Jow Forums is a Christian board (Calvinists don't count of course since they're basically satanists).

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Other urls found in this thread:

every day is a gift. Thank you Lord.

God is great.

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Christianity tolerates racemixing and jesus wasn't European.

Amen, God Bless brother

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Thanks user. I was looking for this image.

My sect of Christianity is better than all the other sects, who are dumb and wrong. Praise sectarian Jesus!

btw, "sword" in that reference is a word that meant like a kitchen butcher knife. He can to divide the jews. Goes on to explain how a christian will become an enemy in his own family, but his love for Christ is greater.

No problem brother.

actually, mongrels (mamzers) are frowned upon. Modern lukewarm christians don't remotely have an understanding of them. That is why Christianity is a narrow path that few may find.

No they aren't. Even that protestant faggot you christcucks shill will marry European women off to niggers.

please contain schizoposting to /x/. thank you for you're cooperation.

>Jow Forums is a Christian board
In this modern atheist age that depends on science, we expect Jow Forums to respect the mathematical laws of physics confirmed by scientific experiment innumerable times, and not believe in a Biblical magic Jew god, Jew god magic, (fictitious) rabbi Jesus, and a factually wrong Bible. Faith in Christianity means pretending that things exist that don't exist and pretending that things are real that aren't real.
Jesus never existed. He was never born. No person has ever been born from a virgin. A virgin birth is scientifically impossible. Maybe Jesus Christ is the person people believe would have been born of a virgin, if that were possible, but it's not possible and he's not real.
Jesus was not the son of Yahwah. That's not even possible. The (imaginary) Yahwah Jew-god of Judeo-Christians has never been seen, heard, or ever detected at any locatation on Earth or in space throughout all of history ever. Maybe Jesus Christ is the person people believe would have been the son of Yahwah, if that were possible, but it's not possible and Jesus and Yahwah are not real.
Jesus did not resurrect because he never existed in the first place. Even if he did exist, it is scientifically impossible to restore a crucified person back to life and then have him completely dematerialize. Maybe Jesus Christ is the person people believe could dematerialize after death, if that were possible, but it's not possible and Jesus was not real.

He's a fag, yes. But, no, mamzers (mongrel children) aren't allowed in the temple for 10 generations. It's very much frowned upon. I can't help it if most modern Christians ignore it.

You can always come back to Jesus, fren.

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The US is full of mamzers and Christianity is to blame.

Satan is to blame, fren.

for people who claim to be redpilled you christkikes sure are a bunch of fags

I think you're probably a decent person with high intelligence who's mad at God. Maybe someday someone like me can help you.

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Satan would have us genocide the non Europeans. Nice try jewsus.

Well it was the synagogue of satan that instigated this demographic change. Then pulled the wool over many white christian eyes to where they are very deceived now. It's not Christ that did this. You've been deceived as well.

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Let's get this straight.
Anonymous, Discord, Reddit and MAGA-fags have been hating on Christianity.

Native Jow Forumsacks from /news/ and stormfront have been in favour of Christian tradition and fundamentalism.

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This is about right.

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>Satan would have us genocide the non Europeans.
Satan is a Hebrew figure.

Jesus Christ is ascended of all earthly matter as he is the son of God, the word of God, the light incarnated.
Satan is about self-worship and materialism, which also promotes multi-culturalism.

Don't fall for Satanic Jewish lies and stick to Christ, the son of God, our Lord that the strongest, the last 12 generations of your family tree have all turned to in nothing but faith and trust.

The religion of cuckoldry
migatards are christian you dumbass

>migatards are christian you dumbass
I'm doubting not one person in /ptg/ has actually read the Bible. Don't confuse Christians with lukewarm satanicly deceived useful idiots who call themselves that.

>The religion of cuckoldry
No, that's paganism... no rules against women in power, ect. Very cucked.

Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ for being my strength and my foundation. Through you I can do anything. Praise be unto the son of the most high. Let the angels in heaven and every man women and child sing glory unto him togeather.

