>tfw shitalian
>tfw my 15k/year salary is considered high and i should feel "lucky"
>tfw is barely enough to pay rent and food
At least americans have their ridiculously high 100k/year salaries
You dont know what it means to be cucked and poor
Tfw shitalian
What 100k a year salary are you referring to you dumbass spaghetti nigger?
Go out and do fascism, med bro
>that flag
Unironically gas yourself
user mr.boyardee doesn't know that there are regional economies in America.
Hard to imagine how useless and retarded you have to be to dont make at least 100k/year in america
this girl says she'd like me more if i was white instead of italian
>t. arm and foot poster
How the hell have you evaded the hammer?
He probably thinks the entire United States is just LA and NYC, which would still barely be affordable at 100k a year really if you didn't wanna live in a nigger/spic infested shithole
Please tell me more about how I can make that kind of money where I'm at pastramiboy, I'm all ears
its easy
Unironically learn 2 code
Yeah and move to San Francisco where all the code monkeys work?
You first buddy, you'll get the job, 100k will get you real far in San Francisco
And spend 60K a year on rent in Commiefornia
Don't forget at least half of that 100k goes into taxes, those darkies aren't gonna feed themselves!
100k means poor in burgerland. You have to pay social security, while in shitaly I guess its the employer who pays.
I cant wait to pay 90% of my salary to Mr. Goldstein so I can see druggie bums take a shit right out of my window!!!
Is this a fairly new career or one that progresses? surely it takes time
But what about all the good ethnic food and culture goy? Aren't you greatful to live in a hip progressive city full of vibrant diversity? Just think you could be living out in the styx with all those evil backward white cavemen.
Join the Italian Army.
>Italian Army.
good joke
smart girl.
kys nigger
Yes I want to eat tacos made by Jose, who didnt wash his after taking a big shit. If we reported that we would be racists then Drumph would win
Oh, just you wait.
In 50 years you would give your ass to "barely pay rent".
Cause pic related.
See, as soon as we took down the honor killing laws ( you could kill your woman is she betrayed you ), they IMMEDIATELY stopped having kids.
And now, we don't have the workforce.
That's why buisness go away.
Cause we don't have a lot of young workers anymore.
Also, since the majority of people are about to enter into retirment, the state won't be able to tax their work.
So they will either have to massively cut the public, raise massively taxes, or both!
But since the government is by nature corrupt, it won't shrink, but will tax us to oblivion.
And since we won't be able to pay, they will implement comunism.
And that's why im considering becoming a muslim.
Maybe they aren't wong in taking women rigths, eh?
After comunism fall, Islam will reign.
>Please tell me more about how I can make that kind of money where I'm at pastramiboy,
I make 100k a year in illinois (not chicago) and I'm a service plumber.
You have to be a retard to be 28+ and not make at least 70k a year in America.
people who make 100k a year often live in super expensive areas with high taxes, so they don't often pull in as much as you'd think
Mashallah brother lets make rape legal again
>Mashallah brother
i ain't a muslim, but im legit considering it.
>make rape legal again
Don't be fucking retarded.
We just need to return to a fucking patriarchy, like we were before, where women are protected by their fathers and brothers.
And let them do their duty, wich is giving life and nurturing it.
Else they are just a genetic dead end.
>You dont know what it means to be cucked and poor
Have you spoken to our poor?
Kinda makes ol uncle mussolini seem not so bad now doesnt it?
"Uncle mussolini" made the state so fucking big that it fagocitated society, and had the tool to break the family unio by giving women too much power.
This, but the only way you're going to get it is by somehow instituting a right-wing dictatorship. Women unfortunately can vote and right now re instituting patriarchy is electoral suicide.
>At least americans have their ridiculously high 100k/year salaries
If you are a boomer and live in very expensive blue states where the cities are so full of niggers that they are completely uninhabitable so you have to drive 2 hours every day to and from work and the habitable suburb where you live. And also shit you would normally get for a reasonable price like healthcare in a white country you don't get in America because it would give too much shit to niggers to the point where letting jews run private companies instead is a better option. Most people in America can barely pay food and rent.
this basically.
