What makes jews so superior that they can conquer the world through sheer mental prowess and intellect?
What makes jews so superior that they can conquer the world through sheer mental prowess and intellect?
Daniel Adams
Benjamin Thompson
Mason King
*central banks especially the FED
Gabriel Hall
Lack of morals.
Which also will make them get completely annihilated.
Bacteria can kill more complex beings, that doesn't make bacteria supreme organisms.
Cameron Hall
Ethnic tribalism that is well funded.
Ryder Thomas
They struck at an opportune time when the European empires collapsed through war and controlled the US already by means of evangelicals and media.
Also, banks.
Samuel Russell
Our genetics are superior.
Samuel Parker
JIDF nightly raid. Saged.
Zachary Gray
They only can because they look like us.
Daniel Young
>What makes jews so superior
They are not superior, they are just enabled and protected by 2 billion christlings who worship a dead rabbi nailed to two flayed trees