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do i go to heaven if im going to a catholic church
i am 1/32- 1/64 native south american am i going to hell

why 12 generations?

>migatards are christian you dumbass
Do they follow the word of God completely?
Do they know of Tradition?

Liberals in Tunisia are also called "Muslims", your point being?
>The religion of cuckoldry
Let's see:
The quran allows polygyny, sexual slavery, zoophilia, necrophilia, pedophilia, rape and other sick shit.

Meanwhile honest Spaniards celebrate the day of St.Santiago the Moorslayer.

Just a number that came to mind.

Amen brother
Praise be to God, and His son, Jesus Christ.

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>i am 1/32- 1/64 native south american am i going to hell
No, mamzers don't go to hell, it's not their fault. Your ancestors or parents will have to explain it.

All morality is unscientific. If you throw out Jew magic because of "science" then to be consistent you should also throw out every moral stance you have, because there's no scientific evidence to back up your feelings about any given action being "wrong." But you know deep down that you've sinned, otherwise you wouldn't be rambling about some abstract ideas being better than others, and you know it's an offense against God. No postmodern dismantling about why this sentence of the Old Testament contradicts that sentence in the New Testament will earn you God's forgiveness. Only the blood of Christ can cleanse the human concience.

who do i have kids with then? is the percentage low enough to be irrelevant?

>Don't confuse Christians with lukewarm satanicly deceived useful idiots who call themselves that.

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That's why it's 10 generations. I'd breed with someone that has majority of a race equal to your majority and start the mending process. I'd assume such a thing would be considered a righteous act by God since the opposite is scorned.

Get behind thee Satan!
To hell with all you papist whores of Babylon!

I am not doubting Christ like Peter was in that moment. You don't know what that verse means.

not quite sure what you mean by 10 generations, I tried doing some research and mamzer is a jewish term.
i have overwhelming european ancestry besides the 1-2 indio(s)

>(Calvinists don't count of course since they're basically satanists)

Let us not get dragged into sectarian feuds. We're all heretical in our beliefs one way or the since the church has been corrupted and we need to humbly accept that fact and come to ecumenical agreement, what we all have in common:

Yes it used to be a jewish law, but like all ceremonial jewish law, it doesn't exist as law anymore. However, we should still be learning from it, per Jesus.

A bastard (mamzer) shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. Deuteronomy 23:2

Normally it's translated as "bastard", but the word mamzer is later used in Zech to describe a mongrel people. They didn't have a race mixing issue in these times, so this didn't really come up. But it's clear that making a mongrel is against God's will. This is what a Christian should take away from this.

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Thank you God for this day.

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That's fair. Evert denomination of the thousands at least gets the gist. Calvinism is just a license to sin and is of satan, so it should be excluded from the thousands of other sects as "christian".

Thank you God
Thank you Jesus

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Amen brother
God bless

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Turn to traditional catholicism! Help us clean up the church!

Dont really like (((abrahamic))) religions

Could definitely use some cleaning, brother. I'm with ya. I love my catholic brothers even though I don't quite subscribe to their version of various things. It's ok though. Too much division over things less important than the message of Christ.
Christians on pol, please give me a brief example of how religion has bettered your life.
I am genuinely curious, since I grew up in a godless household and I'm feeling a bit lost lately.

>since I grew up in a godless household and I'm feeling a bit lost lately.
my case is different, i was raised as catholic and forced to do this sacrament called confirmation, and that just turned into a non believer
crazy no?

I'm not a christian but I always loved CS Lewis's books, especially The Great Divorce and The Problem of Pain

First lets make sure you're saved because you sound unsure... watch vid:

Your racial makeup is irrelevant.

