daily reminder that white supremacists think that white trash garbage like that 16 year old cash me ousside slut are superior to a hard working indian or chinese software engineer.
i am white and i am ashamed of my disgusting degenerate race. We NEED immigrants to save us.
>white supremacists think that white trash garbage like that 16 year old cash me ousside slut are superior to a hard working indian or chinese software engineer. No.
>We NEED immigrants to save us. No.
Nathaniel Richardson
Who cares about western european like seriously you españoletes are real useless inferior garbage humans compared even to my people
Brayden Morgan
White women infected with nigger culture are worse than the niggers themselves.
Rap music was humanity's biggest mistake.
Tyler Morales
She's a guido OP.
And chink and poo immigrants don't hold a candle to the Protestant immigrants that built the US.
Jeremiah King
She is so ugly lol amerimutts women. And number of americans claiming she is hot is just propf how mutted usa is
Jackson Rogers
She is about 22 and the cousin of Shane Dawson named Lucy Bruce, she was doing the same act when she really was 13 and 14 eight years ado but all her videos disappeared a month before she reprized the act as the Cash me Outside girl on Dr Phil
Dylan Long
Have sex, incel.
Tyler James
That thing is not white
Julian Smith
no she is 16
Brody Ortiz
>Reminder that [group of people] hold [wild opinion that I have assigned]
Unironically kill yourself
Nathan Stewart
> Non-white with an anti-white worldview Yawn
Andrew Perry
But she's only doing exactly what she was programmed to do mr.shekelgrubber
I know retards cannot do math but count on your fingers she stopped doing the act when she was 14 eight years ago then came up under the fake name
Jason Rivera
She aint White. But in general the US has a lot of strange Whites. I presume its mostly the media and them being Jewish. Many of them have weird earlobes. My beloved waifu is 1/2 Castizo and she looks way more White than that bitch.
Also OP has no clue about Asians, especially many Chinese are worse than the worst Europeans. You already get fairly selected migration. The bulk of Chinese has an IQ in the 80s. Go to Italy and Spain and see how they do live there
Jose Perez
White women aren't white.
Jack Stewart
daily reminder that the jews think that every race has a right to have it's own country and that white people, and only white people, should not get to have human rights.
i am jew and i am ashamed of my disgusting shekel-shining race. Access to white people is not a human right.
Luis Price
She's a rapper now and somehow managed to spend $40k on getting her teeth whitened. Clown world is real.
>whoring yourself out means you're successful if they pay you good enough
Daniel Edwards
>daily reminder that white supremacists think that white trash garbage like that 16 year old cash me ousside slut are superior to a hard working indian or chinese software engineer.
you'd hardly find a person defending low grade people solely based on their origin, that being said, looking at the median it's better for whites to stick to their own
Christopher Davis
>Shane Dawson I don't know who that is but I don't watch TV much. In a genre that is already pretty lazy rappers that just repeat one verse over and over are the laziest of them all, except maybe those who don't even bother to make it rhyme. I get why people who listen to rap 24/7 are low IQ.
Wyatt King
>why Danielle bregoli better than pajeets and chinks She is thu. Finessed a 5 minute interview into a full fledged rap career, she's worth millions now. You can hate her, but she's still a job creator and doing better than every faggot on this board. Fax.
Oliver Flores
Also, bye bich.
Kevin Bennett
Go be a hard working indian or chinese software engineer in your own countries
Nolan Foster
yea and she will OD on heroin by age 20 or something. Sure thing, she's successful
Liam Morris
we need civilized brown people to come and put these white whores in their place.
William Wilson
This isn't a white girl.
Also she needs to be fucking stripped of all her fame, she deserves none of it, she's only famous for being a cunt.
Charles Butler
Good actor, knows how to exploit and extract optimum shekels from amerimutt paypigs.
Jordan Peterson
There's no such thing as civilized brown people. First off, they cannot be people, second off, they cannot be civilized.
Lastly, that cunt in your OP isn't white, by any sane person's definition.
Adam Sullivan
based amerimutt, too bad majority of your people are brainlets. your cry for help will likely fall on deaf ears.
Alexander Ramirez
All you have to be is a fit bodied female. It isn't hard.
Joseph Lopez
Back to your designated shitting street ranjesh. If you get a job at google, you might get an arramged and afford skin whitening for her, so you can live your fantasies
Indians suck at programming. They're cheap and that's it. chinese cheat at everything but they find a way to get the job done compently, and eventually come into their own. Indiana rarely do.
Brody Parker
he has a you tube channel and she started the act when she was 13 eight years ago
Samuel Lewis
yea no shit indians suck at programming. But at least they aren't degenerate scum like white women
Justin Barnes
why is she like that? oh right niggers
Christian Baker
She’s Jewish you choad
Jaxon Smith
She's not superior but her genetics are. She might be a shitty person but she can pump out a white kid. Neverthenless, eugenism should be implemented so only the smart can reproduce.