Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should join together into one country

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should join together into one country

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would make their birds easier to shag.


No nigga

As part of Russia

Not this shit again. I'll never understand fuckers who insist on mashing different countries together just because "lmoa they're right next to each other so they must be exactly the same". Might as well unite the US with Canada and Mecixo while you're at it, right?

The idea of a "United Baltic Republic" is stupid for a multitude of reasons. The most obvious one being the issue of language.
Latvian and Lithuanian are similar to a limited extent while Estonian is its own separate thing. How would this society communicate? Have several official languages and force everyone to learn all of them? Create some weird hybrid language by combining all three? Go full globalist and make English the lingua franca? And what about all the vatnik immigrants who insist on speaking nothing but Russian?
The whole thing would be an incoherent shitshow that would only create a million new problems instead of solving anything.

Finno-Eesti Khanate now!!

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But I dont care what you think

Wew lads, just gib back suwalki and Grodno and we would be cool.

actually you should give us Wilno

Would you support unity with Finland?

What's with the bird metaphors?

In general I agree with you, but there are many countries with multiple languages, e.g. Switzerland, so it's not like it's completely impossible.
Having visited Vilnius and Tallinn, though, it seemed to me that Lithuania is more similar to Poland than Estonia.

>Might as well unite the US with Canada and Mecixo
Canada, US and Mexico are HUGE countries with different kulture

and you are very tiny countries with very simmiliar origin

>Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should join together into one country

and die

No, it was never a polish clay

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Because most of Jow Forums are imperialists who have deluded themselves into thinking they are nationalists.
Latvians and Lithuanians are Balts, Estonians is Finns
Latvia and Estonia was under German rule, Lithuanians joined up with poles
Latvian and Lithuanian is not like German and Austrian, but more like French and Italian.
Day to day interaction between the 3 are minimal, unlike Canada and USA where every other American you know is actually from up North

of course it was

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-11 12-16-12.jpg (741x91, 34K)

Yes, because that would actually make some sense. It was seriously considered in the 1920s and 30s, but then WW2 came and fucked everything up.

Not simmilar enough to warrant getting lumped in with one another.
And size is not an argument.Several European countries are even smaller, so should they all unite too?

With claims like these might as well give Danzig back to Germans

well... I see a lot of Latvians shopping here (absolutely no idea why) and we go to spend some time in Latvia, because it's cheaper and it is very very quiet - almost no people there

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>pic related
Wtf is happening here. Context pls.

That normal border interaction, nothing that points to some deeper cultural ties.
We aren't as tight as Czechs and Slovaks, are for example

Attached: 1280px-United_Baltic_Duchy_flag.svg.png (1280x782, 3K)

from what I heard, they aren't that close either... you also pic rel

Attached: Joke not got.jpg (600x522, 24K)

Only after belarus, poland and ukraine gives back the rightful clay.

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Yeah we'll call it the USSR

this user has been exposed to feedwater, take him to the infirmary!

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Yeah. Germany.

I got the joke about how everyone has left for Europe or Riga, I did not feel as if it was worth commenting

dang you, humorless braliuk!

soo maybe a sequel

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-11 12-29-40.jpg (471x227, 35K)

Never AGAIN!!!!

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but it was the best thing that ever happened to our countries

no no no no!!! go away! we know you now for what you really are! no more buying up our noblemen with fucking baubles like coats of arms and fancy titles!

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>Join LV LT EST together
>Make new flag
>Make our language
>Start mixing us in breeding camps
>make our own currency
>my dream

ATTENTION: you are now replying to memeflag kike

>become le 56% because clear-cut ethno-linguistic identities are gone

birds is a common word used to refer to a women. not some deep rooted political bollocks from your irrelevant countries.

And what would their capital be i wonder

What about Latveria?

Attached: Latveria is best veria.jpg (1024x699, 240K)


Just keep their 3 capitals and split up their uses like South Afrika

At least I don't live in India.


Estonians and these baltmonkey subhumans are 2 worlds apart. Shithuania should join Pooland instead.

>Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should join together into A MILITARY ALLIANCE
>Have a common army
>Have some nukes
>West will fuck off
>Moscow will fuck off
>Balts can finally mind their own business

In urAnus

Fuck Pooland and fuck Scatvia

Will never happen, kike. Outside of the obvious reasons why, there are some reasons I don't see people voice. I would never want Latvia united with Lithuania is because Lithuania is way more liberal and cucked. Uniting with them would be a massive threat to our country. I don't want niggers imported, I don't want gay rights, I don't want weird sexual degenerate shit. Lithuania can keep it.
Estonians are just weird. We pretend they don't exist. The average person has forgotten that we share a border with them. We don't interact with them, we don't talk about them. They might as well be aliens.

> Lithuania is way more liberal and cucked
Lithuania is way more educated and smart*

>Thus speaks the zirga galva.
t. braliukas

>t. adoring fan

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Sounds like a plan

go to Riga its infested with indians and they are quadrupling by day in few years its same as london
We aren't as gay as you, nobody likes your global dicksucking parades

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>infested with indians
Mostly foreign university students that move further west after graduation. Don't be paranoid. What would people stay here for?

>posting braindead christcuck boomers
nice job faggot

Show flag retard

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Viskas ka turi pasakyti?

Kas nutiko bijai veliava parodyt ar nemoki nes iš tikro retardas esi

Retardas bet ne toks didelis kaip tu, va tau veliava mazvaiki, pipiru pats uzsiberk pagal skoni.

prie makaronu kaiptik

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What not i guess

Latvia has Russia though

you have russia

>Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should join together into one country
Into Russia

Cia prie to makarono kur tau tarp koju kabo?

Russia should evolve into a nuclear wasteland tbqhfam


Yes, I agree. Baltic countries should unite.

And V4 countries should become one country. This would protect them a lot.

I have no problem with V4 countries integrating more.

Every V4 country would win with this. It would be a win-win-win-win situation. Think of all the synergies in terms of our combined economies.

Where all the QT Litvak girls at?

tavo mamai patinka aštriau

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>nuclear wasteland
Sorry but it's what Baltic will evolve into within next decades according to UN, thanks to Ukrainians continuing to run their Chernobyl-type nuclear plants which are well over their service life and don't get repaired.

I wouldn't mind dying of radiation poisoning as long as the world is rid of the eastern slav menace

Sakai... o kodel tik mamai, o kaip as? Kaip skyderastai gyvena, vel lipdukus ruosiasi klijuot girdejau.

>Go full globalist and make English the lingua franca
Yes every country should only speak english

Canada should unironically be annexed by the USA

They had it once. It was called the United Baltic Duchy, and could have been great - an aristocracy, tradition, hierarchy. But Baltic nigger peasants from the woods destroyed it all, and all the work that Baltic Germans had done in creating anything of note in these worthless bogs.

Still pains to me this day that the Baltics could have been turned into a small, pleasant little duchy with German culture. Instead, we get three different types of shit stains who love sucking American globohomo dick.

as well as baja california

can't believe you guys let the beaners have that

I wouldn’t mind annexing Mexico too but we’d have to deport all the Mexicans first

>Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should join together into one country

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What is wrong with you fucking pederasts constantly pushing for European countries to join into shitty unions? Are you really that fucking subverted to imagine three different cultures and languages forcefully merged is a good idea? Look at what happened as soon as the s*viets collapsed.

We want a United States of Europe
>A single twig will snap
>a mighty faggot will never break

Mutts want to unite and destroy Europe because they envy our pure blood.