Pol connects the dots

If you told me I would one day be a right-winger commenting on an anime board, I would have laughed in your face. But, a lot of questions I had were never properly answers in the real world. "Why did people really hate the Jews?", "Why is the media so anti-white?", "Why are we being flooded with immigrants?"etc.

Pol connects the dots in a way that no other place does. It's the only place that tells the truth, and the reality is the truth isn't pretty.

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Welcome aboard.

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>If you told me I would one day be a right-winger commenting on an anime board, I would have laughed in your face.
Yeah same dude, but my advice is not to get too involved in stuff like this. I have been actually going outside lately and experiencing the world, and it's not that bad. Stuff like your pic related is frustrating and dishonest, yes, but that's because politics is sociopathic and there's nothing you can do about that. IDK. Normies just don't care about this stuff. You're never going to make them care about this stuff. And the upside of that is that they don't care about all of the crazy ass shit on the left either. You might get the idea that they do from going on reddit and twitter and watching the news, but they actually fucking don't. Normies don't actually hate white people, or care about feminism or SJW causes. Normies are actually surprisingly level headed about stuff. I dunno. I am just speaking from the point of view of someone who has been disconnected from politics for a couple of weeks now and has been going out in the real world and found that he has felt a lot better.

I also remember being a normie retard. It makes me feel really bad.

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It's like this, Germany was having a time of great progress. Art flourished, gays had rights . . . it was a time of great enlightenment during a period called the Weimar Republic. Then one day, for no reason at all, the Germans started putting Jews in death camps.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up
What you see in your own little gay world isn't the grand scale you dumb faggot. Fuck you're stupid, nearsighted domesticant

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I don’t find it keeps you feeling better for long. Doing constructive things to keep the white race alive is actually possible, and it makes me feel better than chasing short term self-gratification, or chasing money and pretending that it’s an accomplishment in and of itself. Just because normies don’t care doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. In fact, it’s kind of your duty to do something if you are one of the few who can see through the propaganda and aren’t an NPC. Whites deserve to not go extinct man