Well, it describes how the world is what it is. Takes a load of stress of your back from worrying about politics, because they're all run by satan. And it's not just blind belief. Understand that pretty much all the disciples who witnessed Jesus do miracles (they would know if it was BS or not) died painfully instead of deny what they saw. Boiled alive. Skinned alive, ect. That's pretty good testimony. When you look into what the Bible says and the rules it lays out for men and women, and how we all should regard the world, it's kind of mind blowing. If everyone followed this, there would be literal peace on earth. And not "destroy your enemy until no one is left but those that agree with you" type "peace". Real peace. You start to see WHY things are the way they are. You see it all around you in women dressed like whores, ect. And you know no politician is going to fix it. Instead you turn to prayer and spreading the word. Because that is literally more effective a fix. And instead of the stress of politics, you find peace in doing this effective fix.

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Gelobt sei der HERR!
Möge er unsere Herzen füllen und Frieden bringen.

I'll watch the video right now. i've seen that speaker before and like him

>Your racial makeup is irrelevant.
I'm just being incredibly insecure because i'm not 100% pure

Amen german brother

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A very nice picture, don't mind me saving it.

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Back at you, saved yours

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>only wrongthinkers hate christkikery
>you're either with us or you're against us
typical christnigger spiritual semitic faggotry

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>sell your cloak and buy a butter knife

nope, not what Christ meant.

May God bless your day user.

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Not everyone here is Christian fucktard. Your God is make believe. I'm not an Atheist. I know that all the Gods of the religions are grade A bullshit. You are a fucking contradiction. White power you ascribe while you worship a Jew invented by Jews. Fuck man!

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I'll pray for you

No that was about daggers. They had two daggers... this was clearly not enough to take on a roman unit of soldiers, but Jesus said it was enough. He only wanted them around, clearly, so he could teach an object lesson. When Peter cut off the guard's ear when they came to take Jesus, Jesus told him to put away his sword. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. That was why he wanted them around. My interpretation is succinct with all he said. But yours contradicts his message about live by the sword, die by the sword. Also all the early fathers agreed with what I'm saying. Just look into it if you want. If not, who cares. I'm sure you're still a great Christian and Jesus wouldn't consider you a worker of iniquity. His main message is what's important, and I'm sure we agree on that, brother.

how long are Jews going to keep up the "lol Christians worship Jews! Please Goyim! Worship us! We're scared of you!" argument when the New Testament is literally the most counter-Semitic book that's ever been written, and that includes both Mein Kampf and On The Jews and their Lies.

then why jewish life only exists where abrahamic are practiced by the majority

>satanic jewish lies
>worships rabbi yeshua bar yosef
spiritual semites rely upon wordplay and doublethink in order to push forward their agenda, christkikery is virtually globalism
Galations 3:28
>there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Luke 4:14-15
>Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside. He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
It was not unusual for rabbi yeshua bar yosef to be admitted access to being a teacher in judaic temples. Rabbi yeshua bar yosef regularly taught in synagogues and usually read in their temples
Luke 4:16:
>He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read
Luke 13:10:
>One Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues,
To claim that one is against "globalism" while claiming to be a christkike is typical hypocrisy expected of the spiritual semites.

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Well, here's the thing. Jews don't exist anymore. Their messiah came. Any jew that didn't convert to him simply became the synagogue of satan. Ashkenazis converted to "judaism" hundreds of years after this. The tribe of dan literally went to what is Ireland today. Irish have more Israelite blood in them than your average "jew" today. People despise the synagogue of satan, and for good reason. But to equate them with the jews of Jesus' time, or even Jesus himself, is just a lack of understanding. The Talmud wasn't even written until hundreds of years after Christ.

>in this modern age that depends on science
Atheist faggots are the ones promoting abortion despite the science telling life begins at conception.

Thank You Based God

do you have the one where they say how the roman catholic church gave safe spaces to jews, while gentiles were forced to accept christianity at gun point?

Yes, I understand that Christ could have sent down legions of angels at any moment to slay all who opposed him, but that it wasn't his will, it wasn't what he came to earth to do. Peter flipping out and going full-on cop killer when Christ got arrested is still one of the most based parts of the Bible though. It shows how much he loved Christ and how full of zeal he was that he was ready to cut down an entire unit of centurions or die trying to protect the Lord.

