Redpill me on this guy

When I was a degenerate plebbitfag, I used to worship this guy as a modern philosopher. Now I think he's fairly funny and only somewhat politically accurate 50% of the time.

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Some guy that studied linguistics

He's a nihilist. Everybody talks shit about boomers being retarded, but not nearly enough people hate gen X nihilist fags and Carlin was their jesus.

You sound like that hippy jew faggot Lebowski and those Germans.
Get a job ‘man’

Was J woke and knew 9/11 was staged.


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He was a workaholic who told his gullible faggot audience that work was for suckers. Anyone who listens to that goy is the actual sucker.

Dead cunt who thought life was meaningless and now his really is because he's rotting in the ground.

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Found the gen x mouth breather. Go watch reruns of Daria and sip your chai latte as you sit in a rented duplex unit at 46.

>gets on stage
>dude the governments bad lmao

fuck him

>watches cucklin
>watches le big redditowski

He's reddit with a microphone.
All his "Deep thoughts" are the same shit every semi intelligent 17 year old comes up with when they start questioning why it be like it is.

I agree with him that people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't fuck in the first place.

If carlin was right about anything it was that abject authoritarianism would come about under the guise of smile and be happy

His thoughts and positions evolved over time. Watch his very last special “It’s Bad For Ya” and tell me he didn’t die being fully redpilled. In any case, he was a pioneer of comedy and played the mischievous joker role that he sought to play. He reached the very pinnacle of his profession, claimed his talents were the result of genetics, and pointed out the flaws in a lot of trends or social norms that were the consequences of mass stupidity. I loved the guy, and respect him a great deal.

>funny nihilist grandpa
bill hicks is better anyways

His early work was great, when he was just doing absurdist/observational humor. Then he got a big head and turned into the prototype for every brainlet atheist “comedian” who cares more about appearing intelligent and spewing leftist talking points than actual comedy.

Cranky godless old man bitches about everything.

>socialist faggot wants to feed the poor of the world with our money

No. Fuck niggers. That's just throwing money away to create more problems.

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On a side note I'd like to point out his speech reminds me of this speech from Kaiji but from a polar opposite defeatist stance.

robert anton wilson was his guru

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Pretty much this. People worship anyone who takes the piss out of society not realizing they're pissing on them too.

excellent comedian, good perspective despite being left-leaning
keep in mind if he was alive and working today leftist lunatics would probably be a major target of his routine

he's right when he says that the gov doesnt care about you
still a windbag

some jewish faggot promoted by jewish faggots so now boomer goyim worship him

The hippies were right. We should just make art, music, get wasted and fuck and be happy as this big shitpile of a boat sinks. Stop trying to save it, faggots. Just have a good time.

He's Irish you retard, which would make him a potato nigger mutt

It's fucking retarded. You're marching lockstep for some collective goal you'll never directly benefit from. It's absurd. Do something that makes you happy. Fuck the rest.

This isn't funny, it's not that enlightened, it just fedora wearing atheist nihilism.

It's lame and dumb, only self hatting Jews think their is no point to life, it took me a long time to realize this.

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I like Carlin, but he was wrong about religion or minimally behind the times. People can turn extremist and murder others for many different reasons and religion isn't the cause of most deaths. The two biggest causes are power and/or money: The two basic drivers of politics across the board.

He's burning in hell right now so don't follow him. "Where the worm never dies"... horrible.

He's pretty legit in that he doesn't give a fuck. I also think he calls out Jews which I'm sure people here on pol will fucking love.

Talks about (((they))) a LOT. Maybe he's not talking about Jews, but you could surmise he's probably not. I don't really know.

Never liked him much when I was younger. His joke about rape jokes is key. That's a favourite. No one agrees with anybody on everything political. So take the good, and leave the bad. Because it's just entertainment.

Hes overrated. A least he thought faggots and liberal ideas were stupid.

He had some good acts and bits. There's nothing to 'redpill on, user. Carlin could be hilarious. So is/was Chapelle. So is/was Miller. Same with Rogan. Do I agree with them fully? Fuck no. So what.

Not everything needs to be political or hew perfectly to political dogma. That's what the libshit scolds do.

Nothing to redpill. Some shit was funny, some wasn't.
I love his white guy voice kek

His job was to make you laugh, that's it. The fact that he sounded like he had something relevant to say is pretty telling of the sorry fucking state of our philosophy and politics.

"Message" comics are never funny.

>hosted Thomas the Tank Engine


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He has a few routines directly calling out the audience/the mass as stupid and garbage. Obviously he still got cheered.

Noice James lad

Just a cringy old hippy who explains how fucking retarded everyone is with wit. He was no better though.

lebowski is not a jew fuck of

Why the fuck would you think a comedian is some sort of philosopher? Jesus fucking Christ just laugh at his funny jokes.

Don't listen to most of these faggots. Carlin was ahead of his time with pronouns. Making people happy for the select few he would be all over today. RIP Carlin.

unfunny whiner

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It's all just fucking lists. Listen to his audiobooks to dispel the myth that he was a comedic genius, it's all zany and kooky lists.
>He's reddit with a microphone.

And he was a "proud" New Yorker, which after the 80's essentially means Jew presenting.