Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should join together into one country
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should join together into one country
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would make their birds easier to shag.
No nigga
As part of Russia
Not this shit again. I'll never understand fuckers who insist on mashing different countries together just because "lmoa they're right next to each other so they must be exactly the same". Might as well unite the US with Canada and Mecixo while you're at it, right?
The idea of a "United Baltic Republic" is stupid for a multitude of reasons. The most obvious one being the issue of language.
Latvian and Lithuanian are similar to a limited extent while Estonian is its own separate thing. How would this society communicate? Have several official languages and force everyone to learn all of them? Create some weird hybrid language by combining all three? Go full globalist and make English the lingua franca? And what about all the vatnik immigrants who insist on speaking nothing but Russian?
The whole thing would be an incoherent shitshow that would only create a million new problems instead of solving anything.
Finno-Eesti Khanate now!!
But I dont care what you think
Wew lads, just gib back suwalki and Grodno and we would be cool.
actually you should give us Wilno