this kills the white male video game protagonist.
I'd let remake Barret ride my wife
this kills the white male video game protagonist.
I'd let remake Barret ride my wife
Looks much less African than the original
Sooo... A white face on slightly darker skin. Is this a reverse Zimmerman?
where did u get this? is there moar
hes pretty based. no shame in being a based darkie
>Raises the white daughter of his dead best friend and actually tries to pay her school funds
If niggers actually behaved like this most whites wouldn’t hate them. Really think on that, a video game representation of a nigger is more likeable than actual niggers. That’s how much you’re actually hated, nigger.
you will have more luck on /y/ if you want moar for people like you
Can someone tell me why all of white America is ashamed that they liked Mr T all of the sudden?
Does black America feel the same?
Im going to look up Mr T's opinion
Nigger Jim probably is better off forgotten, both as a person and a symbol of the times. I can't wait to see how lightskinned they make Barret
Never visited that board. Holy moly