>See, as soon as we took down the honor killing laws ( you could kill your woman is she betrayed you ),
shit. I need to go back. Immigrating was a mistake.
>And now, we don't have the workforce.
Count your blessings dude you aren't swarmed with useless niggers to "replace" you in terms of labor. Did I mention they are useless and ridiculously violent?
>So they will either have to massively cut the public, raise massively taxes, or both!
They won't it's called democracy. People are morons and vote in a bunch of free shit and they refuse to pay for it instead preferring debt.
>And that's why im considering becoming a muslim.
Nah just stop being balless like a christcuck and just put the cunts in line when the economy goes to shit, which it eventually will see above.
>but the only way you're going to get it is by somehow instituting a right-wing dictatorship
The fucking you taking about, dude?
Islam is by itself rigth wing!
>Mandatory charity
>Women don't have rigths
>Men work ( thus they had medicine and Algebra )
The only fun part is that the left promotes this.
It also promotes dysgenics in the form of incest and multiculturalism to a degree, since it is by nature a universalist religion. The conditions required for a White Caliphate are the same as those required for an fascist dictatorship to arise in white countries, so really the fascist dictatorship is what we choose since it doesn't come with the serious problems that are inherent in islam.
Islam is also barbarous and iconoclastic, the latter making it a very awkward fit for Italian culture to say the least. Hell if you're going to throw out Catholicism you should just return to Roman paganism as practiced in the early Roman republic. Back then not only could you kill your wife for cheating on you, you could kill any child you suspected of not being yours and kill your daughter if she was being a whore. The head of the Roman household had the power of life and death over his wife and daughters.
>dysgenics in the form of incest and multiculturalism to a degree
Icenst, im firmly against, and multiculturalsim too.
But you got that wrong.
See, it's multiracialism, not multiculturalism, cause you only have the islamic culture.
And multiracialism can work ( you showed that in the USA ).
But if Islam is culturally honogenous, no biggies.
The Bagdad caliphate fell not cause of multiracialism, but cause of multiculturalism too.
>so really the fascist dictatorship is what we choose since it doesn't come with the serious problems that are inherent in islam
What problems are you talking about?
>Islam is also barbarous and iconoclastic
And Cristianity wasn't?
Hell, while they advanced medicine, we used to split the skulls of people with mental disabilities.
The key is the control of Women.
>Hell if you're going to throw out Catholicism you should just return to Roman paganism
>Roman paganism
Fuck me.
> The head of the Roman household had the power of life and death over his wife and daughters
And how did that work out?
Women eroded the patrias potestas, same as they did now.
No, it doesn't work.
Islam at least is still alive after it collapsed, unlike that pagan bullshit.
Multiracialism does not work in the United States. Yes we do have some functional darkies and spics but for every functional shitskin we have ten thousand who are total human garbage. I've lived next to niggers my friend, you don't want anything to do with the savages.
That is cause in the USA your "democratic" party transofrmed the black comunity into a matriarchy.
Thus you have a mantriarcal culture.
That's different from a PATRIARCAL one.
>And multiracialism can work ( you showed that in the USA ).
No no no. It DOES NOT work trust me. I live here. Nigger's are practically a plague and the spics are only a little better but larger in number and their growth numerically is not being kept in check. Detroit used to be a great center of American industry and now it is a terrible shithole that in some ways can even be compared to the Chornobyl exclusion zone. All because of a large nigger population. Multiracialism is infinitely worse than multiculturalism.
>What problems are you talking about?
Systemic incest and the toleration of miscegenation, which can border on bestiality. Both of these factors degrade the gene pool in the long term.
> It DOES NOT work trust me
Look here >Systemic incest and the toleration of miscegenation
taht im firmly against, but i think Islam is against that shit too.
Hell, they stone to death trannies, gays and whores, what do you think they ll do to furries?
The negro community has always been Matriarchal because Nigger fathers have NEVER, not once in the history of the United States taken responsibility for their progeny. There has never been a patriarchal negro subculture in the United States, ever, period, at all.
>And Cristianity wasn't?
Catholics have far less of a taste for destroying images than Muslims. Catholics tolerated the Renaissance whereas Muslims to this day are destroying ancient statues of Assyrian gods and smashing up graven tablets because of their superstitions about idolatry.
