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Righties BTFO and seething.


Enjoy your demise

They turned off the power for 16,000 white people in Napa, Sonoma, and Marin counties last week because there’s no money for wild fire prevention or power line maintenance though :^) fuck this goddamn state

How about you pay the farmers whose fields you destroyed to build a train first.

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mean while i have to pay 20% co-pay till i exceed 5k

I lived there two years in Gardena, left in early 2018. I will never ever go back to this shithole filled with spics, niggers, chinks.

California and Texas are part of Mexico. Pick up q book.

good, the faster this shithole of a state falls the better. the people of this state are already tired of paying taxes that they btfo Measure EE.

Thank god for the repeal of SALT

Good this state is stupid
We need another Reagan to fix this state.
I'm a government employee. I expect to return to furloughs in a few years.

*and also everyone else because the state currently has a budget surplus

Had to be a pretty epic burn if they couldn't steal it.

Really is that it? I have to pay double that before I start seeing any benefit with the insurance offered to me. That’s why I’ve just been saving up what would’ve been my premium and I’m up to almost 20k in medical/emergency funds

you're retarded honestly

I've been keeping tabs on the Dems who proposed it, they were pretty shocked lol

i rather go to Mexico fucking insurance doesn't cover shit.

>have surplus lets spend it now
fucking retarded why don't they put it investments that generate more wealth long term to help the state life norway did with the oil boom.

Sounds like you should have an HSA buddy-ro, look into it

because the state is supposed to provide for its people.

The "paid healthcare" is a $100 rebate back to families of 4 that make over 150k on premium payments

you're crying over nothing and are also a fucking moron and likely a psychopath

>surplus last forever blow it on healthcare NOW!!!

holy shit you fucking nerd nobody gives a fuck
living with human decency is infinitely more important that any stupid shit like a balanced budget.


on foreigners instead of cali citizens byw

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How does California even exist anymore?

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>waste it no for short term helping other with decency vs long term helping even more with decency

are you retarded?


All the white liberals will just move to Texas and vote the exact same thing.

tax silicon valley
better yet just seize all their assets

not true btw

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eject them from the union. Let them merge with mexico

>silicone valley is forever.
fucking retarded and short-term and short cited.

Does mexico even want them?

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Mexicans aren't its people. Oh wait, half of California under 18 is Mexican. Your right nm.

The sooner California collapses and becomes another failed Latin American country, the better.

only their baja neighbor who tries to emulate California.

>waaaah give me free shit
>m-muh human decency
Fuck, I can't wait to hang you people.

Not really, it would be additional strain for commiefornia budget and close to collapse.

>To pay for part of it, the state agreed to start taxing people who don’t have health insurance.

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8.4 million uninsured Americans, 2.5 million homeless American children. What the fuck are Californians doing?

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you cant even hang from a pullup bar bubba

Damn right I'm annoyed. I border California. Guess who is going to be seeing more Commiefornians coming to his state and bringing their shitty ideas with them, all the while never once realizing their shitty ideas are why they left their shitty state in the first place?

Yet California has $1.5 Trillion in unfunded debt obligations. Wtf California?

Why don't we just sell California and everyone in it to Mexico and build the wall around it?

How is this bad?

>>To pay for part of it, the state agreed to start taxing people who don’t have health insurance.
holy shit fuck this state.

Reagan ruined the state, fucknuts

Joint custody between the US and Mexico, US government is struggling to maintain control

If you're an American in California you would be better off if you identified as an illegal alien.

Are they trying to drive out taxpayers?

US citizens already a minority in san diego

this, living in this state is a nightmare. you get to see everything around you burn and theres nothing you can do about it except wait for the collapse.

Arizonafag here, I feel your pain my friend. Unfortunately they've already invaded Arizona in sufficient numbers to begin ruining the place....

70k a year is barely making status in the status in California cities. Now you are paying for non-citizens of the state's healthcare. mean while they added a gas tax to fuck driver "to fix the roads" fucking horse shit, meanwhile schools are under funded, teacher are under paided, who want to be a teacher when everyone treats you like shit and school dont got supplies.

>What the fuck are Californians doing?

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Funny, as you can't even afford a pull-up bar or a gym membership, lmao.

> Only republican majority in state assembly since 74'
> Democrat majority in HoR since 54' save 1 year where seats where split
> Last senator with an R beside their name was in 92'
> Reagan ruined the state

Jesus fuck can you be less self aware?

Can we just defund California on the federal level already?

Where is the money going to come from?

Marin is one of the worst counties in america.

Give free Healthcare to thousands.
Forget to build hospitals and get more doctors.
Good luck waiting for 3 days in the ER waiting room next time you have an emergency.

> I feel so good about what we did
> Oh wow I can't afford my onions chai latte anymore
> Oh wow taxes are so high, why are they so high!
> Let's move
> This state is so backwards, they really need to do more...

>We can say we have a surplus if we ignore the money we owe to future and late pensions .

They don't have a surplus.

You, lol.

California is a good example of how democracy does not work without a cohesive group of people. Various competing groups fight to fund their lifestyle at the expense of others. This makes it impossible to fix essential services as each group tries to grab the most amount of tax dollars they can.



>What the fuck are Californians doing?

Like anyone has any control over their state government anymore.


Fuck teachers you nigger. Teaches union destroyed this country.


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