NY Times article about a young man who was seduced by the far-right but managed to get out

Here's the link right here: nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/08/technology/youtube-radical.html

In summary, Caleb Cain is a 26-year old man from WV who found himself getting into (and eventually out of) far-right ideas via YouTube. After dropping out of college after 3 semesters, Mr. Cain found himself broke and depressed. He soon found comfort in some right-wing videos on YouTube, and slowly got sucked into videos promoting progressively more and more extreme right wing ideologies and conspiracy theories. Eventually, he stumbled upon some left-wing videos that were specifically geared towards folks with his far-right views, and he eventually saw the issues with these views and abandoned them. Since then, he sees things more clearly, and is trying to help others out of the far-right rabbit-hole he once fell into.

I have a feeling that a lot of far right people on this board may have had similar experiences to the gentleman in the article, like a sense of loneliness, frustration, a need for a place to belong. If you find yourself getting into extreme political ideologies, whether far-right or far-left, particularly ones that promote fear-mongering or harming members of certain groups, I strongly advise you to take a step back and evaluate why you're really drawn to these ideas. Personally I used to be into these sorts of far-right ideologies, and while I managed to back off from them around 2017, they still leave scars that fuck me over to this day.

Pic is of Caleb Cain

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who's this CIA nigger now?

The article was a hit piece of shit and debunks itself. He started out centrist, watched some centrists, and went liberal. He disavowed the far right. Big fucking deal. I disavow ISIS, that doesn't mean I joined them you potato headed downie.
Behold the death gasp of the Gray Lady, she's choking out one last breath while she's being chocked out and hate fucked.

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I hope this kid and everyone who works at the Jew York Times kills themself

At least the author points out to him that he just jumped from far-right to far-left.

With that nose hes a lefty since day one

If all that it took was a few left-wing videos, I doubt that he was "far right" to begin with. "Far" implies that one is holding an extreme position that is resilient against rational argument and debate, but that definition has been bastardized on both sides to mean "anything I disagree with."

What would this faggot do for a Klondike Bar?

Dude was a leftie, then claimed to switch to far right then switched back to far left. Not sure why you'd take seriously someone who changes their core beliefs like a fucking leaf in the wind but you gotta earn those shekels and try and destroy alternative media somehow eh

Get a load of that schnozz.

>watches videos and is swayed easily like a retard
>watches an opposing set of propaganda videos and is just as easily swayed in the complete opposite direction.

If he's not just a gaslighting kike then he wins the award for lowest IQ while still technically being a living creature.

>tfw you will never be deradicalized

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The left invented this as a psyop to artificially demoralise NatSocs. SAD! Many such cases!
Sorry Mister Nose but we're not buying it!

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is this skalligrim? it seems like a skalligrim post?

>far right
>Molymeme and Steven Crowder

And daily fucking reminder to the so-called "moderates" that conservatism (social conservatism, not soulless corporate """conservatism""") is by definition a fixed point, espousing a set structure of morals and ideals and only differing in respects of implementation. Leftism is an ideology of decay which similarly aims to ovrturn whatever the existing structure is. It, by definition, is constantly changing.

The "far-right" of today is only "far" in the sense that it's stayed in the same place while leftists have simply marched further into the pit of degeneracy.

Don't take my word for it, read it from this centre-left, Jewish magazine:
>"In contrast, the attitudes of white conservatives—and conservatives in general—have moved at a more glacial pace, if at all. For liberals, the lack of awareness of how fast and far their attitudes have shifted fosters an illusion of conservative extremism. In reality, the conservatives of today are not all that different from the conservatives of years past."

"Centrism" is a fucking joke for this reason. It's literally just "leftist bullshit at half the speed it would have otherwise been crammed down your throat".

God damn, he's so genetically defectives


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in 2019;

people with a spectrum of beliefs never clearly defined which translate to no physical action whatsoever makes the news.

Mars curse us. Rape us. Burn us.

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Every single time

A perfect illustration of the difference between believing something because you want it to be true and believing something because you understand it.

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>be atomized modern man, completely isolated from experience and ignorant of history
>waste countless hours on a "video sharing website" called Youtube to numb the pain of weightless modern life
>parrot what you see
>see something else
>parrot that instead
and now he can be a signing chimp for big media companies, very cool

He looks like Bran from Game of Thrones but less weird and uglier.


Personally I find this whole "you only believe the things you do, because you're lonely and looking for a place to belong" shill, insulting. Like I'm some libfag fantasy hood nigger that's only in a gang because there aren't enough alI night basketball courts or something.

