The hardest redpill : Do not masturbate, do not ejaculate, do not watch porn, do not have sex before marriage and only to procreate (both in men and women and not cheat afterwards).
The key to victory is semen retention, and temporary dopamine high and very short term pleasure involved with masturbation/porn/ejaculation/orgasm/sex are a hindrance to success.
If all white men do that, and that we escape all forms of Bread&Circus and Sex, then we will destroy the jew matrix and claim our sovereignty on your society and thus, lasting happiness will arise in all society.
Kike shills working overtime as usual. Funny how every semen retention threads makes you panic.
Liam Howard
>The key to victory is semen retention, and temporary dopamine high and very short term pleasure involved with masturbation/porn/ejaculation/orgasm/sex are a hindrance to success. It takes me about a week before it pays off and I start feeling like doing anything. It's quite hard to even get to that point now.
Luke Cruz
I’ve been no porn/no fap for years. Sure I’ve relapsed a few times but honestly it’s been a couple years of just straight sex with my wife, nothing else. I’ve not noticed one iota of difference in any sense of the word. I think it’s 100% retarded meme.
Cameron Garcia
Show flag and then we'll talk
Adrian Butler
Says goldsteinmememeflagshecklekike
Chase Young
So you're still ejaculating for recreation. Sex is only for making babies.
Indeed. My longest nofap streak was 26 days and I basically felt like a demi-god or some shit like that.
Luis Gutierrez
since taking this pill I masterbate less, and look at porn less. I still find it very difficult to stop masterbating/ looking at porn completely. Porn hasn't corrupted me.. I don't look at psycho shit just normal heterosexual shit. I'm a high test guy.. so going full no fap has been tough. Managed to go like 2 weeks but I had all this pent up energy ended up getting into a fight.. now in a lawsuit cuz the fucking nigger can't fight with honor (punched out my two front teeth as i was walking away after I had already won the fight).. so no fap is dangerous if you are an angry person.
William Gonzalez
show your flag and prove you aren't an israeli shill trying to get goyim sexually frustrated so they go out and do stupid shit.
David Sanders
just dont coom to them
John Hill
OP is right, semen retention really works, it gives you drive to do things, meet girls, go out, etc. I went like 6 months without fapping and without watching porn and managed to get a girlfriend for the first time. Dont dwell on the self-pity if you relapse.
Aiden Flores
show your flag
Nathan Ortiz
>semen retention really works, it gives you drive to do things, meet girls It's called "horniness" you faggot.
Juan Ramirez
>do not ejaculate based and prostate cancer pilled
thats all semen retention can do.. if you are so fucking fucked in the head and use porn as an excuse to not pursue women then not looking at porn/ masterbaiting would help you then develop the courage to actually go and talk with a woman. Most of us aren't faggots who can manage our porn viewing habits and masterbaition. Nofap is just a test of your self will. It lets you see how much your dick controls your mind. The more you can de-sexualize yourself the more you feel in control. However no-fap can create this sense of feeling too powerful and if you are an angry person this can lead to issues if you do stupid shit.
its not. fuck niggers. suing the nigger and the gym where it happened. Could of gotten jumped by his 2 nigger friends but i obviously intimidated them.
kek, just remembered how i got kicked out of a club on day 7 after some dude stepped on my shoe, and i punched him back.
Thomas Carter
lmao i swear these no fap threads are glowniggers. They want us to not masturbate so we flip out. I get that its against god and all but ffs we are only men. In this sexualized society I would think God would give us a pass for touching our dicks every now and then
Joshua Watson
That's the reason why nofap doesnt work for me, it escalates things quickly.
David Baker
Charles Ortiz
Add to the list, avoid dwelling and ruminating on sexual thoughts acknowledge it, then move on to a nonsexual thought like chess or organizing your sock drawer.
Eli Bell
Oh yes, no sex apart from dry reproductive purpose, and even then - with least enjoyment possible will bring us to victory in no time. All hail Big Brother All hail Airstrip One
Ryder Bell
Did nofap for 94 days, it's just a fucinkg meme and it drains your willpower. Masturbating once a week without porn or any erotic material is ok
Angel Diaz
bump don't be a slave to your instinct even beasts can cave we are men we must rise above.