>Islam at least is still alive after it collapsed, unlike that pagan bullshit.
If you call modern day Islam "alive" then perhaps death is preferable. They're a bunch of inbred violent subhuman savages who produce nothing, invent nothing and aren't capable of maintaining a civilization without leeching off of others.
To you it might seem like an easy path to Patriarchy but its one that will rot every other aspect of your country and turn it into another subhuman shithole just like the middle east.
>The negro community has always been Matriarchal because Nigger fathers have NEVER, not once in the history of the United States taken responsibility for their progeny
You are a fucking Idiot.
Black people were based, then they received WELFARE.
THAT is what cause empires to fall!
It's evil, and breeds evil!!
Why the fuck do you think that white people are becoming degenerates too? Cause of that shit!!
Aftering reality thanks to illusion of power of the state ( that in our cause empwoered FUCKING WHITE WOMEN, and turned us into a matriarchy )!!
>Catholics have far less of a taste for destroying images than Muslims. Catholics tolerated the Renaissance whereas Muslims to this day are destroying ancient statues of Assyrian gods and smashing up graven tablets because of their superstitions about idolatry
Jesus, don't you know what we did to pagan temples?
Hell at least Muslisms use the greatest churches and turn them into Mosques, but we cristians legit tore down EVERY pagan sacred place.
>If you call modern day Islam "alive" then perhaps death is preferable
Oh yea?
Is that why the saudi are rolling in money?
Is that why we in Europe abe being replaced by them?
>They're a bunch of inbred violent subhuman savages who produce nothing, invent nothing and aren't capable of maintaining a civilization without leeching off of others
Are you fucking retarded?
I told you that!!
Make some valid point ffs!
>To you it might seem like an easy path to Patriarchy but its one that will rot every other aspect of your country
Will it now?
Well, at least i will be able to have fucking children!!
And better that that comunism, at least under Islam, if you are Islam, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor, and have autority in your family, instead of being a cuck.
>And multiracialism can work ( you showed that in the USA ).
Again, the problem is multiCULTURALSIM.
But if anyone have the same culture, and values, they have the same goal.
That's why capitalism works.
It promoted the general objective of getting wealth, and be happy.
That's why comunism worked ( to an extent ).
It promoted surviving from the oppressive government, and the insane hope that people should get wealty by stealing from the rich, basically united the poor against the rich.
You're not white, hence your country is shit.
In what imaginary reality have black people ever been based? Idiot they've always been irresponsible stupid shits ruled by their mothers and grandmothers. You have no concept of the people of which you speak.
>Is that why the saudi are rolling in money?
The Saudi royal family are rolling in money, the average Saudi is still a camelfucking loser living in Squalor.
>Is that why we in Europe abe being replaced by them?
They're being subsidized by the fucking kikes dipshit, without kike money they wouldn't be able to sustain themselves much less invade.
Everything the Muslims supposedly "Invented' The greeks came up with first. You're repeating lies spewed by modern leftard apologists trying to justify bringing Muslims into Europe.
Well, at least i will be able to have fucking children!!
I hope not, you should spare infecting future generations with your stupidity. Actually now that I think about it, just move to the middle eastern shithole paradise with those fucking niggers you worship.
>Idiot they've always been irresponsible stupid shits ruled by their mothers and grandmothers
They voted republican before they were showered by welfare.
>They're being subsidized by the fucking kikes dipshit, without kike money they wouldn't be able to sustain themselves much less invade
>Everything the Muslims supposedly "Invented' The greeks came up with first. You're repeating lies spewed by modern leftard apologists trying to justify bringing Muslims into Europe.
Again, proof?
>you should spare infecting future generations with your stupidity
Sure bud.
Go back to sucking trannies dicks.
Im betting that when your country goes bankrout due to the boomers welfare programs ( medicare ) you will BEG to join Islam.
Only because they were kept in line with special laws called Jim Crow laws. They needed to be kept in line to avoid being a problem.