Not nearly enough swords.

not weird at all the timing of youtube going on a censorship spree. good thing this article came out to assure everyone of the danger letting certain people have free speech is.

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Now thats a nose!

I'm seeing A LOT of articles pushing this new agenda of "I used to be far-right/neonazi/etc. but now I'm better and here to give some advice".

Here's one just today from our national broadcaster...

I've seen maybe 6 from ABC alone in the past 2 months.

i watched this faggots video and it got me to watch a couple destiny debates. it only solidified my NatSoc position. thanks (((caleb))).

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That is the purpose. These are backhand insults to those with right-wing beliefs or nationalistic pride.
It's a way of drilling in to normies that pride and critical thinking stem from loneliness and lack of education.

If you're proud of your culture or nation then you are a fucking weirdo outcast retard and to the enlighted few who read this story, YOU know better than to be like those nazis.

Based archiveposter

the nose knows

It means they're scared, at least.
Still irritating to see the blatant propaganda.

>far right conspiracy theories and fearmongering
>critical thinking

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>an ny times artical about a guy who watched youtube videos
gtfo legacy media shill


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It just seems so stale now, the propagandists are so far consumed by internet culture that they have lost touch with reality and forget how to connect with people outside of the echochambers of twitter and other online spaces.
It's hard to tell if it is just my being more aware of it but it seems so much easier now when compared to a few years ago to see the agendas, the posturing and careful trap planting by the establishment media arm.

Every part of the article is written with future policy announcements in mind and never fail to leave out demonising everyone they see as a target to be included.


>all these hit pieces on e-celebs and alternative journalism at the same time
>right after jewtube "caved" to a lispy queer and updated their censorship rules

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Fake and kikepilled.
>Cries at memes

>Goes from far right to far left
This has never happened before to any person.

America is a lot more polarising and political in Australia so it's a different scene.

Here, the agenda has always been that politics is dumb, doesn't matter and only weirdos care about it. The general public doesn't care to think about what the government does, the government literally has press conferences where they announce that they don't want to detail any policy announcement because that's for nerds and people cheer.

So yes, while far-right Youtube self-help channels are for brainlets I think there is a genuine fear of any political content on social media growing from the left or right because that encourages people to become more engaged with politics and people paying attention is dangerous.

Let's see this faggot's digit ratio.

Kek Do leftists actually believe This? No wonder people call them NPCs. They eat up anything the media tells them.

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>still believed in the holocaust
I've seen radicaler.

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Make this into a meme.

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>It's hard to tell if it is just my being more aware of it
Yeah, I know the feeling. The normies mostly eat it up, regardless. That's the much more disconcerting thing, knowing what they're trying to accomplish with articles like this, and still seeing people believe it unquestioningly.

Why is the far-right so seductive?

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Look at that nose

Kids a fucking Melvin even if hes not Jewish

Screencap them all and keep them in a folder. Eventually they can all be made into one collage image which will demonstrate how contrived the format is.

If you're truly red pilled there's no going back

>he stumbled upon some left-wing videos that were specifically geared towards folks with his far-right views, and he eventually saw the issues with these views and abandoned them
NPCs are real. Patches are real. Not everyone has a self

>left-wing videos that were specifically geared towards folks with his far-right views
link lah

they act like its worse than isis

>"Conservatism" is a fucking joke for this reason. It's literally just "leftist bullshit at half the speed it would have otherwise been crammed down your throat".

>I used to be a far right nazi, now I'm normal and just want to kill off all whites

>Caleb Cain
fake name
> is a 26-year old man from WV
we're the least of his problem
>who found himself getting into (and eventually out of) far-right ideas via YouTube
poorly defined. Oh no ideas!
> After dropping out of college after 3 semesters, Mr. Cain found himself broke and depressed.
yeah college does that to you.
>He soon found comfort in some right-wing videos on YouTube, and slowly got sucked into videos promoting progressively more and more extreme right wing ideologies and conspiracy theories.
Caleb sounds like a tard
>Eventually, he stumbled upon some left-wing videos that were specifically geared towards folks with his far-right views,
So he was brainwashed by left wingers in the end
> and he eventually saw the issues with these views and abandoned them. Since then, he sees things more clearly, and is trying to help others out of the far-right rabbit-hole he once fell into.
And everyone lived happily ever after. Amazing that this is a story.

>Kek Do leftists actually believe This?
Only the low IQ ones, the higher tier sociopaths and psychopaths know exactly what they're doing.

