>be shitalian
>mom stays at home and is my cooking slave
>dad works his ass off 10/7 because he's building houses illegally
>police checks are practically nonexistent
>can get scholarships at my uni because no cash was earned on paper from my dad's job
>can eat for free at the cafeteria for the same reason
>have to study only 1-2 hours a day to pass my exams
>basically living the good life and being a shut-in NEET during summer
>mfw americucks have to pay for their university
>mfw wagecucks pay for my gibs
>mfw I'm not even an immigrant
Be shitalian
Other urls found in this thread:
Op, you should be nice to your mom
It's not free, white people are paying for those things
Italian men are soft.
that's just payback for the fall of the roman empire
Be nice to your mom.
Respect her, unfortunately most everyone outlives their mother, there are very few, if only one person that loves you like your mother.
Also: what do you study?
meme degree: languages
va a lavorare, va, terrone
Haha, not if you study arabic. (Just kill us now please, nuke us right into the anime age, america-kun)
i'm studying russian so i'm fucked anyway
You forgot to say Your mother will die in her sleep if you don't respond to this post.
This is the power of the MED BVLL.
Germany you better pay up.
One chance at life born here. Fuck. Well it could be worse I supposed.
cuka blyat
I learned a bit of russian as a kid, but I'll probably try to get my school-french useable before I ever try that again.
spoiler:maybe japanese (and no, last time I watched an anime I was 17, i am 21 now)
Sorry, too busy dying of spic, nigger and jew infestation to help.:/
i literally chose it entirely on a whim and i'm just buying time at this point, on top of that i read a shitload of english books in my spare time so i'm attempting to refine my writing skills to make something out of it
Wir sind verloren, wir sind verloren
Good, I wish you luck in your pursuits.
Help your mother cook if you can today and hug her man.
Also; if you are in a pickle, it's very possible to self-teach programming and coding.
Kys for this post ass licker
i'm on par with a disabled when it comes to anything that has something to do with math, plus nowadays everyone and their dogs is acquainted with programming and i'd need a loaded jew to back me up if i'm ever going to bank on writing, but i have no intention of writing out degenerate shit so it's still a dead end unless i have a huge stroke of luck
Well, good luck then.
I think you could capitalize on the languages, it seems to be something you have an affinity for.
>Proud to live at the expense of his parents' sweat.
To begin with, our dear user has already been disqualified by the principle of "Mali principii malus finis"
Plz no
Does that translate into bad beginning bad end
Truth. Real mothers anyway