I don't think you are shitty user. :(
>muh wimminz bad
>muh islam good
>muh multiracialsm good
Sparati un bocca sinistrato di merda
>this girl
try with a nigger one
>Sparati un bocca sinistrato di merda
Hes right about women tho, if jews are the cancer women are the aids of society, hes wrong about everything else
By italian politics i would be far-rigth, dipshit.
50 years ago? I would be on the rigth.
But, hey, you want your women to cuck you to oblivion like they did to us?
Go ahead!
But don't start balming muslisms when they replace you like they are doing with us, faggot.
>They voted republican before they were showered by welfare.
Republican back when the Republican party was a liberal party of pro-nigger race traitors. They still are really, actually read some fucking history before you shoot off your stupid fucking mouth.
Lurk more faggot, you'll find plenty.
>Again, proof?
Remember those history books we were talking about, why don't you read one that wasn't a discount deal for your shitty history class with professor Shekelstein. If you need to be spoon fed history, you need to re-educate yourself. Even a cursory study of greek mathematics reveals they understood algebra, all Islam did was label it.
>Im betting that when your country goes bankrout due to the boomers welfare programs ( medicare ) you will BEG to join Islam.
Its funny how dirty cucks like yourself think everyone else is as weak as they are. I won't bow to Islam for a quick solution and I won't mix with their shitskinned women. You're a fucking race traitor and when this invasion is over and the Muslims are sent back to their desert, you best go with them. Traitors get the bullet first.
>youth unemployment is like 40% in terronia
>And now, we don't have the workforce
kek, I mean terroni are lazy, but not as much as justifying such figures
repeat after me
demographics is not the issue
once more
demographics is not the issue
ok, established that we dont need floods of niggers nor shitting out dozens of childs, real issues are wrong currency and ongoing delocalization of a good portion of industrial sector in eastern europe and asia.
100k isn't the average salary in the US, it's more like 50k minus all the free shit like healthcare
women are a symptom, not the root
who gives a shit about women dude. You are not far right by any stretch of the imagination when you shill for islam and multiracialism. The main problem is immigration and consequently multiracialism and islam. Muh birthrates is just a shit tier meme used to excuse immigration, there's nothing wrong with declining births, especially when Italy is one of the most densily populated countries in Europe.
Se ti piace vivere in un mare di cemento, pieno di mussulmani e negri e con le donne vestite come sacchi della spazzatura invece che in bikini, sei un demente, mi spiace dirtelo
Both of these go back at least as far as the ancient Greeks (the Pythagorean Theorem is algebra, also see the works of Galen the physician). Only the word algebra is Arabic (they didn't invent alcohol either, btw)
Could be worse. You could be American, and yet so retarded that you're unable to take advantage of the privilege you've been granted.
>Republican back when the Republican party was a liberal party of pro-nigger race traitors
They weren't you disgusting retard, they were for capitalism and for small government and family values.
And guess what, it worked.
Then you faggots voted for Roosevelt.
The rest is history.
>why don't you read one that wasn't a discount deal for your shitty history class with professor Shekelstein
Why do you jews always project this much?
I started to notice this a while ago.
Personally i don't hate you guys, but it's annoying.
>Even a cursory study of greek mathematics reveals they understood algebra, all Islam did was label it
What they knew what cause of the old middle eastern culture, faggot.
They invented that shit there.
Hell, it's the first thing you learn if you study algoritms.
>Its funny how dirty cucks like yourself think everyone else is as weak as they are
Ahahhah, sure bud.
When the moment comes, you will bend, like you did with Roosevelt.
Ohhh, yes Mr President, take away our gold!!
You are so based!!
>You're a fucking race traitor and when this invasion is over and the Muslims are sent back to their desert
They won't.
Same as when the cristans took down the Roman empire, Islam have the rigth cards to take down both you ( attacking your multiculturalism retardation ) and the commies ( cause they don't have kids too, and if they will be forced to have them, they won't have at hearth their nation ).
>kek, I mean terroni are lazy, but not as much as justifying such figures
>demographics is not the issue
Ofc it is!!
Why the fuck do you think that immigrants that have 6 kids gets the case popolari?
Cause one day, those 6 kids will work, and the state will tax them!
You don't even know how the fucking state works!!
Here, basically it's like this: You tax the young and middle aged, and you get your money from there, so that you can take the money and use it for military and state buisness!!
