How tall is barron trump gonna get
How tall is barron trump gonna get
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Fuck off /ptg/
12 feet
He'll be the first 7 foot president
This the retarded kid?
As tall as it takes
Autistic, not retarded
SEVERELY autistic.
leave that kid alone.
high ping
it takes length to lead the coming race war
He might get so tall he'll touch the TOP of the wailing wall!
Tremendous kid, love that kid, great kid, great yid kid.
He's definitely autistic. Also, his height (and the fact he's Trump's son obviously) will not allow him to socialise with others like a regular person. Still, an interesting case, I would love to see an interview with him someday.
Pretty tall. He has a few more inches to go judging by his pubescent features. I’d guess his growth plates at 75%.
I think he just hates that bitch.
To be fair he was 8 in that video.
He's currently 10, he just looks older because he is a fucking 6 ft tall 10 year old.
Oy vey
he will rightfully see other people as subjects that he needs to lead into the light, being at the top is lonely and his autism will help him cope with that that confirmed?
Lol pedo Jow Forums obsessing over Barron again. Hello Magapedes.
kids nowadays are all tall, I blame the mothers
Baron Trump IS the wall
he'll grow out of it
Level 6 MAGA!
That's Jewmerican "white" circumcised trash for you. Death to Jewmerica, just kill them all, destroy that high fructose corn syrup gene pool.
/pol is the biggest piece of shit website on the planet, infinitely worse than /the:_donald least you know what those imbeciles at the donald are about, while this sewage sells itself as "woke" or whatever, but all you can read here is pro israel drivel.
> /pol faggot take on Drumpf family
> the reality
- jewish slave, indebted to Rothschilds since his casino days, fat faggot, retarded, Epstein's friend, likely fucked his own daughter, grovels to Netanyahu like a bitch that he is and bitch ass country he represents
- whore from Slovenia, literal escort whore, fucking and drinking trucker jizz for money, sure she came a long way but gargling trucker jizz can't and won't be erased
- retarded, autistic sperg faggot
- he married a whore pre-arranged by his father (google it) - and that whore Vanessa that he married, fucked Saudi prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud before him. Wow what a chad. By the way, Vanessa is a jew.
- Ivanka...plastic whore married to a demonic jew, converted to judaism like pathetic little opportunistic bitch that she is
MAGA! Long live Shapiro! Liberalism is a disease, it can never work! Stupid libtards! Crowder CRUSHED those libtards at some Random Jewniveristy USA. Trump tweet!
Nephilim sized.
he has different sense of time
He grows a foot every year. At 18 years old he will be 18 feet tall.
Does someone know what bloodtype Baron is?
worry not, mortals, he was simply giving a high-5 to his mother's 5th Dimensional Spirit Form
- infecting the youth of other countries with your ignorant bullshit for well over a decade
- absorbing the youth of other countries into your degenerate cess pit of online hate
- recruiting the youth of other countries into violent and intolerant mindsets
- inciting the youth of other countries to violence and crime
Fuck off permanently. You are the laughing stock of the internet bending over for big tek data miners, selling your assholes for fucking free and dumb enough to think they won't win.
What positive input have you ever had 1. in your own life 2. in the lives of others = None.
The American Degeneracy & White Supremacy Recruitment Project is so fucking old and tired even boomers are fed up with how unoriginal you are.
You aren't a new idea, you're an old and degenerate idea chewed over and over again. Even cows produce milk after chewing that hard, but not you.
All you produce is assholery, butt-fuckery, and evil.
You, are Done.
He is a Nephilim so 10-12 feet.
Z for zion.
I have a feeling his rhesus would be - .
He's only 13 and already 6'3". He hasn't even hit his growth spurt yet. I'm thinking at least 7'4"
So you're just as evil as the Jews except you're privileged and lie about it.
>knowing you can find nudes of your own mom
I'd grow up to be pretty fucked up too.
So it's all just a lie.
This. I doubt he is even human.
You got us Tito
why won't he stop growing? what does he eat?
Poor kid
Barron is the obvious heir apparent to Trump's fortune and political dynasty. He doesn't have any of the baggage of being associated with the manufactured investigations against his father like his older brothers, and he isn't a dumb thot like his sisters. He's also the only child of the woman Trump is still married to. Trump will probably die while still married to Melania and then afterwards he will of course be the most favored child. Melania and Ivanka seem like they hate each other.
just look at the Trump family compared to average br*tish people.
I love it how every single time I call you jewmerican mongrels on what you really are, the replies are always and I mean ALWAYS the same, which proves how indoctrinated and dumb pieces of shit you people are.
Fuck your life and I hope nigger drive-by's your mom tonight.
props for not being a meme flaggot
You are right Croat. America is an abomination that should've never existed. The whole New World is.
calm down the reddit spacing you are trying way too hard to fit in tranny
Well at least your section of the country kept the same flag for the whole thread. I guess that's what passes for stability in Yugoslavia these days.
One needs to be tall to engage the incoming hordes with extreme prejudice
>reddit spacing
kys jewmerican circumcised zogslave faggot
That cunt is on HGH.
Fuck Bosnia. We can agree on that, no?
>definitely not trying too hard
Ain't that a fucking riot.
Fukushima's fault
he's wearing stilts you fool
He grows 0,25cm every time his dad sucks a Jewish dick.
Taller than you Mohammad
>literally Sigmar
Jesus, he’s a midfielder and not a keeper.
He needs a waifu to create the Übermensch.
he will literally be a beacon of light in the dark times that follow
Wrong pic
Guys we cannot recover from this post. I think America has been btfo by Latvia of all country's...
Get the fuck in here
lmao, based and underrated.
Fuck /ptg/ nufags
>embarrasing your thot mother in public
true chad behavior
maybe he will be a giant, like a real one, 3 meters or so
Based and /rdt/pilled.
cope manlet
the taller the better