Europeans BTFO!
>immigrant's borders
lel wut
The internet has given too loud a voice to too many retards.
I miss colonialism.
Newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post have been shitlib for a long time but they would never say things that were explicitly far-left talking points about American history until relatively recently. Sad!
i agree, lets go back to not respecting things like borders and culture and ethnicity!
I don't
We should have picked our own damn cotton and defended our white cotton fields from shitskin invaders with domestically produced recreational nukes.
the west still doesn't respect borders
look at yemen, syria, iraq, palestine, venezuela, and so on
western governments only care about one thing - money
morals are an inconvenience
they want to sell weaponry to other governments such as the Al Saud families because it is in their own immediate self interest
westerners are very similar to jews, which is why they have formed a coalition - everything is about their immediate self interest without lack of planning and forethought until the system implodes
There where no borders, most of them didn't even have the concept of nations.
I'm going to enjoy killing leftists in the coming Civil War.
If immigrants are such a rich economic and cultural benefit, then evil countries who hurt brown people like America should get ZERO!
>I am those kikes in the government.
No. I am an American citizen of the west, and what they do, I am not for, but they still do it anyways. They are not me.
especially when these niggers had no sense of borders or what a nation state was much less private property
fuck shitskins
>reddit spacing
opinion discarded
So... might is right? is the new York times /ourpaper/?
He's not lying, you people should have stayed out from middle east. The US deserves to have illegal immigrants and rightfully deserved 9/11
Some twitter person wants to wage war with the American power hand?
like wtf?
Literally what that statement means if it was taken seriously.
>westerners are very similar to jews, which is why they have formed a coalition - everything is about their immediate self interest without lack of planning and forethought until the system implodes
Coalition that doesn't benefit the citizenry of this country one bit and wants to destroy her founding stock/majority. You think we like seeing our tax dollars sent to Israel and young men die for their wars? Yes, I hope the system implodes. Shitskins like yourself will find your free ride come to an abrupt and unpleasant end once the government that protects you is out of the picture.
Because they are the harming the whites that didnt beneficiate of any of those wars while they are beneficiating( cheap slaves)the whites who want to bring more of them
Lower white classes never wanted slaves in america either since it would mean more competition
This shit of putting all whites together is fuckung ridicuolous
in the end that’s what it all boils down to
Europeans always have fought for glory and honour only in the last 50 years of total subvsersion it could look like it
Dont even dare to compare us with tjose merchant subhumans
For wars started by kikes ?
Kill yourself and even if it would have done by us ( is wasnt) our only concern should be to secure the existance of our childrens
>Elites colonize 3rd world countries but then want to pass off the blame on the working class so they can guilt them into accepting immigrants who will drive down their wages enriching the elites even more
>subhumans want revenge because they failed to function as a culture
>this makes it okay to erase whites and our culture from existence
Fuck off kike
A fucking poo telling how bad we are while he is an upper caste hindoo that have slaved their countriman and treat them like animals.
And this are the GOOD GUYS
>free ride
No one but kikes are getting a free ride, you dumb burger piece of shit. Also, you won't ever lay a finger on the kikes. You'll lash out and destroy the whole world before ever touching the kikes because, ultimately speaking, you are pathetic hypocrites.
>everything is about their immediate self interest without lack of planning and forethought until the system implodes
Sounds like Kissinger's realpolitik.
>Immigrant borders
>implying any state that doesn't have a sizable white or Asian population is legitimate
We only allow them to think they are free due to them being to much of a hassle to properly uplift. The mistake was thinking they would stay in their little containment areas and its about time we properly reclaim these lands by genociding them since these inferior beings are simply unable to grasp the fact they only existed because we felt sorry for them.
The west is a beacon of civilization. Everywhere else is a beacon of losers.
>>implying any state that doesn't have a sizable white or Asian population is legitimate
You are just Satanic and bloodthirsty puppets of the Jews.
This, the hipocresy and guilt trip of this scum have no limits
They arent the good guys, they never were
basado y rojopilled
Literally eye for an eye reasoning. Get fucked.
>No one should respect borders.
That's an argument in favor of Imperialism.
>immigration quotas based on how much a country has ruined others
Then every third world shithole would have to take in billions of Europeans to make up for how much they're ruined Europe.
No one is ruining Europe more than Jews and you Amerigoy golem.
Then open the Israeli borders.
European colonialism was the best thing to happen to the world, in only 100 years the mayority of the countries passed from the bronze age to the industrial era
For every one we slaved we free 10x times more
Gor every one we killed we gave birth to 10x more thanks to the medicine and technology we developed.
You are in the current states not because of european colonialism but for the lack of it
>industrial era
It has been a failure for reasons Ted Kaczysnki gave.
There are no easy solutions anymore at this point. I don't give a fuck what happens so long as I'm not killed in some dumb race war.
STFU plz stop with this if we set our minds deep in the past we will never look to the future
Victim blaming much?
Every fucking day
>No one but kikes are getting a free ride
Niggers are too, see attachment.
>pathetic hypocrites
I have never fought in any ZOG war. Nor have I ever supported any Middle East meddling by the ZOG. Look into what WN William Luther Pierce had to say about an Iraq invasion several years before it happened. Then go find the proper tree to bark up.