The monment people go into pension, they STOP spending!!
Thus, they don't make the economy flow!!
That's why they are flooding us with Africans, cause our women choose not to have kids, and fucked us!!
>real issues are wrong currency and ongoing delocalization of a good portion of industrial sector in eastern europe and asia
You fucking retard, you are legit using doublethink!!
Why do you think our industries left!?
Cause they are going where there are enough people, and there isn't tax!
And why there isn't tax?
Cause the government there can tax the young people instead of the companies!!
>What they knew what cause of the old middle eastern culture, faggot.
"Middle eastern culture" (actually there were many cultures) weren't Islamic until 600 AD, long after medicine and mathematics were underway
>You are not far right by any stretch of the imagination when you shill for islam and multiracialism
i advocate the return of what WORKS, that means a hard patriarcal religion!
>The main problem is immigration and consequently multiracialism and islam
That is the CAUSE, you idiot!!
You are treating the fever by curing the hot temperature, while you should focus on eliminating the virus ffs!!
>Muh birthrates is just a shit tier meme used to excuse immigration, there's nothing wrong with declining births
Yea, there is!
Cause then the state NEEDS money to funcion, and rpovide basic functions!
Weapon to defend the border won't buy themselves, you know?
>especially when Italy is one of the most densily populated countries in Europe
But we have a declining population.
That's why we are gonna fall.
Simple as that.
And THEN we will legit be flooded.
And those who comes will take women rigths away, and Italy will one day start again.
>"Middle eastern culture"
I meant ANCIENT middle easter culture, like Babylon, and Akkad.
They invented Algorithms and mathematics.
>post instore prices Giovanni.
>They weren't you disgusting retard, they were for capitalism and for small government and family values.
You ignorant fucking dipshit, the Republicans are the ones who let loose the slaves and signed this nation's death warrant by legislating the 14th and 15th amendments. The first niggers appointed to government office were newly freed shitskins in the south who set about helping their liberal friends in the North profit from Southern misery. Take your "small government Republican" line and shove it up your ass with all the other bullshit you believe.
>Why do you jews always project this much?
You can't get your mouth off of middle eastern cock and you call me a Jew? This is rich.
>What they knew what cause of the old middle eastern culture, faggot.
Oh you mean pre-Islamic middle eastern culture that Islam wrecked forever? Yeah nice try to credit levantines with Greek inventions. Honestly I don't undersand your worship of the middle east.
>You are so based!!
Better than you, you're ready to sell out your culture and convert to the enemy's religion and breed with his women, You are a wholesale cuck.
>They won't.
Don't count on it you shitskin-loving traitor. You're no better than the leftists, an easily changed and bought turncoat.
>The monment people go into pension, they STOP spending!!
It shows that you studied economics. You quote textbooks and are unable to see the real world. The only people with a semblance of spending power nowadays are 65+ and retired.
And no, it's not just because young people are taxed and they aren't. It's a combination of factors, including the one you mentioned, but mostly including housing prices and mobility of job making the work environment far more competitive.
>Why do you think our industries left!?
>Cause they are going where there are enough people, and there isn't tax!
>And why there isn't tax?
>Cause the government there can tax the young people instead of the companies!!
That's only partially true. Industries move where there are lower taxes AND lower worker costs AND less regulations. It has very little to do with demographics or birthrates though and everything to do with regulations and taxation, else companies wouldn't be moving here to Monaco which has a similar birthrate to Italy, or to Poland/Hungary/Romania/East Europe in general, which has the same demographic problems we have.
The birthrates thing is a completely different argument that is only valid when discussing pensions and social welfare, which in their current form are completely unsustainable even if Italy had a 5.0 birthrate. You can't expect constant demographic growth forever and our system is based on that. The error is in the system, not in the demography
The schizoid jew accusation makes me believe that particular user is an allahcuck
>post instore prices
very similar to these
Esselunga offers a home delivery service with instore prices
>very similar to these
>very similar to these
>15K/yr high
>MFW my starting salary was 33K/yr
Stay cucked wagie
>i advocate the return of what WORKS, that means a hard patriarcal religion!
If islam works so well, why is every single islamic country a shithole?
