I am so fucking blackpilled anons. Everywhere I look on the internet it seems our enemies are winning. My local towns facebook group is shilling LGBT SO HARD and calling everyone that disproves of it "Nazis".
Seeing it on the internet is one thing, seeing it happen in your town is so surreal. It is finally setting in that we lost.
Why bother doing anything. I feel like just ending myself honestly.
Are you sort of stupid? LGBT is the epitome of losing.
Gabriel Collins
>If you follow trending statistics of the increase in leftists backed by hard data instead of coping anecdotes, then you are a Jew
People like you just make my blackpilled state worse. You are all fucking delusional pretending as if its 1932 and a National Socialist uprising is just around the corner.
Fuck this gay earth
Blake Ramirez
What trend backed by data shows theyre losing? LGBT seems stronger now than it HAS EVER BEEN IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY.
Charles Hernandez
They’re pushing everyone into a corner by saying if you don’t support whatever censorship they push you’re automatically a Nazi. Also, most companies and towns are forced by social pressure themselves to shill it. These people sift through Facebook just looking for companies and localities that aren’t celebrating lgbt and relentlessly attack them. I think deep down, most people are getting sick of it.
Ethan Price
But in the end theyre losers with an average birthrate of 0.0.
Gabriel Hernandez
How is that relevant? They are pushing it on kids too that aren't their own. Look how many sons and daughters of pastors etc come out as trannies and gays etc.
They are warping the minds of YOUR CHILDREN.
While that maybe true, I still don't see evidence that people are getting sick of it.
Brandon Phillips
Take the fucking ironpill, you fucking fuck. Put up fucking posters around your fucking town hall that oppose whatever fucking agenda they’re fucking pushing, and know that people will fucking listen to you because your fucking posters will be fucking good. Stop being a fucking fuck and take fucking action, they fucking want you to fucking give the fuck up.
Jace Cox
I think it’ll start coming out when the primaries begin the Democrats embrace all out identity politics warfare.
Evan Nguyen
But they dont pass it on moslems, chinks, poos and niggers.
The western world is kept afloat by the petrodollar. Once that fails, combined with the inevitable 2008-level crash, that will be worse, society won't be able to humour degeneracy like it can now.
Good luck getting your tranny pills when people are fighting over bread.
The system will start over but it remains to be seen if cryptocurrency will be viable. The key thing to remember is that the evil in society don't know restraint, and will run headfirst into their own downfall. You are winning by keeping you sanity and virtue in such an awful time, and your reward will be that you can help be a part of the rebuild of society when the time comes.
Colton Foster
You guys are honestly just all a lot stronger than I am. I just dont have the willpower to go on in this clown world.
Perhaps it is for the best, maybe we should all just give up honestly.
Luke Wright
This If you give up without a fight you’re spitting in the face of thousands of years of genetic heritage that died for nothing
But user how do we KNOW if the petro dollar and economic crash will happen etc? People have been saying that for years.
Also what makes u think there will be food shortages when labs are growing meat from cells etc? All revolutions are built on the middle class being in poverty.
I think the elites are much more smarter now than they were in the past. They know how to keep the bread and circuses running. Just give up
Owen Gutierrez
>I think deep down, most people are getting sick of it.
Doesn't matter, the USSR proves you don't need the people's consent or even their sanity to do what you need to do. Power is all that matters.
Wyatt King
C'mon. You need thousand men to impregnate one Million women. Its your duty to fight and die, not having children and living like a bourgeois boomer. It was never easy, it was ever hard.
Let me be *more* serious now. Listen, they want you to submit. They want you to be blackpilled. I used to be like you. Within time, that blackpill turns into an ironpill. And I’m sure within time, my ironpill will turn into success. I know everyone says this, but don’t give up. It gets better, sadness and hopelessness are natural emotions designed by evolution to make you stronger and more adapted in the end. The darkness may consume you, but you will come out of it stronger than before, and ready to take on the world. This is all just a game, user. Go for the highest score you can possibly get.
Josiah White
It's all pretty bad. And you're perhaps above average intelligence. Nobody expects you to find the answer to these problems and fix it all, so don't stress about what you cannot fix yourself. Just be ready to heed the call when the time comes, and encourage your friends and family to as well. Also what this user said do what you can to your own abilities.
wow! it's almost like hating people because they put their dick in people of the same gender is a bad way of life!
Asher Long
It is certain that there will be another crash. I'm a brainlet and I can see that. When your currency is based on debt then yes, eventually there is too much debt for the system to work.
Everything that is being subverted in society is a means of staving off the coming crash with immigration, keeping the average citizen in a state of fear and unable to be paid fairly for their labor. We are living in a giant bubble that will pop eventuality. But there is hope because good will always triumph over evil in the end. Focus on being strong enough to protect yourself and those you love for when the crash comes.
Christopher Diaz
kill yourself shill rat
William Garcia
The enemy controls this battlespace, stop being a faggot & use the power of this place to change culture for good. Break seams...
James Cook
if we remind people that freedom is a god given right, then we may have hope
It's not as bad as you think > Majority of white women are only with white guys, statistically > Only 3-4% of the population is gay, and you can't change that, they'll always be gay. > Right wing movements are gaining steam in Europe, more and more people are turning against mass immigration > EU is about to fall apart with multiple countries leaving
Christian Harris
Wow! Its almost like your strawmanning the fuck out of this argument.
Nathan Morales
Unironically based and redpilled. The left is using cheap money to ruin business after business. When the money runs out the whole ecosystem collapses. No more grants for soft science. No more officers of diversity in HR. No more shilling on the web. Everything will be fixed overnight. Get woke, go broke on a global scale.