Austin Young
A meme flag
Matthew Bailey
Do no fap for no longer than 9 days. Your testosterone levels drop again after that.
Daniel Flores
>The hardest redpill : Do not masturbate, do not ejaculate, do not watch porn, do not have sex before marriage and only to procreate (both in men and women and not cheat afterwards).
Horniness is your body telling you go out and fuck. Control it but embrace it at the same time.
Hudson Taylor
Sorry but I'm going to fuck my girlfriend as much as I like, if god didn't want me having sex outside of marriage then he shouldn't of given us functional reproductive organs
Luke Morgan
nah i wouldnt say so, im around day 90 rn, im much more outgoing, flirting with girls when out and working out. usually i preffered to play games on my pc on weekends kek. yeah, its a little harder to control yourself it did the opposite for me.
good for you user. I just don't really see a difference with my social behavior when i've gone a week or more on no fap. I'm the same regardless .if I see a pretty girl and see a situation to create a conversation I do it ; regardless if not if I have masturbated recently... I can see how porn can make guys shy and shit because they start to view women as sexual objects rather than people but that is some real psychotic/incel shit.
Christian Scott
Hope you can get them for everything they have. I could have pressed charges on a spic once, but turned it down. I still kick myself for it
Owen Jones
Not only that, it boosts my ego too hard. You'll make your boss your bitch and how the things are, that's impossible.
Ian Powell
after few months of retention you will ejaculate during a wet dream at night, happend to me and it's fucking embarasing, feels like old times when you pissed your pants as a kid
thanks for proving that u meme flags are all jews/ glow niggers/ muslims
John Green
i'll maybe be able to get like 25k... the court where we will sue the gym has a max of 25k. Anything higher and the gym would really fight me (or so my lawyer says).. and my case isn't 100% strong as I did fight the guy, but he assaulted me after the fight was over on gym property... so we'll see. Thanks user. Don't relax around blacks.
Jason Johnson
Noporn is legit, Nofap is a meme. Jacking it is perfectly natural and helps curb prostate cancer (although you'll jizz in your sleep which helps this somewhat, but it isn't frequent enough). Porn completely fucks with your brain and any sensible person will never tell you to not masturbate.
However the thing I struggled with is the way I jacked off correlated with my porn habits ie I was always sitting in a computer chair and using the "deathgrip" around my cock. Doing it in my bed with lube or using a Tenga helped me break my porn addiction.
Easton Gutierrez
Her arse looks good uncensored
Austin Murphy
This is based
Nolan Long
no fap can give u some pretty intense wet dreams though. But it doesn't feel good having to wake up and wipe your dick off after lol. fucking succubus(s)
Why would a Jew spout the words "blessed mary"? you haven't thought about that right?!
Ryan Diaz
the nofap memes came from ancient monks that believed semen was the physical source of the seed of life and could perform miracles through its transmutation
of course few people bother to pay close attention to their physical bodies or learn how to transmute something as simple as a thought so not many people are going to notice any sort of effects from nofap
Lucas Ward
enjoy ejaculating in your underwear during your sleep, and being led by women
Jeremiah Diaz
Noporn is real, nofap is meme
Hunter Anderson
oh so you are a catholic. even worse mary worshipper
Christopher Howard
Lifting and cardio helps to speed it up to 3 days or so. Also Zinc and some Macca pills.
Gavin Edwards
Lmfao what is the source on the image
Also how do you explain all the super powerful Jewish perverts if semen retention supposedly grants you power?
I am trying to kick masturbation because it is harming my life, I am addicted to porn, but I am playing devil's advocate.
Its a perverted system, where they gain power. Like I said, semen retention leads to more male aggressivity, the oppossite of the jewish faggot system of victim playing.
Levi Edwards
then you have a low drive enough to go for no fap, it might work for you but not for normal people
James Collins
So why do I want to have "male aggressivety" in 2019 if Jewish cunning is what gets you to the top in 2019?
