 11, 2019 - 03:33
Finnish women are also cute when they sing Ievan Polkka.
youtube.com /watch?v=YVnRe9BxdXM
June 11, 2019 - 03:35
mini-dump, did like 3 captcha
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June 11, 2019 - 03:35
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June 11, 2019 - 03:36
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June 11, 2019 - 03:36
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June 11, 2019 - 03:36
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June 11, 2019 - 03:36
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June 11, 2019 - 03:37
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June 11, 2019 - 03:37
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June 11, 2019 - 03:37
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June 11, 2019 - 03:37
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June 11, 2019 - 03:38
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June 11, 2019 - 03:38
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June 11, 2019 - 03:39
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June 11, 2019 - 03:39
Yet here you are paling around with us... what does that say about you?
June 11, 2019 - 03:39
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June 11, 2019 - 03:39
Were all just one guy desu.
June 11, 2019 - 03:40
>White dreadlocked girl who wants to be black astrally projects reparations out of existence
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June 11, 2019 - 03:40
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June 11, 2019 - 03:40
Wow that sounds great user have an updoot
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June 11, 2019 - 03:41
That's a Jow Forums troll account
June 11, 2019 - 03:41
i get a very olivia wilde vibe from this chick. are finnish girls asiany looking?
June 11, 2019 - 03:41
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June 11, 2019 - 03:42
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June 11, 2019 - 03:42
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June 11, 2019 - 03:43
Forest Elve-looking.
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June 11, 2019 - 03:45
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June 11, 2019 - 03:45
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June 11, 2019 - 03:46
Attached: Kitty Pupper.webm (640x480, 2.93M)
June 11, 2019 - 03:46
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June 11, 2019 - 03:46
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June 11, 2019 - 03:47
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June 11, 2019 - 03:47
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June 11, 2019 - 03:48
it's too bad you weren't in the car with them. kys
June 11, 2019 - 03:48
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June 11, 2019 - 03:48
I bet op didnt reply to one of those two weeks ago
June 11, 2019 - 03:49
Better you to carry that burden than her. Take it easy broski.
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June 11, 2019 - 03:49
I dont get it
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June 11, 2019 - 03:49
OP is a fag, started thread horribly
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June 11, 2019 - 03:49
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June 11, 2019 - 03:50
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June 11, 2019 - 03:50
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June 11, 2019 - 03:50
Fucking kek
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June 11, 2019 - 03:50
Why did you suck off a nigger
June 11, 2019 - 03:50
It's like they're all related
June 11, 2019 - 03:50
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June 11, 2019 - 03:51
Checked . Not pol humour but ok I guess. Cat/dog friendship aint so rare as people think
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June 11, 2019 - 03:51
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June 11, 2019 - 03:52
Attached: Canada is the joke.webm (484x362, 2.16M)
June 11, 2019 - 03:52
Why the the fuck did you suck off a nigger user?
June 11, 2019 - 03:52
Go watch a video of them taking off the makeup. They tape the eyes wider put on a literal mask of foundation etc....
June 11, 2019 - 03:53
why did you suck off a nigger?
June 11, 2019 - 03:53