We should still as Christians prepare ourselves for conflict and be ready if that time comes in our lifetimes. It is un-Christian to allow your brothers and sisters to be led away to die.

Proverbs 24 11-12 (KJV)
>If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?

Always among the sheep there are wolves.

Exodus 33:16 ''So shall we be separated, i and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the Earth''

Leviticus 20:24 ''I am the Lord they God which have separated you from other people''

Joshua 23:12-13 ''If you do in any way go back and cleave unto the remnants of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, an go in unto them an they unto you. Know for a certainty that there shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your side and thrones in your eyes. Until ye perish off from this good land which Lord your God has given you.''

Deut.23:2 “No mongrel shall enter the congregation of Yahweh, not even in the tenth generation."

The list goes on and on: Deuteronomy 7:3, Proverbs 23:27, Psalm 144:11-12, Hosea 5:6-7


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>We should still as Christians prepare ourselves for conflict and be ready if that time comes in our lifetimes. It is un-Christian to allow your brothers and sisters to be led away to die.
Well it gets into a very in depth, and interesting, theological discussion about passive resistance. Getting in the way of evil instead of fighting it in the flesh. I'd rather not get into it tonight because it always turns divisive and sect vs. sect ect. It is definitely worthy of study though, if you're interested.

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iranians jews feel at home despite the rivalry that exist between iran and israel though.

This brother gets it.

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Thank you Jesus god bless all my user frens

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>Native Jow Forumsacks from /news/ and stormfront have been in favour of Christian tradition and fundamentalism.
Fuck off, you havent been here since /n/. We used to make fun of stormfront.

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Amen brother user

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Amen, God bless you anons

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God bless you too, friend

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sorry im muslim

God bless you finbrother.

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It's ok, fren. It's better to convert by changing hearts and minds than the sword though, no? You can always come to Christ. He's waiting and he loves you.

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At least you believe in something, not see why anyone would rather be a Muslim though than Christian

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I grew up in Eastern europe. Living amongst orthodox christians it was common to celebrate holidays with them and have a few beers with them. My girl is a serb, her family is fine with me

Right on, muslim fren. Well, I'll pray that the narrow path becomes clear to you sooner than later. But I do understand how difficult it would be to give up a heritage. Just know Christ loves you. Maybe just pray and ask for him. You might be surprised what happens.

Started finally taking my faith seriously, attending mass twice a week, currently looking for a course so I can receive first communion.

God bless you all brothers!

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Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksuckers

>pic related

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Amen brother, that's great to hear.

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I was born into it. In bosnia we were the only muslim family in the area. My dad I went to the mosque ever few days, we lived a normal life with judeo christian values. There was none of this sharia bullshit, none of these dumb religious laws. If I wanted to eat drink alcohol I did. Islam is different depending on the reigon, Ideas change.

We literally have roman tax records that disagree with you.

LOL the author of this is an unfaithful sinner

when else do I go to church besides sunday mass?

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>We literally have roman tax records that disagree with you.
No we don't, you filthy Christian liar

>LOL the author of this is an unfaithful sinner
What does that have to do with the non-existence of Jesus?

>the original American settlers were Satanists
>Jonathan Edwards was a Satanist
>much of the Founding generation were Satanists
>Stonewall Jackson was a Satanist
>the von Hohenzollern dynasty since 1613 were all Satanists
>Abraham Kuyper was a Satanist
>the Boers were all Satanists
>the Puritans and Seceders were Satanists
I know you really like Jesse Morell or Steven Anderson or whomever but please refrain from shitposting about something so serious. Ecumenicalism should of course be avoided but at the very least in political matters we are co-belligerents, likewise with certain Catholics.

Is this copypasta? If it wasn't it is now. This is distilled naturalistic dogma, so steeped in its rejection of the supernatural that it doesn't realize it is relying on the assumption that miracles can not occur to support the claim that miracles cannot occur. So fervant in denying christianity that even the well documented and uncontroversial claim that Jesus existed at all it too much for them to accept.

It's good cringe.