But I agree with you and am not going to masturbate tonight seeing as how it is basically destroying my life.
Andrew Williams
only about 0,00012% or so of males today are even capable of mustering such mental strenght. Most humans today are mere insects, sadly.
there are more than 0.00012% asexual people who can pull it off no prob, don't need to get on your high horse, it's not just about being able to or not, but whether one wants it
Asher Bennett
Just sayin' bru. I wrote earlier in this thread no fap didnt work out well for me, it made my boss my bitch and that's not going to work well.
it was nice read untill.. >With the Islamic faith promoting the same anti-masturbation rule, it’s no wonder why cities like Dubai are being created out of baron desert terrain.
Eli Wright
whassup peru
Jonathan Green
nofap made my focus so shitty I couldn't read more than one sentence of your post, but I'm much more motivated
Colton Young
No, Op. Your ends are right (yet for the wrong reasons) but the means are wrong. In most young people the demonic sexual urge is too strong to be able to give up both the act and self relief. Hence one should prefer self relief which is 10x less bad. Marriage has no bearing on the matter, the act itself is bad. For the purpose of procreation I believe there are other ways.
Hunter Sanders
Why do you care about men's semen, Shlomo?
Your reverse psychology won't work.
Brody Wilson
Based OP. Porn is a jewish control tool.
Daniel Ross
ah yes, because sexual repression worked so well for the churches. embrace your true self, fuck kids.
Easton Morgan
quick question on retention. What if I take in a bunch of loads from men, but keep my cum inside, would that give me special powers?
I've taken loads on the face and back etc, but nothing beats a nut in the mouth.
I wish hacker incels like this existed. It could get scary though.
Henry Bailey
Sex is pretty fun dood..i think you should try it...just don’t fuck your soul away
Hunter Fisher
>Do not masturbate, do not ejaculate, do not watch porn, do not have sex before marriage and only to procreate so difficult, I can keep away for sometime, I think I need to invest my energy into other things.
Connor Harris
>so no fap is dangerous if you are an angry person. I second this
Ian Wilson
Shut up Muslim cock suckers. Nazis love brown Muslim dick. You're over here telling me not to masterbate all the while you've got multiple brown muslim dicks going in and out of your every orifice. The key to victory for nazis is Muslim cock, lost wars, and destroyed culture.
Owen Torres
I keep reminding myself how pathetic it is to jerk it to pixels, but when I remember that my foreskin is still tight I don't see how it could get any worse
Anthony Carter
Those are simply ways to get dopamine in a healthier (and less intense) way. The trick to nofap/noporn is filling up the void you created when abandoning your virtual dopamine world.
Jacob Martin
Kek, finding out the jew is behind most porn is what got me on a 22 day streak. Even when relapsing now, I don't enjoy it and am usually back on the saddle. 15 days clear as of today.
Jayden Gray
Same, i did a few months but girls pick up after like 10 days and its hard to keep them off at somepoint
Jose Foster
Day 212 here. The mere sight of a woman gets me hard and knocking. On the other hand, none of my fuckups phase me as much as they used to, I get more shit done, and importantly more developments are simply coming to me. Went from depressed/suicidal NEET to depressed/suicidal employee who's about to move out, both developments happened literally in the same month. More will come I'm sure, but what's it good for.
Liam Cooper
You're supposed to use that energy in a productive manner, with self-restraint. You are as much of a nigger as the guy you fought
Brayden Gutierrez
Once you recieve the Godpill, you have no interest in earthly things. It's like you are leaving this place for good. I can only reccomend it. But then, most are unable to achieve it as they are horny little mice.
Not everyone can be Chosen. And that's a good thing.
Hudson Sanders
That's why they constantly mock "Incels", they fear the power of it.
Blake Brooks
As if sex is something special, every fucking monkey does it.
It is not. It is mortal and of the flesh.
To become more and enlightened, you got to leave these things behind. Otherwise you can stop wasting you time.
These pedos at the Vatican act like they did, but they never could - they fuck little kids instead.
All fake chosen.
God does not fake. Try figuring out the rest for yourself. But first, you have to face God. He will decide if you are worth his attention.