EU to force people give up their fingerprints

This is the first step towards microchips, soon enough you'll not be able to open a bank account without letting your own face be scanned, your fingertips stolen from you and your body polluted with a microchip that basically controls you.

It is no denying at this point that EU is a dictatorship, I'm going to renew my ID asap before they manage implement this shit and have 10 years of freedom ahead.
Anyone knows how could we legally or illegally bypass this?

Attached: eu-flag-biometrics.jpg (1000x500, 44K)

They've already took mine. There is no escape

Guess if you're in eastern europe you can still change your ID without having to provide fingerprints but you gotta do it fast. The expiration dates for ID's here is 10 years so anyone who does it now is going to be free for the next 10 years.

We've had biometric passports for like a decade already. Listen here, gypsy, you have no idea how bad things really are. You don't have a fucking clue.

They Already have all fingerprints you nigger hahahahaha

enlighten me you finnish cuck

Eh, aren't we all fingerprinting our smartphones and sending that data towards international data centers anyway?

if we were would they need to do this?

Good. It’s about time the remaining gentiles are herded like cattle. Soon Amalek will perish.

Brexit please!

Attached: boris kettle power.jpg (1280x720, 145K)