Watch out!
Things That Scare Nazis
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Why would I be scared that people can defend themselves?
literally no one cares
So this is the last tactic of shills to destroy any legitimate alternative to the uniparty ?
Trasform pol in a boomer 2.0 web ?
Nigger Nigger poo poo
lol now try to use them in an active firefight
no cheating, guns are locked away and mags are all unloaded
peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cum cum poo poo
>1 post
I’m scared, m-m-maybe we should stop Jow Forums
Wasn't there an antifa girl who got arrested for road raging and shooting someone awhile back?
Political operatives owning guns is just a dopamine rush for the low IQ. If you even fire it once you’ll have 50 skilled ex-Military guns pointed at you and you will either surrender and rot in jail for the rest of your miserable life, like a faggot.. or die like a faggot.
It’s time to grow up, guys.
Yeah, sure thing.
Why would I be scared. Guns don't actually kill people, people kill people and liberals are a bunch of faggot bitches who probably shoot their guns once per year. I'd be more concerned about 13th generation unassimilated niggers running around cities with their illegally obtained hi-point problem solvers than some emasculated white beta fuck. Nigger.
Couldn't find the whole thing compiled, so I just made it instead. Here you go user
Forgot file kekek
Liberal is a fake word invented by Newspeak semanticist. You fell for it sucker.
>who's the man with the masterplan?
>a nigga with a muhfuckin' gun
negro magic music
Have sex
Lol I'm not scared
It should be when liberals find out that other liberals own guns. They might have an existential crisis after that realization.
This pretty much sets the argument for US gun control!
Libfags spray and pray.
Conservstuds have tight groups
Have sex, incel.
Democrats are genderqueer child raping faggots.
I want everybody to own guns, including liberals.
There was also some antifa retard who shot one of his comrades who he thought was a nazi.
LOL, these cunts wouldnt know one end of a gun from the other
>liberals own guns too
Not here they don't.
I hope you all start carrying them around. Give us an excuse.
Yo oh.
Time to be a Democrat.
this makes me sad to own a nice beard and mustache. s0ib0is ruined it
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Progressivism is Liberalism.
Progressivism is Socialism.
Liberalism is Socialism.
Socialism is the step between Capitalism and Communism.
Communism is a proven fantasy.
Communism is Totalitarianism.
Authoritarianism is WRONG for America.
The Democrats are now the Socialist Party of America and want to FORCE the citizens to COMPLY with UNCONSTITUTIONAL EDICTS of MASSES Destruction.
People are well aware of murderous mexicans and niggers.
>laws make it so that you have to undergo several checks, waiting periods and other legal mumbo jumbo for you to even own a firearm, and even then you are limited in what you can buy whether it's state laws or how much money you have (le evil baby bazooka ar-15 asshault rifles aren't cheap)
>woman gets emotional and shoots someone like a retard
>if only we had more laws
Nice one shit head.
Perhaps someone should care?
Yes niggers do own guns illegally. Self-hating white leftist cucks however do not.
Even when you are armed you still manage to be complete faggots about it.
fuckin' saved. Would be better with sources though. The first thing they'll cry about is
>but how do you KNOW they're democrats !?!?!?
so kind of important.
heh Was there ever a definitive meme for these two groups of losers? I recall a thread that poked some fun at the first one but the thread for the second one was meh.
>heh Was there ever a definitive meme
Not that I've noticed. But I think Dwayne dropped wearing his 'White trash against the fash' patch after standing trial after the Charlottesville thing. I dont really see why.
>Be Professor at at a libtard college
>Think he is white trash
I mean, he's not wrong.
Let me know when to give a fuck.
"Liberals" own guns.
Leftists don't.
Why would I be afraid of a libertarian who just wants to be left alone? I have no reason to.
“Grow up” says the retard who still thinks democracy can work, neck yourself nigger lover
>implying all authoritarian governments are bad
Okay retard
Do they?
only liberals I know who own guns are Fudds who only use them to hunt once every few years, if that.
They never seem to bag anything too...
I swear they just buy the guns to say "look, liberals own guns, I am moderate, lets ban handguns and assault rifles!"
Tell that to the Buddy militia that BTFO your god king Obama
LOL this is actually the best attempt at a meme I have seen from the left.
Too bad its totally stolen and they only thing they did was caption /pol and democrats onto it.
Keep trying one day you will get it!
You guys are really good at being the oppressive fascist globo homo regime while pretending not to be so at least you have that going for you.
T bisexual canadian faggot who no longer votes left wing
I see it as it makes the case for LIBERALS to not own guns. So far mass shootings have been perpetrated by leftwing idiots and “those the left wing are trying to help”.
I'm a liberal who owns a gun and there's no fucking way I'm using it on anyone except people who threaten my life. Right wingers don't do that. Antifa does.
We are. And with it is the realization that your kind do not deserve to live in america or the west for that matter. Your guns wont save you.
NYC crime down
Diblasio mayor
No those stats couldn’t possibly be fudged
By all means take all the faggots you want
I guess the "left projects" argument is pretty much proven here.
Left knows they're crazy and can't be trusted with a firearm, they then project their own insanity on sane conservatives, assuming everyone is as crazy as they are.
I can see why the left is anti 2A now, not that I agree, but at least I know they're reasoning in good faith.
23% of Democrat households owns firearms.
49% of Republican households owns firearms.
The vast majority of democrats only own a single firearm and republicans own multiple.
Republicans are in possession of %97 of the U.S.'s domestically owned firearms.
They do fudge the numbers. They categorize murder / robbery as just. assault/robbery.
Nice German bundeswehr cap too.
Their hypocrisy is truly astounding.
Dwayne EMIL Dixon.
Daddy really wanted an Emily.
That gun is a Walther PK380, not whatever she means by a “DC9”.
pic related
Cant really say shit about these guys. Proper barrel orientation, decent trigger discipline, adequate hearing protection, clearly in a rural area for safe practicing, and that nigger even has high visibility ankles, so he's got that going for him.
Owning a gun and shooting a gun are two different things.
Also 95% of the weapons and military training is on the right.
Your a bit of a fuckwit op.
This one is going to go into my "for no reason at all" folder. It's filling up fast these days.
we are waiting
This. They're so focused on being fat lgbtq acceptance types they'll be walking loot boxes and all free.
>Things That Scare Nazis Anonymous
Dialectic Materialism
And he has a hk93 of some sort
“Liberals”, “Conservatives”, “Nazis”, EVERYONE should have a gun! (at least 1)
Somebody should tell the Gun Control folks that there is already a ban on “assault rifles”. No one can legally buy an assault rifle, only an assault-STYLE rifle. True assault rifles are fully automatic, which is illegal for civilians.
Oh noes
We have something in common!
Shut it down
>Somebody should tell the Gun Control folks that there is already a ban on “assault rifles”
Yeah, they don't really understand this difference. I tried telling someone that AR-15 is not an automatic weapon and it was like talking to a roomba
Kek. They were probably some gifted “artist” who doesn’t understand technical things.
Hence the old argument, “No one needs to go hunting with a machine gun.” LMAO
and another image in my "Fuck Nations fuck laws and fuck borders folder"
gun owning liberals are just future republican voters