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We have the truth on our side.
Far-right ideologies understand that you can't separate man from nature.

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>Caleb Cain
a fucking jew

>you can't separate man from nature.
what like niggers in africa. No, morality is on the right you faggot.

>Believes any conspiracy theory about how niggers, kikes, faggots, feminazis, etc. without any legitimate sources to back up these claims
>'Leftist cucks' who actually do their research and are willing to look at both sides and understand where they come from are just 'NPCs'

People like this are better of outside the movement. Caleb clearly has no principles. He just waits for people on YouTube to tell him what to think

Pretty much the gist off it. Why do we live in a world where wanting to prevent your own ethnic displacement is extreme?

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I mean, if you're talking about "mainstream" (aka kosher) conservatism, you're exactly right.
They don't want to preserve anything but their own pocketbooks.

There was never a movie where Neo took the red pill but then he got scared and took the blue pill.

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Found an NPC.

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I'm honestly curious as to what's wrong with living among people of other ethnic groups. I grew up in a racially diverse neighborhood, had plenty of friends of different racial backgrounds, and we all got along fine. Why's it gotta be 'us or them'?

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>what like niggers in africa. No, morality is on the right you faggot.
You're agreeing with me.
Niggers in Africa act like that because of their genetics and because of a lack of guiding principles to partially combat that.
If you want to build civilisations, you have to exploit the in-built mechanisms within man, not completely reject understanding them like leftists do.
Morality is a useful tool for that sort of exploitation if it's designed to benefit the health and propagation of the people, and if it is either backed by social norms or religion.
National Socialism aims to implement a system exactly like this.

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Just cut off your dick become a cuck and all will be well

For sure


I want to live in a cohesive unified society, where I can live with and see my ancestral brothers and sisters. Send my children to schools where they all hail from Europe.
> had plenty of friends of different racial backgrounds, and we all got along fine.
They have nothing in common with each other, no ancestral connection and are intrinsically different.

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Justin Trudeau in the top left.

>Niggers in Africa act like that because of their genetics and because of a lack of guiding principles to partially combat that


"Scientific racism (sometimes referred to as race biology), is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racist ideas received credence in the scientific community but are no longer considered scientific."

You sure you really want to stand by this claim, or is Wikipedia just another liberal-SJW-cuck-NPC site? Feel free to check out the sources listed in the article if you're skeptical.

One of his many costumes

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Molymeme and toe Rogan?
He also mentioned Budd Dwyer's suicide which is pretty tame but makes normies gag.

Kill yourself share blue. There is no coexisting with the nigger, the spic, the jew, the chink. All races are fundamentally different as a result of countless years, and will never, ever be able to peacefully live together en masse. The day of the rope comes, especially for (((journalists)), Mr. Cain here, and you.


>They have nothing in common with each other, no ancestral connection and are intrinsically different.

We speak the same language, go the same school, play the same video games, pledge allegiance to the same flag, have the same moral values, get about the same grades... yeah we have nothing in common because our ancestral lines diverged 20,000 years ago

When'd he get his operation?

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I'll bite.
>You sure you really want to stand by this claim,
>is Wikipedia just another liberal-SJW-cuck-NPC site?
Yeah, it has been proven that Jews unironically get paid to edit Wikipedia articles and to add dodgy sources to back it up.

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>every time there's a story like this
>its a swarmy kike looking faggot

Im shocked

every time

Another one? The Left already gave up on that cunt who got fired from Breitbart for shitting on Muslims, but was really fucking her boss?

This article is just part of a push to ban wrongthink from YouTube and other social media.

>Uses a source from a Youtuber who's most popular video is "The Illuminati: Freemasonry and Zionism - The Master Plan to Rule the World" to prove that Wikipedia is a site run by evil Jews who want to take over the world

That dude was the fakest shit ever. Pics related

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I see this cutie everywhere.

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Not even going to waste time on reading this blatant hit piece.

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Not an argument.

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You never grew up as a minority. If there is one thing that utterly convinced me that races cannot mix peacefully, it was growing up on a town with a Mexican majority. No matter where you live, who you are around, minorities will never be accepted. Ever. Ethnostates based around racial and cultural identities are the only way for humans to exist in any modicum of peace. Unless you're a nigger, in which case you will kill rape and cannibalize your neighbors.

Civic nationalism is radical "alt-right" now? WTF is this timeline even.

Fuck you you niggerloving kike

Such a good looking young jewish lad.