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i jack off to anime and play video games instead of dealing with life. i'm sorry.

nice blog, m8

Based Tucker


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>Nixon and Reagan couldn’t be elected in California today
And that’s a good thing

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How the fuck is Tucker allowed to be on TV?
He's constantly dropping easily digestible redpills and literally taking new talking points and news stories directly from Jow Forums

He is the absolute madman incarnate

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holy shit, are you me? minus the anime part

Actually it's not, Mr Satan.

>literally dropping white replacement theory on national TV
How have (((they))) not shut him down yet


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Wait, did they air that tweet with the brackets?

why can't the republican party attract Hispanics?

He advocated for the creation of a National Socialist Party last week

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>those comments
Twitter is such a sewer

Theory in the scientific sense, yes

Nixon and Regan were good goy boomer scum like Trumpenstein, fucktard. Specifically Reagan...

It's more of a replacement plan.

his theory is retarded
>Hispanic are the base of the dems they want de facto rule.

Look at Mexico itself, 50 year dictatorship one party rule, president selects the next president. propped up by America cause facade of non-violent , non-corrupt Mexico is good. out vote a party who could do full corruption, and no longer maintain 50 year dictatorship. vote 2 times the non-dictatorship party, the non-dictatorship party tried to be different, and actually killed the facade on cartel, and opened a Pandora box. When the facade was gone they went back to the dictatorship party, didn't help and elected a third player, of a brand new party.

Blue California may not change in your life time, but people will get tired of single party rule eventually.

can you twitterfags get in the comments and blow these fuckers out? they think places like texas, sanfran, la were named after spics and not the spanish that colonized. they think spanish is native to mexico kek.

The US has already had it's "replacement migration." It's time to shut it down.

"Demographic change" is a euphemism for "ethnic cleansing".

brown people have existential envy, they will always vote in their interest against whites, because our existence makes them hate themselves.

Contrary to the current media narrative, whites are NOT going to be a minority within the US in the coming decades. You see, over the last decade the rate of migration to the US from Latin America has effectively been ground to a halt. Three things happened that affected the migratory trend and drove it downward. First, the recession of ’07 and the following financial crisis caused a massive drop in the demand for labor. Second, the Department of Homeland security massively increased deportations. And third, Donald Trump’s election seems to have scared away most would-be comers. The migration into the US is at an effective net zero and has been for a few years now. The old projections showing whites in the US becoming a minority assume the numbers of migrants not only continuing at the old record highs, but also following an incremental increase from the record high seen in that now-defunct data.

With that said, the migrants who are ALREADY here will be “assimilated” into American society in one of three ways depending on their ethnic makeup. There are, broadly speaking, three distinct varieties of “Hispanic.” The first variety includes individuals who are overwhelmingly European in the ancestry. Despite a temporary language barrier, they will assimilate very quickly. They will be viewed as white despite Spanish surnames. The second variety are those individuals with a mixture of European and native genes. Their assimilation will be a bit more difficult. However, in the event they have children with whites the result will be delicious brunettes. In the future anyone with 75% European ancestry will be seen as “white” similar to how many whites now view those with Cherokee blood. Lastly, the individuals with predominantly native ancestry will form an underclass similar to American blacks. And like American blacks, those jungle savages will be a mixed bag dependent on the quality of culture that families adhere to.

the point is eventually people will go against the de facto dictatorship.

>How the fuck is Tucker allowed to be on TV?
He's become too prominent and knows how to walk the line where he teases things without going overboard.

That's cope. you can't try to frame white people's self-loathing as a positive



fuck society

possible whitepill???

Posting nice memes isn't getting a skill and marrying a woman, user.
Do your part.

Except socialism isn't conservative.

Good post, but their (((projections))) are really just their plans for the future. They'll try to find a way to make it happen. Eg - Venezuela, or africans as a contingency

That's cope.
you can't try to frame white people's self-loathing as a positive

Whites in America are going to be fine. Huddled masses of the minority groups are mostly in cities, which will eventually be unable to sustain themselves and turn into a warzone between all the different groups. The US is a fucking massive country with a lot of places to start communities. The whole world was conquered by whites who were by far a minority on the global scale.

Almost. The only amendment I'd make is that Trump is allowing the rate of migration into the US to rise again. We've already had our "replacement migration" necessary to keep our economy capable of consumption demand, unlikely Europe, and it's time to shut it down. 100k new migrants a month and a return to "catch and release" is horseshit.

>conserves nothing
No one cares about conservatism because it's an empty buzzword at this point. So is socialism, really.

are you a bot? why do you keep replying to me. i said the mexicans are self loathing.

>mistaking a temporary halt for a permanent solution
Gosh I wish you were correct.
Your numbers seem to be in error, we're on track for adding a million from the southern border alone this year. The numbers of those crossing did shrink noticably for 2017. But the success of the caravans and the discussions of multiple states to GIVE FREE COLLEGE TO ILLEGALS is undoing that, and fast. The numbers have tripled since the.
And that doesn't start to count the wide gap being birth rates.

Things that were memory holed part 50510012

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>speaks dick for self
Thanks, but I still see La Loi. Work or robbery, no other choices.

They're taking topics directly from Jow Forums for his show at this point. It's kinda funny, I ran up a rant/meme here a few weeks ago only to see it repeated on fox news. Everytime it happens it's like Tuck just shoved a megaphone in front of my mouth and let the whole world hear while I expected nothing more than a few (you)s.