>That is the CAUSE, you idiot!!
Wrong again, that is the EXCUSE made by politicians, not the cause.
>Cause then the state NEEDS money to funcion, and rpovide basic functions!
>Weapon to defend the border won't buy themselves, you know?
So the state needs to pay for welfare in order to pay for more welfare. You don't see the contradiction in that? Why shouldn't the state receed and cut off useless crap, thus requiring less taxes, being more business friendly, attracting more companies and creating a virtuous cycle that would lead to a stabilizing of the population rather than a vicous cycle of a never ending and unsustainable pyramid scheme?
>And those who comes will take women rigths away, and Italy will one day start again.
Italy will never start again that way, because we won't be Italian anymore but a mix of bangladesh and nigger. Good job, your solution kills us
Your people really are the niggers of Europe. IT isn't even a great field to get into anymore because of h1bs. If you're making that in IT you're probably on the coasts and paying 3 to 5k a month for a small apartment
>the Republicans are the ones who let loose the slaves and signed this nation's death warrant by legislating the 14th and 15th amendments
And yet they WERE for small government and republic, huh?
By the way, how are things going in your democracy now?
I guess wonderfully.
Jesus, you don't even know the problem, you are punching the shadows like a retard.
>the Republicans are the ones who let loose the slaves and signed this nation's death warrant by legislating the 14th and 15th amendments
Don't be mad!
I say that i don't hate you guys!
Just, please, chill, kay?
>Oh you mean pre-Islamic middle eastern culture that Islam wrecked forever?
From my point of wiew Islam fell at least 3 times, and it's still here.
It's not the same for paganism, and it won't be the same for Cristianity, cause we let women have their rigths.
>Better than you, you're ready to sell out your culture and convert to the enemy's religion and breed with his women
I am ready to return to what we were before you faggot burgers imposed us to give more and more empowerment to women.
Like you did to Japan.
You are killing your allies, and you don't even know it.
>You're no better than the leftists, an easily changed and bought turncoat.
>The rigth promotes cucking
>the left promote replacement
>Istalm promotes anti-LGBTQ values
What do you mean with "rigth", fag?
Ask your wife's boyfriend if you don't know.
30k here
IT Technologies
con la terza media e un diploma di liceo scientifico tecnologico non conseguito
I'm sorry for the graduates but I know how to do my job well and 6/10 companies would hire me
Youre putting up alot of excuses to a legit answer seems like youre the nigger here
>You quote textbooks and are unable to see the real world
>The only people with a semblance of spending power nowadays are 65+ and retired
i wonder why Europe is irrelevant now, eh?
It's a mystery!!
>It's a combination of factors, including the one you mentioned, but mostly including housing prices and mobility of job making the work environment far more competitive
And WHY is it more competitive, mmh?
Stop using double-think ffs.
>That's only partially true
> Industries move where there are lower taxes AND lower worker costs AND less regulations
WHY are there less regulations!?
Cause the government don't need as much money by imposing bullshit rules that suffocate the market and leech money from it all!!
> It has very little to do with demographics or birthrates though and everything to do with regulations and taxation
You don't understand.
Demographics ARE the reason BEHIND economic policies and taxation!!
>companies wouldn't be moving here to Monaco which has a similar birthrate to Italy, or to Poland/Hungary/Romania/East Europe in general, which has the same demographic problems we have
They do that ucase Germany imported people who HAVE kids ( no women's rigths by Islam ), and cause of the Franco-German plane.
So it's geo-political AND demographics ( thus taxation ).
>The birthrates thing is a completely different argument that is only valid when discussing pensions and social welfare
It's the ROOT of it all!!
The nation IS IT'S PEOPLE!!
Don't make the fucking mistake we did ffs!!
Understand how the fucking world works, and don't give women's too much rigths ( untill the artificial womb )!!
>You don't even know how the fucking state works!!
you don't. how many taxes do you think they're going to take from some low income tomato pickers or pakis selling chinese junk in tourist traps? demographics is not the issue if we're deindustrializing. again, how do you explain unemployment?
>You fucking retard, you are legit using doublethink!
we're living post industrial revolution you paleozoic dumbfuck, lack of people means shit when machinery does the job.
