¿Is Spain white?

¿Is Spain white?

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More than most of Europe, althought it's more of a light brown.

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Stop these threads, yes they are white.

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Holy crap look at my ID

Attached: JA5hcAF.png (384x461, 12K)

Yes, Spaniards, Greeks, and Turks are white.

Literally less white than Italians.

swedes are light brown too after they spend whole year on spanish beaches

Andalucia, Extremadura, Murcia, Galicia, and Vamencia. NO, they are niggers

I miss him, bros

Attached: felipe_ii.jpg (340x432, 19K)

Very white and good goys indeed

Attached: king-felipe-1481729922.jpg (720x479, 62K)