I think the jacking off to 2d chicks is a mind cope. I jack off to real life girls because I know what it's like to be with a real life girl.
You anime fags are fucked in the head

>vote in their self-interest
>because they hate themselves
Not a bot, just a struggling phonefag

Worked about 2d waifu, stick to 3D roastie

The only girl you’ve been inside is your mom you pillow fornicator.

first part yes, second part no. there is more socialism in our countries with every year that goes by.
>more government spending? helping the poor!
>less government spending? wtf but who is going to teach my children about the holocaust if it isn't public schools

Government spending is capitalist as fuck. They brought it in during the 30's because of deflation from the Great Depression. Saying they do it to help the little people is just PR. That's part of the reason you're never going to see fiscal responsibility return and deficit spending will continue unabated. GDP is now too dependent on the government pumping in money.

>Demographic change

You mean America was flooded with shitskin retards.

>when you are a seething cuck projecting

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he might know that he will be replaced by Ben Shapiro soon

>i'm sorry
Pathetic. Own yourself, cunt.

You are a literal retard.

How do this guy explains seattle?

It's hard to take Cucker seriously when he spent most of his career wearing a bowtie.


Style points for the umlaut, anön.

Andrew Lawrence is that pos from Media Matters. Tucker has those people furious.

Spending in and of itself is capitalist, user. If people were responsible enough to pay for and pave their own roads or pay for maintenance on institutions, we wouldn't need to give government half the money we do. Outreach and relief operations should be left to charities, not government. That's a MONUMENTAL one we could do without.

>fuck society

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Do you honestly think loosing your v is special?

On a long enough timeline people will always elect those who open the purse strings of the treasury for them. Those who are poor, unintelligent, and unskilled are the first to go for the 2+2=5 candidates.

That's sad. You're a product of our time. Another victim of the Jew World Order.

What a shit shill post. One you are immediately wrong about immigration numbers, two you are wrong about assimilation prospects, three you neglect to mention disparate birth rates, four you seem to think blending just goes one way.

Except north africa used to be white. Celts themselves stretched down to Italy. History has been one long recession of white ownership of the world.

>The US is a fucking massive country
Exactly, and where in your mind did you think that worked towards your point? Europe has 700 million whites in a landmass about equal to the US.

Quantity and population density of whites is what's relevant for survival. What you're describing is running away when demographic replacement drives whites out.

Based Tucker.

It's likely a shill, if they can convince you that ceding land and collecting in ever smaller all white regions is winning then they've won the battle.

Bitth rates and different moral principles have seen whites pushed back to europe over thousands of years, then they got us to accept non whites as citizens and now he wants you to win this battle by pulling back even more. He's a jew and he wants you killed.


Nice to see you again Mr.Satan.

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Except that should be socially nationalist and economically conservative. Then that'd be as close to National Socialism as you can get while still being binary about things.

There will be 30 or 40 million people leave this country during the coming war.

You're discounting the fact that a Progressive will win again and increase immigration from Africa. We're having the largest migration wave EVER right now so I don't think Trump has scared anyone away.


>The migration into the US is at an effective net zero

WRONG. This is literal 2012 Obama re-election-era propaganda based on transient economic conditions which have since passed.

When US starts rumbling the tics will fall off out of fear and leave to find an easier life in their own country.
Tics don't fight for the dog.

lying kike

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i was literally blown away watching this. Tucker is rising and going for the neck daily now

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I finally got to watch the show a few hours ago, and was shocked that was said on the air. Tucker is with out a doubt /ourguy/.

Wow holy fuck Tucker is kicking ass right now

>How have (((they))) not shut him down yet
(((they))) are losing badly

Uncivil war needed NOW

>He's become too prominent and knows how to walk the line where he teases things without going overboard.
and that line is getting farther and farther hence his discussions on white replacement recently

lmao based

We need more white pills guys, this brings my spirits up

Quality of life, overcrowded, cost of living. Whites are not going to be fine unless they fight and kill the invaders and start fresh. There will be no more political choice, no freedom of speech, no guns and hordes of low IQ ignorant criminal breeding machines just like Ca. The elite will be fine everyone else will be preyed upon ostracized and prey. Time is coming vote with your gun

and what will you do white devil? your to cucked to fight back and your republicans sold you out so the democrats would support israel because republicans are red neck sister fuckers who want to go to heaven. it wouldnt be heaven if there were redneck sister fuckers in it

republicans go in the trash fire

did Tucker argue that socialism is conservative?
maybe he meant it as "let's get the sane leftists and merge them with the sane right".
i know a lot of Trump supporters don't mind socialist programs that are used FOR AMERICANS. The issue they have is when Democrats want to give free gibs to foreigners, illegals, lazy trash, etc.

socialism only isnt conservative when it comes to citizens.
it is EXTREMELLY conservative when it comes to coorporations. it will take a bunch of ethnic cleansings before the amerimongrel boomer wakes up.

This is a blatant lie. Go visit Hispanic areas. It's not America. It's also the largest mass migration in human history and it will cause the breakup of our country.

you are making quite a few leaps in judgment here buddy. once you are outnumbered its game over. it is not like you have powerful institutions on your side like (((banking))) (((media))) or (((academia)))


>what is north africa
>what is ionia
>what are all the post-colonial places that are now reverted or reverting back to brown savagery

Lol theyll see what happens when you take away the magic hypnojew box

Open your borders bigot.

That's the entire point of this place anyways

I want nothing more than for my ideas and opinions to spread like wildfire amongst the general population. Take it! Take it you fucking lemmings. Grok my ideas! For FREE. I don't want a fucking dime. You'll pay me back a hundredfold once we're on the same page.

So he can give amnesty to the millions of illegals in cali, lol

This thread brought to you by media matters. Watch them cite it as justification for getting Tucker off the air.