When this guy wore a shirt that a friend of his (who is a girl) made and he got crucified by the media for no reason
>what were they distracting us from?
>land shit on comet
>nobody cares about what he did
>his shirt is sexist
>"this is y women don't pursue science n shit" message everywhere
>cries while forced apology
I remember
Nothing was going on at the time so everyone (media) jumped in on this and ruined someone's life over a mediocre fantasy shirt
that fat neckbeard is 100% soi
Yeah that was hilarious. They treated him like a rapist but he’s just a gay nerd.
If you're landing spaceships on comets or exploring space your allowed to be a bit soi.
he looks like a chad on the left pic, cope harder mohammed
He looks like Gordon Freeman
Looking this up it the news was saying he was wearing a shirt “covered in naked women”.
The sluts on Instagram are wearing less than the cartoons on his shirt.
its a thing now, I have t-shirts with bikini women on them, wearing them I am guaranteed dirty looks from fat danger haired femcels
I think it was the alpha test for gamergate
Haha that controversy really JUST’d him.
the absolute state of white people
I remember this. It happened the same time as the uva rape scandal and all I could think of was what the Fuck is going on with journalist really woke me up on how bad they are
He deserved it for being a fucking faggot and not standing up for himself
that shirt is a HATE CRIME
>what were they distracting us from?
Th neo-liberal corporate hellworld that cucks us all.
Anti white horseshit in a nutshell, really.
Why the hell does anyone apologize for something like that?
>***im not your stereotypical scientist outfit***
>gets called out
>takes it like a bitch
would have been much cooler if his idgaf shirt had a matching idgaf attitude but clearly the shirt is compensating for the fact that he's a pathetic faggot
Maybe he does but he figured it'd be better just to bullshit the media and keep your job. That's probably what I would do.
(That instinctive enter key)
It is _never_ better to (((bullshit))) to keep your job, you disgusting liar, you're fucking fired.
he's a government worker. his job was safe and he's a poser.
They dont want to see navy shirts then, got one of some cunts saddling torpedos with theirs tits out, I forget the submarines number, dad gave it me a long time ago, I would lol if a turbo thot got mad, would also back hand the ditzy bitch
>I have two personalities
>chaddest scientist you'll ever meet and absolute fucking soiboi
NASA played the situation very well.
Space race was about precision missile tech.
Who could land an ICBM where.
Moon was a great objective to show this off to everyone in the world.
The comet, was that x1000. Not only can we hit you with that ICBM. We can put it up your ass as you reach down for your morning paper.
That's the purpose of NASA and it's rocket tech.
>Just take it in the ass and you'll live , faggot
He was a patethic weakling that dishonoured himself before some SJW hate mob.
He had no reasons to apologize but yet he whined and cried tears because strangers called him XY-ist
>It is _never_ better to (((bullshit))) to keep your job,
Keeps food on the table, and you don't end up like the rest of the homeless population.
This. Also, he cried like a fag and apologized.
great rebuttal you utter reddit faggot
Don't let the muscle definition and tattoos fool you, he folded like a cheap whore when feminists confronted him about his shirt. Pure onions
Probably to keep their job or girlfriend/wife that's the motivation behind 90% of all human actions