>and there isn't tax!
disregarding your autistic screeching I'll consider
>lower taxes AND lower worker costs AND less regulations
which is true, but if you want to bootlick corporations keep in mind your living standards will have to fall down to chinese level, that means living in 4x4 cubicles, even more traffic, squeezed in buses like sardines.
I dont and that's why policies should change. also finance=/=real economy, keep that in mind
A bigger cage is still a cage, kys wagecucks, posting pic related to trigger your ptsd's
Then be white you fucking Arab
I am in Canada and a university student and my side jobs make me 70k~
what the fuck are you talking about
plumbers make like 150k
what miserable job must you be working to not make 100k
how can you trigger me with the life I do?
maybe it's the opposite
>why is every single islamic country a shithole?
First: geopoltical: they only have oil.
They don't have shit beside that.
So they need to focus on import for food and the rest.
Second: political: they have autoritarian states that impose a ruling class that hold the nation with a fist too tight, and there isn't mobility.
>Wrong again, that is the EXCUSE made by politicians, not the cause
Fffs, you are delusional!!
The very concept of state is based on redistribution, so you need to take money from people to use in other ways ( roads, military, etc ), but if you don't have people, YOU CAN'T DO THAT AS MUCH!!
So either the state shrink ( LOL ), or it impose more taxes, or improt people!!
>So the state needs to pay for welfare in order to pay for more welfare
It's not only welfare.
It's also military, infrastructure, basic works of maintaining, innovation, etc.
>You don't see the contradiction in that?
No, YOU don't see reality.
>Why shouldn't the state receed and cut off useless crap
Cause PEOPLE work in the state ffs!!
If you are a government employee, do you want your livelihood cut?
Fuck no!!
You will vote someone else in!!
It's a vicious cycle, cause people REFUSE to make sacrifices, and always wants more!!
Point me to a case where the state VOLUTARY shrunk without political or financial pressures/invasions.
Come on!
I fucking dare you!!
>Italy will never start again that way, because we won't be Italian anymore but a mix of bangladesh and nigger
What the fuck you think happened before?
We had demographjic collpase after the Roman empire fell, and then we repopulated in harsh condition becoming mutts by being invaded by "barbarians".
But my solution would be to TAKE women rigths away, and repopulate VOLUTANRELY!
So that we can avoid ebola and blood on the fucking street that will force women to submit once again under a new ruler!!
>i wonder why Europe is irrelevant now, eh?
Ah yes, we should aim to be "relevant". How is relevancy working out for you, when just across the border and in a tiny irrelevant state I have far higher living conditions?
>And WHY is it more competitive, mmh?
>WHY are there less regulations!?
>Cause the government don't need as much money by imposing bullshit rules that suffocate the market and leech money from it all!!
Regulations=/=tacation. You know stuff like ISO 9000? The government doesn't get a single cent out of it, it's just red tape to artificially inflate GDP by allowing companies to provide services no one needs. Same reason why low interest rates artificially inflate GDP by keeping alive companies that are bankrupt in reality because no one buys their services, but credit is so cheap that they can still stay afloat. You are like a dog that bites its tail, trying to fix a problem by adding more of it
>Demographics ARE the reason BEHIND economic policies and taxation!!
Which explains why places like Monaco, with same exact demographics as Italy have much lower taxation and attract more idustries? Or places like East Europe, with an even demographic problem than italy that however still asttract more businesses?
>They do that ucase Germany imported people who HAVE kids ( no women's rigths by Islam ), and cause of the Franco-German plane.
What does Germany have to do with Monaco or East Europe?
>NO!! It's the ROOT of it all!! The nation IS IT'S PEOPLE!!
Yet you advocate to replace Italian culture whith an alien one and italian people with alien ones, lol
>Understand how the fucking world works, and don't give women's too much rigths ( untill the artificial womb )!!
legitimate schizo. Go back to Jow Forums and /x/
Lol iconoclasm is about knocking down images. Have you been in a catholic church lately? Lmao
> 15000€ per YEAR.
That's not very high is it now, that's less than minimum wage right?
