Welcome to Wakanda

>Welcome to Wakanda
>State your business wh*toid

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Fuck off nigger
>Pic related


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Why the fuck would I want to go to Wakanda for any reason?

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I have a boat full of Wakandians. Where can we unload it?

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Attached: a black person in a sea of niggers.jpg (1200x920, 585K)

Do you ever sleep turkroach? How sad must your existence be to actually want to be a nigger instead of what you are? I would have killed myself long before getting to that point.

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Where da black women at. I’m finna get my dick wet ya heard


If there is any justice in the world Atlantis.

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I'm the guy who's delivering the food aid parcels from the UN. You know, because of the famine you guys are having? If you just want to sign here so I can drop this off...oh, you can't write?...well, OK, yeah, sure a bit of cow shit smeared on the paper should do fine, I guess...