youtube is laughing right now
the average video on bitchute right now is 200 to 2000 views, no way can they handle millions of views with millions of videos.
they are in way over their heads
youtube is laughing right now
the average video on bitchute right now is 200 to 2000 views, no way can they handle millions of views with millions of videos.
they are in way over their heads
Other urls found in this thread:
just make your own public square bro
the more viewers, the faster it works. You don't understand how bit torrent works, do you...
just make your own government
ever since the vox gaunlet snap, they have been getting more views as people are migrating from youtube and guess what it hasnt gotten better.
yeah it is odd how bitchute has been around for a while but hasn't improved in the least. They seem to have gotten a lot of donations tho. They better show something for it soon.
Am i seeding as I watch?
BitChute is amazing
This comic bothers me because the BAN stamp is backwards. It's all I can see when I look at it.
Let’s hope.
Low rent google shill. We're gonna fix peer to peer publishing and start completely ignoring copyright. Be afraid.
t. Youtube Kike
>all these newfags were never around when youtube was cutting its teeth
Everyone who uses this as a reason to not use bitchute outs themselves as children and/or idiots.
A few days ago when I signed up I downloaded the magnet for every video I watched and failed to connect to a single peer from any of them.
I have a home server and was willing to start seeding all the good videos on there but got nothing at all so I shut it down.
Just get your own NSA and CIA research projects and develop your own multi-billion dollar tech company that controls the top internet traffic.
if bitchute wants to grow and take on youtube it first needs to establish better communication and say to its viewers,, yeah the system is fucking up right now but we are working on it.
Btw ive been using youtube from the beginning, the worst it has been was buffering in bits and pieces, but for bitchute the videos are just outright not playing sometimes.
Hahahaha. We're going back to the middle ages where you stupid peasants will only be able to consume what we give to you. Try to make your own content and you'll be EXECUTED.
Hopefully they can get funding. Supply drives demand, demand drives supply
The logo looks porn-ish, are kikes behind it?
i can almost bet a theyd have more views if it was smoother.
i give some money, but they are gonna need mega backers to help increase their infrastructure
What about peertube? It looks kind of interesting
BitChute needs to make an app that works, not the trash they have right now
if they introduce advertising, it will solve alot of their funding issues.
From this point on the YT purge will get more and more attention. People will start posting on the comment sections on youtube about bitchute and the others. Alternative sites like bitchute will get LOTS of funding in the next 6-12 months no matter of the Google/Alphabet/Youtube lawsuit outcome. If they lose people will hate them still, if they win they will be hated even more.
An exodus is coming
Trust in corporations is going to drop hard
bitchute has to work flawlessly for people to leave youtube for them first.
secondly the moderate groups will goto places like twitch first as they see issues with bitchute choking on barely increased demand.
Bitchute, pepper your angus
it is troubling
I wish we were more banked so we could fund stuff like Soros does
problem is the more money you have the more of an agenda you will have. Also one thing i have noticed is how statistically sucky the right is at making globs of money worse using that money to spread their ideology.
So you might get some texan who stroke it rich on oil,shipping or whatever but give millions to some shit tier gospel preacher instead of trying to give it to groups who can influence culture
Brighteon 2.0 is rolling out anyday, no live stream tho it contains new protections for creators... Their platform is good.
YouTube = 666... You know it or you're one of them...
Wha is it
youtube only grew because of pirated content, for the first few years the only thing anybody watched was ripped anime DVDs, it was fucking amazing btw
would be cool if they let you see who your subscribers are
project mayhem, it's time
please explain
Obvious yt shill is obvious.