I know how it feels bro, I know, on of the reasons I jumped to the welfare neet mode, fuck you if you don't pay me enough for hard work to support myself when you take almost everything from me.
>how do you explain unemployment?
>Less people
>Less taxes
>The state tax companies
>Companies flee
>The state imports people
>lack of people means shit when machinery does the job
Yea, but the state NEEDS to leech money from people to use that same money!!
Yea, but you can do that ONLY if you have the people ffs!!
>but if you want to bootlick corporations
I want my people to START corporations, like we DID!!
But we can't even strt them for the incredible taxes!!
Why does it seem like paid Jew shill posters always pick on the Italians here
>ow is relevancy working out for you, when just across the border and in a tiny irrelevant state I have far higher living conditions?
But WHY do you have that?
Cause under the commies, your women had NO rigths, and now you have the NUMBERS, and demographics!
Same as WE did.
The Italian mircale?
Rings a fucking bell?
Why the fuck do you think that we became the 7th larghest world economy and we have the 4th world's gold reserve ffs?
>You are like a dog that bites its tail, trying to fix a problem by adding more of it
Sure bud.
Have a pt on the head.
>Which explains why places like Monaco
>What does Germany have to do with Monaco or East Europe?
Sorry, i made a mistake.
Tougth about Munich for a second ( in Italian it's Monaco too ).
But Monaco ( like Luxenbourg ) can go on cause it's a very small state, and don't need an army that protects commectial routes, and thus it can have real small taxes ( or none ) for companies.
>Yet you advocate to replace Italian culture whith an alien one and italian people with alien ones, lol
No, you retard.
What i want is women's rigths taken away, so that we can start again without having Ebola and Invaders here!!
And that, sadly, can only ber achieved by Islam nowdays, cause both the left and rigth are cucked!!
thanks for paying for my university gibs, mr. dago, my family is very poor but they work illegally so i can get free gibs and scholarships to spend on whatever i want.
PS: I was born here and so are my parents.
>First: geopoltical: they only have oil.
"only" oil? Only? If you have oil you have the possibility of becoming the next Norway, which went from being a frozen fishing hut from one of the most developed countries in the world
>Second: political: they have autoritarian states that impose a ruling class that hold the nation with a fist too tight, and there isn't mobility.
Yet you seem to think an authoritarian religion that allows zero mobility is the solution to all our problems. Nice double think
>So either the state shrink ( LOL ), or it impose more taxes, or improt people!!
We have a very shrunk down state here and things work great, much better than across the border, despite4 having the exact same birthrate as you do. The same can be said for East Europe.
Out of the 3 options you mentioned number 1 is the only sustainable one
>It's also military, infrastructure, basic works of maintaining, innovation, etc.
I'm not advocating for completely removing the state apparatus, I'm not a retarded anarchist, I'm advocating for shrinking down the useless stuff, thus needing less taxes, thus attracting more investors, more jobs and thus having more income. Basically create a virtuous cycle rather than a neo soviet vicious one
>Point me to a case where the state VOLUTARY shrunk without political or financial pressures/invasions. Come on! I fucking dare you!!
You are advocating for something even more drastic that exactly 50% of the population at minimum will NEVER support, taking women rights away. It's far easier to cut useless government jobs and reinvest a small partsa of the savings in training programs to make workers move from a bloated public sector to a growing private one rahter than larp as a Kalif and make women give up their rights. If my solution is hard to implement, yours is downright impossible, not to mention unconstitutional and thus would be outright banned.
You don't propose a solution, you propose a power tripping fantasy
hey, at least you are not in Sweden or, may Allah have mercy, in US of fucking A
It'll be your turn someday my zoomer fren, at least I'm paying your university and you were born here, but you'll be paying for mohammed's 13th son repeating the terza media for third time
>that's less than minimum wage right?
? theres no minimum wage here
you see everything from a financial standpoint, I dont. finance should serve real economy and not the opposite, wish we had more people thinking this way, otherwise we wouldnt be in such cucked situation
also big corps already pay shit, see recent kering case. and you cant keep bidding lower ad infinitum anyway. If you want to talk about less burocracy and taxes for PMI and new entrepreneurships thats one matter most pople agree on, once they're big corps can go fuck themselves though